Help! So I just went with my sisters and brother on a 4 day kind of last minute trip. Where my family has done Disney World plenty, this will be the first time we as a family are staying on site and using the dining plan as we used to stay with my Mom who only lived 30 minutes away. We got the 1 CS, 1 Dining, 1 Snack. So where my siblings are much more up on going on site and using the dining plan, they said that I should be getting right on with making reservations for my dining options as we are going mid August and they said that lots of places may already be booked! WHAT?!?!
So where do I go from here??? How do I book and how on earth decide where we will be on any particular day as we are ones who do stuff on the spur of the moment! Should I stick with the dining plan? Is it really a great deal or should we just go and see where we can get in? Do they leave a particular number of reservations at restaurants open for that particular day for people without the dining plan or do they only take so many reservations for people on the dining plan???? How limited is the dining plan as to where we can eat?? Totally bewildered and confused and obviously behind the power curve!
Oh, and on a totally food unrelated note, when should I book our fast passes???