Has been discussed before but as new vc member need to know about dining options

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Has been discussed before but as new vc member need to know about dining options

We have finally decided to join the vacation club. yay Now I know there are a lot of options for dining. We could go for a regular dining plan or do tables in wonderland or just use the membership for discounts at different restaurants. What do you think is the best deal financially and someone please explain to me how tables in wonderland works.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Whoo hoo! Welcome Home!

I personally in the past I have used the Deluxe Dining Plan, which has to be added and paid to your DVC reservation 48 hours prior to your arrival. I've also used my Villa kitchen heavily on a couple of trips and it's really saved me a lot of money to have groceries delivered and taking care of breakfast and some lunches at "home.:

Many people use Tables in Wonderland, and the more I think about it I may chose to do that in the future mainly because it offers a 20% discount that includes alcohol, and we drink with almost every meal in Disney. It can pay for it's self pretty quickly.

Check out this article from September about Tables in Wonderland, and read through the comments. I don't know that I've come across anyone who didn't like it yet.

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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Yeah.... it depends really. Sometimes the Dining Plan is a bit more expensive... but its also the easiest and a stress reliever to be honest. Were using the Tables for the first time this trip when in the past we have been on the Dining Plan. As of right now... I prefer the dining plan.


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I was pricing out the regular dining plan with the one table service, one quick service and one snack which is what we usually get and your right it is pretty stress free and we do love not having to think out where to eat and how much it is going to cost. Plus my son and his girlfriend are coming this time so I think we will do the regular dining plan this time but in the future tables is definately an option. I just wanted to see if someone had done some calculations on what the savings really are. I am a bargain hunter but figuring out stuff like that I guess you pretty much have to try it to find out.

MrHub's picture
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Nikamel, there is not just one factor involved when trying to decide this. All depends on how you want to eat. The savings are different for everyone, there is no base saving. Some people want all counter service, some sit down, some signature sit down, some mix it up, do you drink alcohol, do you want apps, do you eat desserts, do you want to worry about tips or not, these are all factors you have to decide on your own. Believe me, we've gone over this a hundred times.

Skunk's picture
Joined: 02/13/2011
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We use TIW, as we prefer the Swan/Dolphin restaurants which are not on DDP, and as Kristen mentioned, the discount applies to alcohol as well. DVC and AP discounts are generally 10%, for lunch only, and do not apply to alcohol. Following is a calculation I copied from another site, which shows TIW vs. OOP:

100.00 - Original Menu Amount
*20.00 - Discount
*80.00 - Subtotal
*18.00 - Gratuity Added based on $100
**5.20 - Sales Tax on $80
103.20 - TIW total, takes into consideration discount, gratuity and tax.

Without TiW Discount (and still figuring 18% Gratuity)

100.00 - Original Menu Amount
*18.00 - Gratuity
**6.50 - Sales Tax on $100
124.50 - Total

$21.30 - Savings using TiW Card.

So at the AP cost for TIW of $75, you would breakeven at just over $350 spend. My breakeven is a bit higher, as I generally pay extra to make it a 20% tip.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Mase wrote:
Dining Plan is a bit more expensive... but its also the easiest and a stress reliever to be honest.

This is really the biggest factor in my choice to go with the dining plan. I don't want to have to worry about anything while I'm in Disney and the DDDP allows me the freedom to eat what, where, and when I want to all on a set price. For me that makes it worthwhile.

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
Posts: 5438

Kristen K. wrote:
Mase wrote:
Dining Plan is a bit more expensive... but its also the easiest and a stress reliever to be honest.

This is really the biggest factor in my choice to go with the dining plan. I don't want to have to worry about anything while I'm in Disney and the DDDP allows me the freedom to eat what, where, and when I want to all on a set price. For me that makes it worthwhile.

Exactly... the feeling of not having to worry about the end price is great. Just have to pay a tip (especially if you have a group of 6 or more) and thats that...

But dont get me wrong. You can easily manage to make it worth your while. With Places like Ohana or getting steak at some of the dining places easily pay for it. Its when you want the $15 salad is when you get a little burned on the Dining Plan. But if your going after those meals above $30... its very much worth it.


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Joined: 08/20/2011
Posts: 397

Thank you so much for all the advice. My husband and I discussed it last night and decided the regular dining plan is for us. The no stress no worry about prices and where we can afford to eat is gone with a dining plan. We don't drink and just having to have enough cash for a tip is great. We do disney very casually and like the option of dining at quick serve anywhere (although with his food allergies we still have to be carefull) and with having advanced dining reservations all that thought of table service dining has been taken care of well in advance. We are also the type of people who like to make the most of our dining plan by making sure our snack credit is used for something in the higer price range as well as for our lunch and dinners. We kind of figured out that for the price of the dining plan for the day we would probably be spending over that amount if we ate what we wanted. Without the dining plan we would have to limit what we ate and really what kind of vacation would that be? We are there to enjoy ourselves!!!!