I had the chance to catch a bit of Ayacullo's recent podcast and wondered if anyone here listens reguarly to one of the many Disney podcasts, and if so, which one? I'd love some suggestions for great shows.
May 2008 CSR
I had the chance to catch a bit of Ayacullo's recent podcast and wondered if anyone here listens reguarly to one of the many Disney podcasts, and if so, which one? I'd love some suggestions for great shows.
May 2008 CSR
I went through a phase about a year ago where I listened to one or two of all that I could find. Let me say that I'm not being critical of any one style or way of doing these. Each type has their own individual fan base. Plus, I admire the tenacity of anyone willing to put the work in to develop one of these.
First of all, there are a LOT of them out there. There are podcasts done that the originators put a lot of work in to, and there are others that sound like they turned on the microphone and started thinking about the show. Your tastes will determine whether you consider one better than the other. Some have guests from the world of Disney, and some don't. Some are consistently produced, and others aren't.
I'd grab a couple of each and listen to them and see what they have to offer. There are a few that it took me five minutes to know that I liked, or vice versa. I listened to one on my Ipod one day while mowing the lawn, and the first 15 minutes I was on the mower, the host never mentioned Disney or one other thing I was interested in. I never listened to that one again.
I like mine either to be 1) packed full of interviews or information (particularly if it is a long one); or 2) concise and to the point. That's just me. I have friends that listen to most every podcast that is produced out there and cherish every moment.
If I had to pick one to start with it would probably be 'Extinct Attractions'. David O'neal has a wonderful library of interviews and shows, and he is right on top of the action out there in Anaheim. Plus, a lot of his shows are history oriented, and thats where my interests lie. I can find a dozen shows that feature the opening of 'The American Idol Experience', but maybe only one tells me about the development of a certain attraction. Thats the great thing about Itunes. You can grab a couple of all of them, listen to a few and then be kept up to date from that point forward.
I'll be curious to see which ones of these you folks recommend.
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I have friends that listen to most every podcast that is produced out there and cherish every moment.
2010 Beach Club Resort
2005 Port Orleans Riverside
2006 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2007 Wilderness Lodge
2008 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2009 CBR/Polynesian
I've been sampling podcasts by the guys at WDW Today. They can be entertaining. They do 3 podcasts per week. and at least once a week, their podcasts will answer listener questions. It depends on the topic whether I'll listen to a podcast or not. I don't always agree with their
opinions, but I have gotten some good nuggets of information from them. And it helps pass the time at work when I'm stuck on a tedious project.
I've been sampling podcasts by the guys at WDW Today. They can be entertaining. They do 3 podcasts per week. and at least once a week, their podcasts will answer listener questions. It depends on the topic whether I'll listen to a podcast or not. I don't always agree with their
opinions, but I have gotten some good nuggets of information from them. And it helps pass the time at work when I'm stuck on a tedious project.![]()
Those guys strike be as being one of the first Disney podcasts--am I right?
Not sure about their timeline, but they sure do an excellent job.
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It probably takes a while to "find your angle." I've never been a huge podcast fan because I find that the information is not dense enough. I can get the same amount of information in about 5 minutes of reading that I can get in a 45 minute podcast. They do however have their use if you commute on mass transit or want something to listen to in the background while you're working.
I can get the same amount of information in about 5 minutes of reading that I can get in a 45 minute podcast.
Let's face it, a lot of podcasters like to hear themselves talk.
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I have listened to almost all the Disney podcasts out there and have narrowed it down to two that I love.
The first has already been mentioned - WDW Today.
I also love Netcot, which is not for those who are looking for something that never criticizes Disney....the host Van love Disney obviously, but if he thinks that something should be fixed he will say so. He has a sense of humor, just like the guys on WDW Today, so that makes it really enjoyable
Thanks for the recommendations. I wonder if there are podcast awards or something.
2010 Beach Club Resort
2005 Port Orleans Riverside
2006 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2007 Wilderness Lodge
2008 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2009 CBR/Polynesian
Thanks for the recommendations. I wonder if there are podcast awards or something.
I remember Cali Lewis on GeekBrief talking about being up for a podcast award a few months ago. Not sure what the name was though.
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Is that a DisneyGeeks podcast?
2010 Beach Club Resort
2005 Port Orleans Riverside
2006 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2007 Wilderness Lodge
2008 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2009 CBR/Polynesian
Is that a DisneyGeeks podcast?
Nope, geekbrief is a podcast that looks at technology and stuff happening in the computer, internet, etc. world. It is published daily and is usually about 3 minutes, unless she has special guests, then it can go six or seven. She's very well known, and had a couple of the cast of the show 'Heroes' on there a week or so ago.
They not only look at those items, but anything else that catches their fancy (as Cali has a thing for remote control helicopters).
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MouseTraveler - what's the feed addy for the Extinct Attractions podcast? I tried to google it (admittedly, very quickly) and found the blog but didn't see the RSS feed on there. Sounds like it'd be interesting.
I've listened to Netcot but had some problems getting it on my Windows Mobile phone. Must try it again becuase I do enjoy his irreverant attitude.
