Fab Four Flower and Garden Trip!

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amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 1404

Allie wrote:
Dang girl, you are flying through this report! I had a comment earlier but it seems to have disappeared so I'll try and remember some of it...

*Homecoming chicken - holy crap, I know right? I don't even like chicken very much but I dream of it, too. So perfectly crispy and juicy and that hot sauce.... muchlove

*Expedition Everest at night is pretty much the best thing ever

*What a magical view for Illuminations!!! stars

*I literally would have pissed my pants if one of those big birds came anywhere near me let alone ate food off my plate

*The Dinosaur picture cracked me up! laugh

*Lemon Grey Goose slush is the obvious winner for me wink

haha I know I'm on a late shift at work with nothing to do so......this happened! haha

OMG your opinion on chicken is totally mine I'm not a huge chicken lover either! we have reservations for our last meal in September because I cannot think of a better way to end the trip!

expedition everest agree 100%!!!

the whole bird thing I kid you not I have never in my whole life moved as quick! even when I got my replacement I wouldn't sit down it took me til halfway through the meal to sit down and I was still so scared to eat, its really put me off eating there I won't lie

Never has a picture summed up my general feeling so much in my life! haha

I'm sooooo happy someone else likes the lemon one i thought everyone was orange!!!

hopefully wrapping this trip up tonight!

amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 1404

Monday 8th May

Our penultimate day in the park so it was off to EPCOT we had FP for Character spot, great meets with the characters but this photo of me and goofy is my favourite!

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

We headed over to the land as we usually do for another Soar around the world " it gets better everytime we go on it we see new things it's just the gift that keeps on giving! I was absolutely starving so we went for food we both had pork with cheesecake and strawberry shortcake yum!

IMG_6241 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6243 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

We had FP for Living with the Land which we all went on and enjoyed very much! We decided to part ways as I had some topiaries that I really wanted to photograph it was super-hot but we made it all the way round obviously I also got strawberries!

IMG_6247 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6254 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6258 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6283 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6301 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6313 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6323 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6330 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6343 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6344 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6345 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6346 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6347 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

We got to the American Adventure and stopped for a strawberry sunset while listening to American Music Machine before setting off again to get back towards Future world

IMG_6376 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6379 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6383 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6411 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

We grabbed a Violet lemonade and made our way to the bus stop.

IMG_6413 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

We were undecided what to do this evening as we had originally been going to go to Magic Kingdom but I didn't want to spoil my perfect goodbye to wishes so instead we went to Disney Springs, we went back and forth about where to go and decided on the polite pig, there was a lot of confusion about whether it was quick service or table service and they were very clear it is most definitely quick Service, I'll be honest I wasn't sure what to expect whether I would like it or not but we wanted to give it a go I had pork with corn on the cobb and mam had beef brisket with mac and cheese....the verdict was absolutely amazing the food was just so delicious and succulent oh man I could eat it right now! I recommend everyone to go don't be put off by any rubs on the meat it's worth a try for sure! We will certainly be back!

IMG_6438 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6439 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

We decided to head back and have a drink in the room thanks to our Walmart supplies!

amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 1404

Tuesday 9th May

Last day in the parks sad we always go to Magic Kingdom on the last day auntie and uncle were running late so we rode Big Thunder Mountain and they were on a few trains behind us we headed into Liberty Square me and mam riding Haunted Mansion while auntie and uncle rode Peter Pan's Flight

IMG_6445 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6454 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6459 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

We walked up to Big Top Souvenirs to have a little look before heading back to Be Our Guest for our final meal sad it was super busy I'd say the busiest I've ever seen sent mam, auntie and uncle to find a seat but we didn't feel we waited that long for food which was good, I stuck with my pork and mam got a beef sandwich usual cupcakes it was a perfect last meal

IMG_6466 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

It was then time to ride 7 Dwarfs Mine Train for the final time, as we were in line we managed to snag a FP for It's a Small World, it had been so busy we had only been on it once this trip!

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6470 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6473 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6478 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6486 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

It was nearly parade time so we found a spot (typical in full sun) that we stalked out until the parade came through, it was beautiful but by it was HOT we could feel the heat through our trainers!

IMG_6498 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6508 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6511 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6513 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6536 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6551 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6560 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6571 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6590 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6618 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6644 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

Me and mam went to Main Street Bakery for drinks where auntie and uncle went to get ice cream and just soaked up the gorgeous atmosphere!

