Fantasy Christening - Celebrity Soundbytes

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Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246
Fantasy Christening - Celebrity Soundbytes

Oh man, do I want to go on this ship. Yes. The answer is yes.

I'm posting this mostly because I love Alan Cumming! (Eli, The Good Wife) - but it's fun to see others' impressions of Disney's latest ship.

I don't know what the question is here that I'm asking laugh I guess it' I alone with my obsession for getting to see this ship? I so wish I could be on that voyage down the East Coast that's taking place AS I TYPE!


Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

I don't think I was really able to fathom the size of that thing until I saw it dock in NY! Holy smokes is that thing HUGE!

I would love to see it.

Joined: 11/16/2011
Posts: 416

I would love to be on any Disney Cruise. The ship looks beautiful and of course it would only be more awesome with me on it. I need to drop more hints to my husband that a cruise is what we need.
