Disneymoon march 2015

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designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
Posts: 591
Disneymoon march 2015

Hey Guys and girls sorry for not posting for so long I thought I would share some honeymoon pics as I know a lot of people ask about upgrades and things disney do for newly wedding. We did fly the morning after or wedding and arrived less than 24 hours after getting hitched we did also check in in out wedding clothes, If you have any questions or wanna talk honeymoon just ask

here are some photos of our wedding and honeymoon, everything in the hotel was left by disney

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crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
Posts: 3718

Wow! Everything in the room? Awesome. Love the wedding outfits.

designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
Posts: 591

Hey ccp yeah it was pretty crazy, we had been upgraded on our flight and were walking on air at that point when
We arrived the cm on front desk was like "oh this room isn't good enough for you" and asked us to come back in a couple of hours, so we headed out to MK and to grab a picture with the castle we were told buy everyone that Disney would not let us in the park in wedding clothes, well that was not the case, the bus driver pulled up to wilderness lodge where the bus ramp was empty and asked us what park we wanted to go to he was a DHS bus we said MK and he replied "you got it" and took us there on a bus by ourselves, when we arrived the security check guys waved us through and asked for a photo with us, the Cms on the turnstiles all started beconing us towards them, we asked if we could enter and the girl called over a manger and she said "for a picture with the castle sure, it was just before MSEP so everyone was sat on side walks the manger walked us in grabbed a photo pass guy and waited while we had photos we thought she would then walk us out but as we finished she just said "now you gotta meet the boss" and walked us over to the theatre through fast pass and in to mickey, she was even Cool enough to hold the line so the room was empty as we left she explains that we could not pose with guests for photos and then turn away and said "have a great night" we then went and shooed on mainstreet and got our just married buttons, the high light was a little girl grabbing her autograph book looking at my wife and saying " mom I having meet that princess" another little girl thought she was Charlotte from princess and the frog, the guests and Cms were all so polite one lovely older man cleared the line in the emporium as we approached the check out, how funny.

We then went back to wilderness lodge to the check in desk the manager there met us and said "I hear your big fans, your gonna love the room" we had a pool view that looked over the lobby from the door and the widow looked over bay lake.... At 9 pm we could hear and watch the water parade, we had flowers, candles, chocolates, pop corn, mouse ears, campaign, autographs and towels with our names on and more left. It was magical

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Wow, that sounds spectacular! I love all the pictures, but especially the first one. You guys are adorable!

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
Posts: 3718

Double wow! The story gets better and better.

designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
Posts: 591

all of the CM's were amazing all week, we were super lucky that they gave us 3 extra fast passes per day so we had 6 a day. the 3 they gave us were blanket passes so we could just go to what we wanted when ever which was great for a relaxing trip. It got me thinking the just have fast pass be 3 blanket passes you use with out pre booking would be great for wdw in general. Everyone did awesome stuff for us and we ending up turning down things cause we had plans, the manager at WL offered to take us up on the roof of the hotel to drink coco and watch wishes sadly though Char is super scared of heights, so we couldn't do that, we were also offered to sit VIP of the MSEP which is my favourite but we had a reservation that night at be our guest.

The best part was out last day and our last 20 mins in MK in october we were leaving the park and 'be a star' came up to us on main street and was chatting and playing with us, we all danced together and had a lot of fun. she asked when we were coming back and we said march for our honeymoon and she off course said 'come back and see me'.

we had been keeping an eye out for her all week and on the way out of MK the last day there she was, as I approached her she looked shocked and said ' my british friends, how was the wedding!' we were shocked! she broke character a little took photos with us and looked through chars phone at our wedding picture, we all shared a little cry when she said "ill see you next time come back with a baby' she is such a lovley lady and a great CM god bless her. We now feel like we have a family friend that lives on mainstream Smile

we also took photos in our wedding clothes with the amazing ladies that run the Roaring folk, which is on the wall there, by the end of the week we were on first name terms and the free magic cookie bars got a little out of hand.

I strongly recommend honeymooning at WDW to anyone, but don't go in expecting things. every single thing that came to us was a result of saying YES to everything and being involved, we saw another couple the checking in on our third night and when the CM said 'can you come back in a couple of hours' they said NO and start complaining, some times you need to go with the flow to let magic happen. We also saw lots of people exploiting the bride and groom ears, we noticed that Cm's would always ask to see the Chars ring, ask us where we got married and other chit chat that we were later told by our friend is all part of checking you are genuine.

Another tip I would give people is to realise how special small things you get are and not take things for granted, a window seat during wishes in the castle is amazing, sitting front row at fantastic with no fast pass, a booth at brown derby, a free cupcake what ever it is, it is magical.

Another question I get asked on twitter is along with our engagement story and honeymoon how we make these things happen to us, and how much money are we spending on it. We don;t pay any extra for special things and we aren't anyone special, we do have friends who work at wdw and DL but they are character handlers. The honest answer is before every trip we email which every resort we are staying at and tell them are coming and anything special that is happening, we are always super friendly on check in, and we never check in online, if you are looking for any upgrade thats the worst thing to do. If you wanna talk tips for honeymoon or engagement planning I am more than happy to talk about it. but my best tip is just be happy, friendly and open to everything

danijrod's picture
Joined: 10/23/2014
Posts: 414

That all looks amazing! Love the badges!

Mad Hatter's picture
Joined: 09/28/2013
Posts: 149

Looks like you enjoyed an AMAZING Disneymoon! congrats

I would definitely like to second your opinion on Disney magic. You can't create it, you just have to experience it. If you go expecting it, you will be disappointed. However, if you go with the flow, and have an amazing attitude, the magic will happen on its own and make your experiences better than you could have ever imagined.


Things get curiouser and curiouser...

CdnSquirrel's picture
Joined: 10/12/2013
Posts: 365

wow. that sounds absolutely amazing.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

WOW! That is quite a haul Disney gave you there Phil.

amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 1404

wow that's a pretty magical disneymoon you had! everything looks perfect!

NikkiMouse's picture
Joined: 02/19/2015
Posts: 526

I love everyhting about your post! The pictures are great!! clapping


Mousedreaming's picture
Joined: 02/11/2014
Posts: 367

Congratulations! What an amazing honeymoon. And that first picture of the two of you is my favorite.


*Proud Disney Nut*

designedbydisney's picture
Joined: 08/24/2013
Posts: 591

than you all should I do a full trip report??

Mad Hatter's picture
Joined: 09/28/2013
Posts: 149

Absolutely! awesome


Things get curiouser and curiouser...

amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 1404

Yes full trip report!!!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Yes please! clapping

Joined: 06/02/2015
Posts: 462

That is AWESOME! This makes me excited for my Disneymoon though we spaced a couple of days between the wedding and leaving to go to WDW. The Wilderness is my FAVORITE resort so I hope we get to stay there for our Disneymoon! We are doing ours September 9-18th, 2016. This is so exciting I love all the pictures and the special things you guys got to do. So awesome. One of the reasons why I love Disney so... much!


crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
Posts: 3718

Of course you should do a full trip report!