We are finally at a point where i feel like the trip is almost here, not that i want to rush through the summer, but come on september 28th.
So our family trip consists of myself my DW, my D4 son, our best friends who are also my D4 godparents and there D5 daughter who is our goddaughter. We all bought DVC on our honeymoon which they came on with us(different hotels). So now we try to go together every other year and get a 2 bedroom villa and we have a great time.
We have a grocery service deliver snacks breakfast foods and other necessities(beer wine and rum, oh ya milk for the kids), this saves us $ at the park, also we do a lot of lunch adr's for the reason that it is cheaper and just as good, plus the food and wine fest fills in the rest of the meals.
so here is our itinerary for the week:
friday 9/28 flight leaves at 7 am arrive in fla at 1005am check in to the bcv head to the mk
230 lunch adr's at crystal palace spend the day at mk snack on the way back to bcv
sat 9/29 adr's tusker house 900am spend the day at ak back to room for lunch then to epcot for the night and eat
at the food and wine festival
sun 9/30 breakfast in the room then off to dhs for the day adr's at hollywood and vine at 105 for lunch emh at hs
so stay there for the night ride all the rides til we get tired then back to bcv and hit the pool for a late night
mon 10/1 breakfast in the room then off to dtd for the day and adr's at trex at 100, head back to the room for a
quick swim and off to mk for emh til midnight, then maybe another late night swim.
tues 10/2 no plans set in stone today, play it by ear, probably epcot with dave for morning emh while the DW's and
D4 and D5 go shopping. Just snack around the world for the day and of course drinking around the world
today (this will help us forget about the shopping)
wed 10/3 in room breakfast early then off for rd at mk, hit some rides that the kids want to do then over to epcot
for adr's at teppan edo. back to the bcv for a swim and rest then back to epcot for emh and of course
drinking and snacking around the world and some rides thrown in also
thurs 10/4 only plans today are for the mnsshp, everything else is open today, we will let the kids decide hopefully
they will want to hit the pool and do the water slide or maybe some mini golf
fri 10/5 moving day- we go to akv today for 2 days Savannah view, very excited, probably hit the ak since we are
there then back to the room for lunch and hang out at the lodge until we head to the poly for 920 adr's at
O'hana, then make our way back to akv which will be quite involved giving the time of the adr and all the
parks are closed by 10 that night
sat 10/6 our last full day hs for early emh and rd, rush over to tsm for fp then the tot and rrc a couple of
times each hit the tsm and off to epcot for adr's at the rose and crown for 100, then over to mk til 900
then walk back through epcot one last time grab one more margarita, and back to akl for a swim
sun 10/7 we go home today, late flight 659pm, so we figured spend the last day at the mk, adr's at liberty tree for
1255, then the rides til about 300 then off to get the bus for the aiport
wow i babbled on there didn't i. it is a very detailed pre trip report