Has anyone used Mint.com?

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Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886
Has anyone used Mint.com?

For so long Dave and I were a one income household and it was pretty easy for us me to manage the money. Now that we are both working and we have daycare to pay for and we are making stops to pick up things at the grocery store every single day it seems like (when it used to just be me once a week) we are getting a little scattered with our budget. My parents put me on a a strict budget when I started babysitting at 12 so I've always used spreadsheets etc to keep track of things.

I've been researching mint.com because it seems user friendly and I can even get an app for our phones. That way if we needs something we can just check and see if there is money in the budget for it. I was a nervous about putting all my info out there into one website..even though the lady on the Today Show swears it's safe. Today I did it and I really like to set up but it's slightly confusing. Anyone have any experience with Mint.com?


mickey Bella

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

I have had NO experience with it whatsoever, so I can't help at all Sorry!


Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

I use Joe.com. He's in charge of the finances. Despite the fact that I work for a bank and am older than him, I'm irresponsible with a checkbook or bankcard. laugh

I had not heard of this until you posted about it, so I did some looking online. Found this article from the NYTimes. Granted, a year old, but I still thought it was interesting. You might have seen it already in your researching.

Joe and I are ultra-conservative with our financial info, though, and generally take the approach that the less number of places our information is, the better.

Joined: 02/10/2011
Posts: 597

We use Mint for our budget. It's kinda cool, I got a haircut the other day and after I paid with my debit card, I got a text that I was over budget in haircuts! Apparently a haircut wasn't in the weeks budget! We use the free version, but Mike would like to upgrade to the better version, when we have $60 in the budget for it! We have done all of our banking/budget on line for 20 years and only ever had one problem when someone got our card #, and we're not sure it had to do with banking on the computer. Mike does all the bills and budget on line, but we have a weekly budget meeting every Sat. morning and discuss finances for the week, bills due, upcoming expenses, etc. so that we are on the same page. It has really helped us to know exactly where our $ goes and we are accountable to each other. We're both teachers so our budget is tight, but it's so much easier when you control your money rather than letting your money control you. We've been through some really tough times to bring us to this place, but it's made our marriage and family stronger, having to make do with less. Our teenagers aren't always happy with less, but hopefully they are learning some life lessons!
Mike says Mint is a lot of work to set up to get good info. from. We used to use quicken but they stopped making it. He said it's a good investment to look at some of the budget software available for $50-$60.
Good Luck, you'll feel better when you have a budget!



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