Ever had a Conversation something like this?

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Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994
Ever had a Conversation something like this?

I have mentioned before I have a passion for French-Italian Design, especially vintage.
Amy is not so fond of my "look" so I have taken over the guest bedroom to design in
all things Moulin Rouge French, crystals, chandeliers, deep burgundy, cheetah prints,
and its only taken me 7 years to finish! Well looking for that one "right" antique piece
takes time and patience! and - I'm Finally Done! The room is complete! YEAH! I think
, , , hmmmm..so then I realized I want to Re-Decorate!

So I decided I better tell Amy! biggrin This is the conversation, at least how I remember it.

~Me talking to Amy~

Me (out of no-where): So...I've been thinking I want to redesign the guest bedroom.

Amy (total look of shock): You do??????????

Me: Yes (angelic look)

Amy: What?? Why?? you've just finished it!

Me: Yeah, funny huh. I don't know, maybe because it's taken me 7 years to do, I'm kind of over it now.

Amy: You don't like French or Italian things anymore? at all?

Me: Oh no! I still like them! I'll always keep that chandelier and some things.

Amy: What brought this all on?

Me: I don't know, I guess it's just finished..or there's nothing left to hunt for. (disappointed pout)

Amy: (scrunches up eyes): So what are you thinking?

Me: oh (look of surprise) hmmmm well.... I don't know (avert eyes)

Amy: Yes you do, tell me....how do you want to decorate it

Me: Weelllllll I haven't really given it that much thought

Amy: You're not going to decorate it all Disney are you??? (knowing look)

Me: (aghast! appalled! shock! all these looks in one wrapped with angelic look) NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amy staring deep to try to see what's in the back of my brain.

Me: No, really- I'm just kind of you know, tossing ideas around, let me sleep on it

Amy: (unbelieving looks) uh huh..ok ...

~Next Day~

Me: So I've decided on the new decorating theme for the guest bedroom.

Amy: You did ? What is it ?

Me: Well, it's kind of hard to explain... I'm calling it:
Global Safari Trek Guide African Fusion

Amy: What?

Me: Ok, well think Indiana Jones crossed with Animal Kingdom's Wild Africa Trek,
and a French chandelier thrown in.

Amy: What did you just say?

Me: Indiana Jones crossed with Animal Kingdom's Wild Africa Trek

Amy: I thought you said you weren't going to decorate it in Disney?

Me: (look of disbelief) I'm Not! What gave you that idea?

Amy: You just said....

Me: Oh, that! Well, I was just using that as a frame of reference,
so you could see my vision.

Amy: Oh I see your vision all right

Me: It's not like I'm going to hang pictures of Harrison Ford in it or anything.

Amy: Maybe you should clarify your vision.

Me: I'm thinking it's a room of a world explorer, who's traveled to distant lands,
and found a kinship especially with Africa. I was thinking perhaps of taking
our Wild Africa Trek photographs and turning them to Sepia Color and framing them.
We could go Antiquing for old compass's, leather satchels, vintage binoculars,
and ( I know she loves antique maps) OLD Antique Maps! Maybe some old
camera's! (oh yeah she loves those too) Maybe we could find some vintage
tour guide pamphlets....I would keep the faux animal throws, maybe a bamboo
night stand....
but..I haven't really thought it over too much, I'm still brainstorming.

Amy: Hmm, yes, ok, if you're sure (taking it all in slowly)

~later that day~

Amy: you know...I did buy that Indiana Jones treasure map while we were in Disney
last fall, you can use it if you like, maybe frame it or something....

muchlove I knew she'd come around

Joined: 06/03/2013
Posts: 97

Ha Ha! I love that and it sounds just like me!! It takes me so long to redecorate anything, that I'm ready for another change by the time it's done.
And I'm famous for collecting things on trips that I someday plan to frame/shadowbox/display when I get the right room decorated in the right way.

TroyW's picture
Joined: 06/21/2012
Posts: 247

Loved reading your story!!!! Had a few good laughs. Here's a thought - Just slip Amy that apple in your profile, do what you want, then a kiss and its all done so what could she say then?? angelwings


KrystalT's picture
Joined: 05/16/2013
Posts: 80

I can totally picture that room and it sounds pretty awesome awesome


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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KrystalT wrote:
I can totally picture that room and it sounds pretty awesome awesome

Me too, and I like the idea!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Sounds awesome! Can't wait for pictures! There WILL be pictures, right? crossfingers

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

Oh yes! Of course! Lots of pictures biggrin awesome thanks for sharing in my vision!

DisneyDee27's picture
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Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.

Joined: 12/29/2011
Posts: 499

Sounds like the old Adventurers Club at Pleasure Island. Very cool.

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

Sounds awesome. I would include a picture of Harrison Ford, but that's just me. Smile


Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

JoAnn C wrote:
Sounds awesome. I would include a picture of Harrison Ford, but that's just me. Smile

awesome biggrin Love Harrison Ford!

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Magic Mirror wrote:

~later that day~

Amy: you know...I did buy that Indiana Jones treasure map while we were in Disney
last fall, you can use it if you like, maybe frame it or something....

muchlove I knew she'd come around


Love it!