Do you have a favorite random odd spot in WDW?

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wdwizbest's picture
Joined: 02/03/2017
Posts: 307
Do you have a favorite random odd spot in WDW?

Do you have someplace in WDW that is a favorite spot that may seem random or odd to other people? For example I always liked seating area in the land, the courtyard in front of the France pavilion and the muppet fountain in HS.


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alicemouse's picture
Joined: 10/22/2013
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I love this thread! Great topic!! I'd never considered this before and will probably obsess over it for weeks now, but offhand I'd say:

MK - That little side street off of Main Street where the silhouette artist and Elias Disney's window are at
Epcot - The gardens in the UK
HS - inside One Man's Dream
AK - The soft serve truck near Everest. Best soft serve at WDW and since I don't ride EE, I spend a lot of time at this truck waiting for people.
WDW Resort - down by the geyser at WL
DL - the outdoor seating at Jolly Holiday (or Plaza) when the spring flowers are in bloom
DL Resorts - inside Storytellers Cafe


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Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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Tangled rest area at Magic Kingdom mickey

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

At the MK parking lot, right before going under the overpass to the ticket and transportation center, the large metal Mickey statue on the left side. I always stop and have a pic taken, and just look at it and smile for 30 seconds before moving along. laugh laugh yay mickey mickey

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

OHHHHHH, I like this topic too!

MK - I'm never still long enough in this park. We usually do what we've come to do and move along (you know crowds and all) But if we do stop to smell the roses it is near the restrooms by Pinocchio Villiage House. Where the arches are with benches. It's a great spot to people watch and we also love watching the fireworks from there, they are all around you and SO LOUD!

Epcot - There is a spot in front of the Electric Umbrella - with a view of the fountain. I think it may be one of me oddest spots that will be listed. I just like it for some reason and I always end up there. I stole a pic of it from the interwebs and attached it as it is hard to describe laugh I can eat my popcorn from the nearby stand, watch people come and go and catch the fountain show!!

AK - The seating area behind Flame Tree down by the water. Usually pretty quiet and an AMAZING view of Everest and a cool pool/water feature

HS - This is another park we don't "just hang out in" I never really find myself in the same spot just hanging out when we are there.

Disney Cruise Line - The walking/jogging track - comfy lounge chairs, shuffleboard and a great breeze

DS - Anywhere there is live music, which now there is a lot - I like the area next to the Boathouse the best


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jrice4760's picture
Joined: 01/16/2014
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The DW and I have always enjoyed the small area between Sleepy Hollow and Hall of Presidents. There's a small porch with rockers, just out of the crowd. This is the place where the below impromptu "YMCA" dance off occurred:

wdwizbest's picture
Joined: 02/03/2017
Posts: 307

OK, since others have brought up bathroom areas...... in Epcot at Imagination pavilion all the way to the far right going to the rest rooms. The little path to the right of (Indys) Adventure outpost.


"leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy." " Walt Disney "

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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What a great topic! Hrmmm... odd spots.

I love the area in the France Pavilion behind the Arcade shops. It's just a little courtyard and there are a bunch of gardenia bushes planted, there are a few benches, and it's always pretty shady and quiet.

The new sitting area in the Japan Pavilion for Katsura Grill is really nice and my husband and I spent an hour or so just hanging out there in September.

At the Magic Kingdom, if you stop on the bridge near the Splash Mountain drop and look back towards the castle you have a really amazing view of Cinderella Castle beyond Frontierland. It's really well framed.

Another new one for me is as far back as possible on the Nomad Lounge patio. It's quiet and peaceful, really beautiful.

Uzima Springs pool at Animal Kingdom Lodge is my favorite areas, and the small hot tub is just the perfect little private nook.