Disney 2000 Commemorative Glasses - Complete

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Joined: 08/30/2008
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Disney 2000 Commemorative Glasses - Complete

The thing about most of us Disney fanatics is that, we simply can't go for a minute without the instinct of looking for Disney stuff.

This is what happened to me yesterday. I was enjoying the weather and visited a place nearby that I've never been to. It was a pleasant stroll through a rather small town on the Fox River near here. Lo and behold, they had a Farmer's Market, and of course I had to walk through it. Besides the produce and stuff, they also had people selling some of their items from home, very much like a sidwalk/yard/garage sale. And one person had this collection of commemorative Disney glasses from 2000 that I've been looking for.

It's a set of 4, each one represents each of the 4 WDW theme parks. I already have two, and had been wanting to complete the set, but haven't been trying too hard. These are on sale on ebay, but people were asking $18-$45 for the entire set, way more than what I wanted to pay. This lady was selling the complete set for $12. After bargaining for a couple of minutes, I got it down to $10, and paid for the entire set.

I probably could have haggled a bit more, or walked away and came back later, but it was such a gorgeous day, and I was feeling generous.

So now I have extra MK and DAK commemorative glasses. Maybe I'll sell those in my next garage sale! Smile



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JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

What a great find, Zz.


Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
Posts: 688

Nice! I love seeing what I can find a little sales like this!


omnia mea mecum porto.

@byhardy on twitter.

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

What a great collection, Zz! Congrats on the find!

I am a horrible haggler. Joe just rolls his eyes at me. A typical garage sale exchange would go like this:

Jeff: OMG look at those Disney collectible glasses!!! THEY ARE ONLY $12!!!!
Joe: Why don't you try to haggle him/her down to $10 or less
Jeff: OK!

Jeff to seller: Those are GREAT glasses - how much will you take for them?
Seller: $12
Jeff: OK!!!!! I'LL TAKE THEM!

Joe: Rolls eyes....

Joined: 08/30/2008
Posts: 3555

Did we lose some posts since this morning? I'm reading a few threads and unless I had a stroke, I could have sworn they all had more posts than what I'm reading now.



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Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 1905

Yes, we are missing some posts. This thread is missing at least three posts, if not more than that.

dontthrowsand's picture
Joined: 05/28/2012
Posts: 359

I used to have those! Over the years they have broken. I still have some of the 25th anniversary glasses though. This one is my favourite.

mteam94's picture
Joined: 07/17/2012
Posts: 58

I bought a set of the 25th Anniversary glasses for $10 at a garage sale about 4 years ago! I don't think they knew what they had. I also just found the Animal Kingdom commemorative glass at a garage sale this spring for $1. I was so excited. I just need to find the other 3 now. Laughing out loud