We headed back to the resort to do some packing (sob) got changed and headed to EPCOT for the final time, we decided we would go to our favourites Urban Farm Eats for pork, La Isla Fresca for Shrimp, China for Strawberries and France for brut de peche and la vie en rose mam also got a chicken dish too we met auntie and uncle at "our spot" in France and watched the fireworks, me and auntie went to take photos of the Beauty and the Beast Topiaries while it was quiet and got a wonderful view of fireworks from up there too!

IMG_6661 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6662 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6665 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6666 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6668 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6672 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6680 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6682 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

It was extra magic hours so creating a new tradition we went and had a last ride on Soarin' for the first time ever we got allocated the middle section without asking yay! We headed back to bus stop to finish the rest of the packing and to get ready for travelling day tomorrow sad

amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 1404

Wednesday 10th May

Check out day sad I was awake pretty early stressing about all the stuff we still had to pack (we had hardly nothing left to pack) I did all I could and got ready and went for breakfast I got a Mickey waffle and a cherry danish for mam, I also thought while I was there I'd ask and see if I could get the magic cookie bars now rather than after 11 I got quite a few funny looks but I think that was more from the question "how many do you want ma'am" and my answer was 6 yes people you read that correctly 6 magic cookie bars had to come transatlantic you may know a forum member by the name danijrod? Who also happens to be pregnant I was not messing around with not bringing any back for her however her word of mouth about how good they were had spread round so I had to bring some back for everyone to try (verdict everyone love it!)

We only had our room til 11 auntie and uncle had theirs til 1 so we moved some bags into their room, got bell services to pick bags and us up so we could take a taxi to Disney Springs for Virgin Atlantic Check In; it was so pain free and took so much stress off us.

We walked through Disney Springs and got boat back to Riverside we left mam in the foyer while we went and picked bags up from room to take over to the lobby and went to Riverside Mill for last disney meal of the trip me and mam got pasta I can't remember what auntie and uncle had I know my auntie wasn't keen on what she had.

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

(that's also my bargain Vera Bradley bag in the background incase anybody was interested!)

IMG_6728 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

we watched the bags while they went for walks and we just relaxed got changed repacked the small hand cases we also got the last of the snack credits/meal credits used and before we knew it, it was time for the Tragical express sad we were last pick up so it was straight to the airport we found a seat while I had a look in the shops etc before going through security

IMG_6735 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6736 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

once through we took turns in looking after the bags while we looked in duty free and got Starbucks just trying to fill some time in, we were delayed getting on but not too much and with being in Premium Economy we were some of the first boarded got settled right in, we were on tinker belle

IMG_6742 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

IMG_6744 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

Before long we were in the air and dinner was served I had some kind of beef noodle thing which was nice mam had chicken something and said that was nice too watched sing " omg folks if you haven't seen it WATCH IT! It's awesome, I started to watch Fantastic Beasts but it was too dark and with dipped lighting I couldn't see I had a little sleep wrote some notes, read books and listened to music I think we landed on time got off the plane security and baggage collection no problem

IMG_6748 by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

We went and picked the car up and apart from the cars next to us being extremely close everything was fine we packed the car up and hit the road it was a pleasant drive and before long back to reality.

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

Untitled by Amy Roberts, on Flickr

We have been back 4 weeks and suffering majorly from the Disney blues luckily its only 16 weeks until we will be back at Manchester Airport ready to fly the next day back into the world with a lot of firsts for us!

This trip was amazing in so many ways, the Flower and Garden festival was a massive highlight along with the party boat, VIP seating at Illuminations and of course meeting the infamous JMed! And no Flower and Garden trip would be without my 2 great loves " make your own pasta and candied strawberries! Thank you so much for reading it I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it and I look forward to bring you my fall report when I'm back! muchlove

jtownpluto's picture
Joined: 12/29/2013
Posts: 337

Wow, what a trip!!! Thanks so much for all of the great info and pictures. I share your love for those candied strawberries, soooo delicious. And your BB8, May the 4th tank top is adorable. You and your mom always look so happy together!

amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 1404

jtownpluto wrote:
Wow, what a trip!!! Thanks so much for all of the great info and pictures. I share your love for those candied strawberries, soooo delicious. And your BB8, May the 4th tank top is adorable. You and your mom always look so happy together!

thank you! oh yes they are the best things ever! I could eat some right now! awwww thanks I love it I'm using the top for persuading mam into an April/May trip next year because you know I have the top of course.....! awww thank you so much we are always happy in the bubble!

danijrod's picture
Joined: 10/23/2014
Posts: 414

I'm all caught up and I was going to say all 6 were not for me and I shared with DH so I thought did quite well ha! Magic cookie bars are the best though!

I have loved your report and all the pictures I'm 100% sold on going to flower and garden when we next go. Everything just looks so pretty and bright!