There definitely are podcast awards. Can't remember the name of the award, but I know Lou Mongello has won it three years in a row. The first year, he won it for his MouseTunes podcast that he did with someone else. They parted ways and for the last two years he's won it for my favorite podcast - WDWRadio. I'm always surprised by the interviews this guy gets! He did one a few months ago with Richard Sherman and just this past week he had Mouseketeer Lonnie on there. He has some great features on there when he doesn't have interviews. And it sounds professionally produced. That's something I like in a podcast -- where it kind of sounds like someone knows what they're doing.
That's also why I like Inside the Magic. Ricky Brigante has some wonderful segments on his show too and it's lots of fun!
I just started listening to the DisneyBrit podcast. I love hearing the news about Disneyland Paris and the accents are fun too!
Pixie Dusted and Prepared,
SpaceAce wrote:Is that a DisneyGeeks podcast?Nope, geekbrief is a podcast that looks at technology and stuff happening in the computer, internet, etc. world.
I just started listening to the DisneyBrit podcast. I love hearing the news about Disneyland Paris and the accents are fun too!
2010 Beach Club Resort
2005 Port Orleans Riverside
2006 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2007 Wilderness Lodge
2008 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2009 CBR/Polynesian
MouseTraveler - what's the feed addy for the Extinct Attractions podcast? I tried to google it (admittedly, very quickly) and found the blog but didn't see the RSS feed on there. Sounds like it'd be interesting.
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AAAH!! Too many podcasts I want to try!!!
May 2008 CSR
I have to second Caitie (no surprise there) -- Netcot is GREAT. I have very little patience for listening to talk but Van is always entertaining and knows his Disney. I sometimes like WDW Today, but three podcasts a week is a bit much to keep up with.
Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man
Where does everyone listen to podcasts? On your computer? Downloaded to your ipod? In your car?
May 2008 CSR
Caitie and I usually stock them up and we take a trip will sometimes do marathon listens of four or five in a row.
I'm more of a sing along to musicals person, so there's usually only so much I can take before I want to go back to music..
Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man
Caitie and I usually stock them up and we take a trip will sometimes do marathon listens of four or five in a row.I'm more of a sing along to musicals person, so there's usually only so much I can take before I want to go back to music..
Ooh what musicals!??! I'm a musical fan myself!
I think some of you folks are also DISers.....I used to enjoy the DIS Unplugged podcast. There is a team of folks that discuss new announcements, review restaurants, try various things at WDW (that is where I first heard about the Backstage Safari tour) and report on them, and have general round table discussion. I quickly came to feel that the folks were my friends.....I think I would enjoy hanging out with them! Was very sad when Bawb passed away....They will criticize Disney when warranted and praise as well. I spent many lunch times in my office laughing out loud! And I often quoted to DH, "On the podcast, they were talking about..."I stopped listening because the structure of my day changed, but at times I do miss my buddies!
I wonder if DIS Unplugged is still as good as it was when you were listening, Dopeynme. How long's it been since you were a regular?
2010 Beach Club Resort
2005 Port Orleans Riverside
2006 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2007 Wilderness Lodge
2008 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2009 CBR/Polynesian
Hmmmm, it's probably been about a year and a half.......It's possible that it has changed or maybe even some of the folks have left, I don't know. I was surprised that no one had mentioned it yet.
Dis usually produces good stuff; I'm sure that's one of the top podcasts.
cdub - the list is HUGE - I have a very large collection of cast albums (the count is somewhere over 1500).
Right now we're obsessed with Sleeping Beauty Wakes, though what we're listening to at any given moment varies.
If you haven't seen it and like musicals, check out thebatterysdown.com -- some very entertaining stuff there!
Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man
cdub - the list is HUGE - I have a very large collection of cast albums (the count is somewhere over 1500).Right now we're obsessed with Sleeping Beauty Wakes, though what we're listening to at any given moment varies.
If you haven't seen it and like musicals, check out thebatterysdown.com -- some very entertaining stuff there!
2010 Beach Club Resort
2005 Port Orleans Riverside
2006 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2007 Wilderness Lodge
2008 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2009 CBR/Polynesian
Ha - never any easy question. With as many as I have, some of the more popular ones are still favorites - Les Mis, Sweeney Todd, Into the Woods -- but I love them all - from the old ones like Showboat and Porgy and Bess right up to In the Heights and Passing Strange. Favorite show I've SEEN - Les Mis. Favorite show to listen to -- honestly, I don't know that I can answer that!
Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man
Les Mis is a wonderful show. I never get tired of it! We've seen it in several cities--where have you seen it?
2010 Beach Club Resort
2005 Port Orleans Riverside
2006 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2007 Wilderness Lodge
2008 Animal Kingdom Lodge
2009 CBR/Polynesian
Ha - never any easy question. With as many as I have, some of the more popular ones are still favorites - Les Mis, Sweeney Todd, Into the Woods -- but I love them all - from the old ones like Showboat and Porgy and Bess right up to In the Heights and Passing Strange. Favorite show I've SEEN - Les Mis. Favorite show to listen to -- honestly, I don't know that I can answer that!
What are your feelings about "Chess?"
I saw Les Mis in New York three times, and I think in Boston once.
I love the score for Chess. I've never seen a production of it, but have the OBC, the OLC, two different concert versions and the Dutch cast recording of it.
Pity the Child easily would make a list of top songs from musicals for me.
Zipadeedoodah -- yeah, man