Do you plan for Food & Wine Festival?

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Do you plan for Food & Wine Festival?

Yesterday I sat down with the list of menus and figured out what I wanted to eat from the marketplace booths at Food & Wine Festival. My list has prices on it which I added up to get an idea of what we would spend at each booth, where I should use my snack credits for maximum value, and what our daily totals would be. We'll have two days, with a breakfast reservation in the morning each day, so I mapped out which booths/route we would take on each day and listed them in the order we would encounter them. I've got 8 booths one day and 9 booths on the other.

This is the first year that I've really planned so specifically for F&W. The past two years I had an idea of what I wanted to taste, but didn't have a plan. Without a plan I missed a lot of things that I had hoped to taste and just sort of wandered around looking for shoter lines. This year will be different! I hope. biggrin

So, do you plan your path for Food & Wine Festival? Do you know what you want to eat ahead of time, or just wander around once you get there?

Kris1971's picture
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Last year when DH and I were heading down to WDW, I printed out the Festival map ahead of time and circled the things I wanted to try, but that was the extent of my planning. I did try a few things not on my list just because they looked wonderful in person!


Allie's picture
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I made the excel document below that we're taking with us. Lists all of the booths' offerings, prices, and pictures. Things highlighted in green are my "must tries", things highlighted in yellow are my "want to try", and things highlighted in blue are things besides my list that husband wants to try that I'm not really interested in.

fwf.pdf495.23 KB
Becks534's picture
Joined: 12/17/2011
Posts: 277

Good ideas! awesome

I was already thinking of re-loading my Disney gift card so I could use it specifically for F & W booths. All the seafood selections are off limits for me and some booths just don't appeal but many of the menus make me think "Yes, I'll take one of each please!"

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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I made a list of festival booths in order as you walk clockwise around the World Showcase. Each booth includes items that interest me and their prices, and they're all color coded - red means top choice, blue second choice, green third choice, black is stuff I might like to try if I have the time and appetite. Things that don't interest me at all are not on the list. So when we first arrive, I'll aim for the red items. Once I've tried them all I'll move on to blue, then green, then black. Of course, I'll probably hit a couple of favorites twice - I adored the chicken chipotle sausage and tuna poke last year. Things hubby might like that don't interest me are not on the list - if he wants them included, he'll need to look over the menus and tell me what he likes. But knowing him, he'll probably prefer to just wander around and try whatever appeals to him.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Becks534 wrote:
Good ideas! awesome

many of the menus make me think "Yes, I'll take one of each please!"

Italy... one of everything from Italy is on my list! What gets shocking is when you add up the $$$

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Oh! I just remembered that I didn't include a stop at the Festival Center. This year they have a chocolate exhibit and I really want to try the drinking chocolate!

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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My first F&W Fest I wondered around with no plan. Last year, I had a list of the items I wanted to try. I tried more items the year I went without a plan. I once again put a list together of things I want to try. I hope to try more this year.


Joined: 10/29/2009
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Heck no we do not plan for the F&W at all. We are both the type which can not make up our mind when we are sitting in a restaurant with a menu in front of our face let alone plan in advance for what we want to eat.

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scrappy wrote:
Heck no we do not plan for the F&W at all. We are both the type which can not make up our mind when we are sitting in a restaurant with a menu in front of our face let alone plan in advance for what we want to eat.

Scrappy that's exactly how I am when at Disney I'm very go with the flow, I mean I don't start packing until the night before no matter how many times I tell myself I should start sooner lol biggrin However this is my first year at Food & Wine and I'm worried that I might end up missing something. Do you find that happening or does it all end up working out?


MrHub's picture
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MissMinnie wrote:
scrappy wrote:
Heck no we do not plan for the F&W at all. We are both the type which can not make up our mind when we are sitting in a restaurant with a menu in front of our face let alone plan in advance for what we want to eat.

Scrappy that's exactly how I am when at Disney I'm very go with the flow, I mean I don't start packing until the night before no matter how many times I tell myself I should start sooner lol biggrin However this is my first year at Food & Wine and I'm worried that I might end up missing something. Do you find that happening or does it all end up working out?


If we miss something, thats just another reason to go back again!

The Cookie Crumbler's picture
Joined: 06/10/2012
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Kristen K. wrote:
Oh! I just remembered that I didn't include a stop at the Festival Center. This year they have a chocolate exhibit and I really want to try the drinking chocolate!

Oh, is it the Maya style chocolate drink? If so, that will be interesting awesome


Fellow Americans, I hear your tambourines inside my head and that's no lie!

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

The Cookie Crumbler wrote:
Kristen K. wrote:
Oh! I just remembered that I didn't include a stop at the Festival Center. This year they have a chocolate exhibit and I really want to try the drinking chocolate!

Oh, is it the Maya style chocolate drink? If so, that will be interesting awesome

I have no idea. All Godiva is sponsoring the the exhibit. Here is what the DFB Food & Wine Festival says about it:

  • "Chocolate Experience: From the Bean to the Bar (NEW!):
    This exhibit hosted by Ghirardelli is new for 2012. Located in the Festival Center, it will include displays about how chocolate is made as well as chocolate sculptures from Disney Chefs. This will be a fun way to pass the time while waiting for your upcoming events. There will be chocolate tastings available for a small fee, including Drinking Chocolate. Guests will be able to shop for gourmet chocolate gifts as well."

The Cookie Crumbler's picture
Joined: 06/10/2012
Posts: 750

Kristen K. wrote:
"Chocolate Experience: From the Bean to the Bar (NEW!):
This exhibit hosted by Ghirardelli is new for 2012. Located in the Festival Center, it will include displays about how chocolate is made as well as chocolate sculptures from Disney Chefs. This will be a fun way to pass the time while waiting for your upcoming events. There will be chocolate tastings available for a small fee, including Drinking Chocolate. Guests will be able to shop for gourmet chocolate gifts as well."

Yum! Can't wait to see photos of those chocolate sculptures. You're going to have a blast on this trip.


Fellow Americans, I hear your tambourines inside my head and that's no lie!

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Posts: 2037

I read on the DFB that the drinking chocolate is like drinking a melted chocolate bar. It is very thick and very rich and it is served in a small demitasse type cup.

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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If we miss something, thats just another reason to go back again! (from Mr. Hub)

Mr. Hub, that is exactly why I do not plan ahead, and just buy myself an annual pass. That takes away my anxiety to "get it all in" on a given trip. I just gotta know that I can/will come back. Whew! I get myself entirely too whacked out if I think I might miss some Disney Magic. mickey

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