Genie has died

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JoAnn C's picture
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Genie has died

Sad news announced tonight. Robin Williams has been found dead at the age of 63. I loved him as the voice of Genie. I don't think anyone else could have filled that role.


Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
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So sad!

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
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Yes, very sad. sad

Spook's picture
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I'm so shocked and saddened Sad(
He was such a great talent and a legend. Depression is a terrible disease. My heart goes out to his family.

Ms.Mouse's picture
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Such a great talent who will be sorely missed. We will be praying for his family. Sad

RobynPrincess's picture
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I feel so sad. My hero x


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Magic Mirror's picture
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So sad ..... He was so funny and seemed to be so down to earth......
It shows that depression can hit anyone. sad

Figments Girl's picture
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Robin as the Genie is one of my favorite characters. He was also so good in so many other roles. He will be missed.


JMed's picture
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RIP Robin. He has suffered from depression for a long time. I agree he was the best Genie and no one could have done it any better.

Karlipants's picture
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I am unbelievably heartbroken. Not only was he our Genie, but he also brought to life the character of Peter Pan in Hook. He had a serious impact on my childhood... His movies were the family movies that my family sat down and watched together. Such devastating news. Unbearable. Sad(


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Karlipants's picture
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"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow just a dream away"



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Kris1971's picture
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Its like a part of my childhood died with him. RIP Robin.


Magic Days's picture
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He had such a great gift that will be sadly missed.


CdnSquirrel's picture
Joined: 10/12/2013
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I'm speechless. How dreadful.

alicemouse's picture
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Such an amazing loss for humanity. I feel like the loss of Robin Williams is impacting more people than any other celebrity death in recent memory. My news feed exploded tonight with regrets and sympathies and outcries to support those how suffer from similar illnesses. Like all of you, I am very saddened by this news, but I do feel grateful to Mr. Williams for sharing his talent with us for so long. He not only made us laugh and cry, but in his best moments, he challenged us to dig down into our souls and examine who we truly are as human beings.

When I think of Robin Williams, the first scene that comes to mind is the one in Good Will Hunting where he's sitting on the park bench with Matt Damon and letting Will (and us) glimpse into his very private, very painful life for the first time. I think he was a lot like that character--confident and charming on the surface, but very tender and vulnerable underneath. I wish he would not have had to wrestle with such pain and turmoil and I hope that he will be remembered for all of the wonderful moments that he created for us rather than by the circumstances of his untimely passing.


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Mrferret's picture
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Such a great talent.He will be greatly missed.


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MrHub's picture
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R.I.P. Robin Williams

Sid Man's picture
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From our own Happy Days and meeting Mindy to A Night At The Museum via Vietnam, The Dead Port's Society and hunting for good will, he truly left a mark on the all generations with his Prince Ali said, 'Genie, you're free...' Say hello to Orsen from all of us.

I will be forever privileged to have shared a movie set with Robin when he was in London shooting A Night At The Museum 3


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Miss Mikki's picture
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Robin Williams was one of my favourite actors. I particularly love dead poets society and his role in Good Morning Vietnam.

I am sure that he played a tourist in a film on one of the Disney attractions in Hollywood Studios - does anyone else remember this?

My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

SidMan - explain all! Are you an actor/extra or work in production or is there another random reason for you being on the movie set?


no ticker Sad

fmknightuk's picture
Joined: 08/23/2012
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So sad. Reminds me of this story -"Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life is harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor... I am Pagliacci."
We can never truly know what battles other people are facing Sad( Sad(



The Watchmaker's picture
Joined: 07/08/2014
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Just saw the news this morning..Very sad...R.I.P.... sad

Sid Man's picture
Joined: 01/06/2014
Posts: 528

Miss Mikki wrote:
Robin Williams was one of my favourite actors. I particularly love dead poets society and his role in Good Morning Vietnam.

I am sure that he played a tourist in a film on one of the Disney attractions in Hollywood Studios - does anyone else remember this?

My thoughts go out to his family and friends.

SidMan - explain all! Are you an actor/extra or work in production or is there another random reason for you being on the movie set?

MissMikki, that's a story for another thread perhaps. It would be wrong to hijack this one for self promotion! Smile


Yes, that's me in the profile pic...kudos for guessing the movie...

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jhugo's picture
Joined: 01/11/2014
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Such sad news. He was the best as the Genie but he will always be Mork to me. I loved Mork and Mindy when I was a kid and as I grew up I loved his more serious roles like in Good Will Hunting. He had such enormous talent. A very sad day. sad

93boomer's picture
Joined: 11/16/2013
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So sad. Prayers for the family.

jw24's picture
Joined: 11/23/2013
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He will be greatly missed. The Genie was definitely one of the funniest Disney characters to ever exist. What Dan Castellaneta did as the Genie in the Aladdin TV series was acceptable, but it lacked authenticity and humor that Williams brought. I also remember seeing Jumanji, Hook and Mrs Doubtfire growing up and then Dead Poets Society and Patch Adams in school as a teen and now, I'll probably see many more of his films after this.


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crazycatperson's picture
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He played so many great roles and was always hilariously funny, even when discussing open-heart surgery with David Letterman. But he will always be Mork from Ork to me, since the first time I saw him perform was when he debuted that role on an episode of "Happy Days" the year before "Mork and Mindy" began. I thought he was magnificent, and nothing in his long and storied career ever changed that opinion. And I'd rather remember him from a time when we were still young and our lives were still an adventure waiting to be experienced. So sad that for him, the adventure of this life is over.

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It's so heartbreakingly sad that someone so talented and funny who loved to make people laugh was stricken with the terrible curse of depression. RIP Robin Williams, the world has been a happier place because you were in it and now is a sadder place because you're not.

amy1989's picture
Joined: 12/30/2013
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Such sad news I have grown up with him in Aladdin, Jumanji, Hook, Mrs doubtfire to name a few and he is a great loss

he will be missed

DisneyDee27's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
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I had to stop looking at Facebook because this makes me so sad. I explained to a woman that Robin Williams has been so ingrained in my life through his TV shows, films, comedy concerts, and charity events that I feel like a family member is gone. I've enjoyed his work for decades and honestly there are less than a handful of entertainers that I can say that about.

He will truly be missed.


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Allie's picture
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