Disney Merchandising has gotten very creative lately in designing unique ear hats to fit any personality. Many of them I like, however there have been a few lately that I just have to wonder what on earth they were thinking. Such as this one:
Now, I love Cinderella as much as the next girl, but the fact is, if you wear these ears, you're walking around with a shoe on your head. ... A shoe on your head ... Really? Why on earth would anyone want to do that?
There's also a new engagement themed set of ears that gives you a giant fake diamond ring on top of your head. I didn't see it in the store, rather saw a couple of women wearing them. They don't really look like rings, so much as big ugly headlamps. What on earth is merchandising thinking? "If you make it and it says "Disney" people will buy it, so let's make the most ugly stuff possible so our guests will walk around looking like dorks." I've been on a kick of telling people lately that just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should do it. This just seems to be another one of those situations.
How do you feel about some of the more "creative" ear hats that have been released lately?