I'm happy to have yo back but at the same time can't wait for you to go again so can live through you again ha! but until then you have planning to do and I can get my fix from that.

Also I love your bargain bag ha!

amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 1404

danijrod wrote:
I'm all caught up and I was going to say all 6 were not for me and I shared with DH so I thought did quite well ha! Magic cookie bars are the best though!

I have loved your report and all the pictures I'm 100% sold on going to flower and garden when we next go. Everything just looks so pretty and bright!

I'm happy to have yo back but at the same time can't wait for you to go again so can live through you again ha! but until then you have planning to do and I can get my fix from that.

Also I love your bargain bag ha!

lets be hones

danijrod wrote:
I'm all caught up and I was going to say all 6 were not for me and I shared with DH so I thought did quite well ha! Magic cookie bars are the best though!

I have loved your report and all the pictures I'm 100% sold on going to flower and garden when we next go. Everything just looks so pretty and bright!

I'm happy to have yo back but at the same time can't wait for you to go again so can live through you again ha! but until then you have planning to do and I can get my fix from that.

Also I love your bargain bag ha!

Let's be honest your hubby didn't get many then you ate some of the one at work too! good job your my best friend and you can get away with pretty much anything right now!

I'm pretty much sold on the Flower and Garden festival too! I recommend everyone to go!

haha yes I know not long to wait hopefully!

thanks I love my bargain bag best $35 I've ever spent!

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

I love all your pics! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us!

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
Posts: 3718

Amy, some of your photos aren't showing up properly on the first page of your report.

I saw the Main Street Electrical Parade from up on the train station once, it's a great vantage point. I ought to try going up there for Festival of Fantasy next trip.

We loved the Polite Pig, also. Wasn't that corn good?

I enjoyed all the photos of Chinese strawberries. We've never tried them; our must-have at the China Flower and Garden kitchen is always the vegetable spring rolls, OMG they are so good.

amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 1404

Magic Mirror wrote:
I love all your pics! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us!

awww thank you!!!!

crazycatperson wrote:
Amy, some of your photos aren't showing up properly on the first page of your report.

I saw the Main Street Electrical Parade from up on the train station once, it's a great vantage point. I ought to try going up there for Festival of Fantasy next trip.

We loved the Polite Pig, also. Wasn't that corn good?

I enjoyed all the photos of Chinese strawberries. We've never tried them; our must-have at the China Flower and Garden kitchen is always the vegetable spring rolls, OMG they are so good.

oh I was trying to save space on the photobucket site maybe I deleted the wrong ones oops! I'll have a look thanks for telling me!

I'd certainly recommend it but if you do try and get a spot when you are up there on the right, the middle is closed off for VIP's I think so the characters look up and wave but after that they look down so you might get some good pictures!

that corn was amazing I could eat some right now!

oh everybody should try them they are seriously the best things I have ever tasted! but I have never tried the spring rolls I'll make them a must do if I get back to flower and garden!

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

I can't see any of your pics that were just added... sad And I'm not so sure about the infamous JMed... Elusive maybe laugh it was really wonderful meeting you and your mom and getting to spend the day with you! I just pulled out my Epcot festivals cookbook and I'm going to try to make the strawberries this weekend! I'll let you know how they turn out!

Thanks so much for sharing with us! You will be there again before you know it! muchlove muchlove


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amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
Posts: 1404

JMed wrote:
I can't see any of your pics that were just added... sad And I'm not so sure about the infamous JMed... Elusive maybe laugh it was really wonderful meeting you and your mom and getting to spend the day with you! I just pulled out my Epcot festivals cookbook and I'm going to try to make the strawberries this weekend! I'll let you know how they turn out!

Thanks so much for sharing with us! You will be there again before you know it! muchlove muchlove

oh I know I'm working on it photobucket have changed their sharing rules and basically cant do it anymore so I'm currently transferring all my pictures to flikr but i am working on it!!! we had such a great day hopefully we get another one really soon crossfingers oooooo yes please let me know how it goes!

thank you for reading it - minus pictures! cant wait until I'm back in the bubble!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Yeah Photobucket now wants $400 per year to use 3rd party hosting.

Joined: 07/19/2013
Posts: 1562

MrHub wrote:
Yeah Photobucket now wants $400 per year to use 3rd party hosting.

Wow, that's insane! Glad I switched off of them a couple of years ago. That's a lot of cash just to be able to embed photos. I can understand limiting the free account, but they should allow sharing on any of the paid plans. Greedy company!

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Geeze! Glad I never used them. I'm a Flickr girl.