Curse you, Weather-people! We will have fun no matter what!!

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Joined: 09/12/2010
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Curse you, Weather-people! We will have fun no matter what!!

I've been watching the temps in DisneyLand get adjusted downwards for the past few days. Gus and Dora had to cover their little doggie ears this morning after my spew of not-nice words....and I know, comparatively it's not all that cold, but geez....really? From 83 to 69? And then 63?! Bah....But i don't care fun will be had by all! It's DISNEY and it's just a few days away!

yay muchlove clapping biggrin clapping muchlove yay

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Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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That's the attitude to have Jeff and besides weather forcasters have been known to be wrong before. Oh! and also that is warmer than when we were there and we had a GREAT time. clapping


disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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nothing a nice Disney hoodie can't fix. awesome

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Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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I would love the 60's right about now! You won't be cold and you won't be too hot!


mimi's picture
Joined: 11/27/2012
Posts: 234

stars 3 more days stars 3 more days stars How incredibly awesome!
pooh pooh on the weather - you'll have a wonderful time!

PS: Where do Gus and Dora go when you're at Disney? And what kind of puppies are they? any pictures to share? just curious

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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So excited to hear about your Disneyland trip.


J.P.'s picture
Joined: 12/08/2010
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That's a good attitude JeffC! If it makes you feel any better Disney World's weather is on a downward trend this week too.

I love that disney hoodie idea disneydoc!!

Courtney's picture
Joined: 12/02/2011
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think of it this way, the slightly lower temps will keep the locals away giving you smaller crowds and shorter lineups.

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Kat's picture
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disneydoc wrote:
nothing a nice Disney hoodie can't fix. awesome

awesome awesome awesome


Fall 2015: Master's Degree Graduation Trip, Details TBD! Can't wait to be back in the World!
Nov. 2014: Baby's First 1/2 Day at the Magic Kingdom; our date day at Hollywood studios
Jan. 2014: Our princess was born!
May 2013: Our POR & DCL honeymoon (& my husband's first Disney trip of hopefully many!)
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Eeyore's picture
Joined: 11/22/2012
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It could be snowing in Anaheim and you would still have a blast with the mouse! biggrin

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JeffC I feel your pain. I am ready to dissect a certain rodent by the name of Punxy Phil for his rotten prognostication. Sick to death of snow and cold and I am so ready for temps in the 40s and 50s.

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mimi wrote:
PS: Where do Gus and Dora go when you're at Disney? And what kind of puppies are they? any pictures to share? just curious

The pups go to the Wag Hotel while we're gone. They get spoiled and we get a webcam.

Pictures, you say?! Well, if you insist....Gus is the Chocolate one, Dora the Black & Tan...dachshunds! clapping clapping

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mimi's picture
Joined: 11/27/2012
Posts: 234

OMG! muchlove muchlove muchlove I love them! They are so adorable and they pose so well! We have a spoiled rotten yorkie (very same colorings of Dora, down to the patch of white on her -ahem-, chest silly ) We've been looking at getting our yorkie a baby sister and my husband is crazy about dachshunds - I love them too but I'm leaning towards a teacup yorkie.... sorry.....

Your babies are absolutely precious! I could just smooch those litte doggie snouts... Big smile

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Any day at Disney is a good day, cold or not. You are gonna have a Great Time! mickey



If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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If it's chilly after dark be sure to take a jacket/sweater for the night time shows. Both of them have the water screens and if there's any wind you could get wet. Not so much that it's usually a problem, but coupled with the lower temp and it can be chilly.

A chill in the air or no, you're almost back at DISNEY!! yay yay yay

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Boo on colder temps (though that sounds like heaven to me right now!) but yay for only one more day!!! yay clapping yay