My sister is planning on WDW in June 2012, but is dreading the humidity and the long flight from Denver with 4 kids under the age of 9 so is considering DL. Here's the catch, my 3 yr old neice asks her daily if they are eating in Cinderella's castle today, lol. My sister has looked to see if they have a Royal Table like restaurant at DL but only finds a princess meal at CA Adventure. Of course, I also mentioned if there is one, it'd be Sleeping Beauty's Castle, but she is willing to try to convice my niece that Sleeping Beauty is just as cool as Cindy if it's actually in the castle.
For them, the cost isn't an issue, god bless my BIL's job! It's more the eating in the castle thing, and the dreaded FL weather.
Anyone know any specifics about DL. She's looked but hasn't found anything.
Wishin' I was at WDW!