Have been enjoying all of your posts, sooo....

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Joined: 06/03/2013
Posts: 97
Have been enjoying all of your posts, sooo....

First off, don't get too excited. I'm the "other" Jamie Oliver. The one who loves to eat, but really isn't that excited about having to cook (even though I will do it). I have a habit of disappointing airline staff, hotel staff, restaurant staff, and even doctors when I check into places. laugh

Anyway, I stumbled across your group about two months ago and have been lurking ever since and can I just say WOW!! You guys are great!! I enjoy reading the forums and have greatly enjoyed all the trip reports. Gets me through the day when I'd rather be anywhere other than my desk at work!!

I have been to WDW about 8 times since I was a kid. Hubs and I visited his brother in San Diego last year and took a spur of the moment trip up to Disneyland with my kid (who is in college and pretty much a grown up now himself). That was a dream come true for this bonafide east coaster and I enjoyed every minute of the (very long) day. Since my son had decided that he was moving out on his own after school started this year, we had kind of figured we'd be done with Disney (sooooo saddddd!!). But then I got talking to my (in their 60s) neighbors and they asked me why we would stop. They go every year. I got to thinking about it and decided they were right. So I surprised my hubs with an all-inclusive WDW trip for his birthday in February (we haven't gone yet - are going the first week of October for our anniversary - kind of a twofer). Hubs is from the West Coast and has never been to WDW which was why I decided to make it all inclusive for him. We are totally on the bandwagon now and plan to go at least once a year for as long as we can do it.

I think we're more excited about going ourselves than I ever was when I had a kid in tow. I love my kid, but this is a whole new ball game and we've been anxiously counting down the days.

I'm a great forum reader and I'll do my best to be a forum poster even though I'm easily distracted (LOL) and I'm really not sure about posting pics because I am definitely NOT the techie in the family (note that it took me almost 10 minutes to even figure out how to post - "oh, new topic, duh."). But I already feel like I know a lot about many of you and I wanted to jump in to say HI and THANKS for keeping me exicted and educated!!
Look forward to getting to know you all better! mickey

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

Welcome to the best Disney group on the web! I think you're going to love it here! Tell us about some of your WDW favorites (rides, restaurants, snacks, characters, movies, etc.)


Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

welcome to the "Other" Jamie Oliver so glad you finally decided to jump in a join us. As you can see we are a bunch who loves all things Disney and we love to share that love. Don't be shy we would love to hear about your times at WDW.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Welcome Jamie to our wonderfully friendly group of enablers. Disney & food, that's all you have to talk about here.

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

Hello and welcome Jamie! We are excited to have you here, and more excite Ethan you de-lurked! yay

Your upcoming plans sound really exciting! I think you will be impressed at how fun Disney can be for 2 adults.

We also recently got to check DisneyLand off our bucket list thanks to a relocation from the East coast. What fun!!

Yay for you and hubs!!!

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

Welcome! Tell us about your plans for your upcoming trip.


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

stars Hello "other" Jamie! stars

You are still most welcome amongst our happy band of Disney lovers! How exciting to be headed back to WDW. It is a totally different ball game without the kids, and I hazard to say you just may love it more than ever as a grown up on your own! October is my favorite time of year to go!

KanineKrunchies's picture
Joined: 05/30/2013
Posts: 103

Welcome! I am new, too! I love the "homey-ness" of this forum. It seems very comfortable and easy to jump right in like you have known people forever!

I am excited to hear about your Disney plans!!




July 2010- First Disney trip with my now husband and his family. Campsites at Fort Wilderness
March 2012- 2 day Spring Break trip to Disney ---Royal Plaza (dowtown disney area)
July 2013- week long Disneymoon -- split stay Caribbean Beach and Coronado Springs

December 2014 Christmas Trip- TBD
Summer 2015--Family Trip

Miss Mikki's picture
Joined: 10/20/2012
Posts: 766

welcome to this happy place.


no ticker Sad

WDWfanatic's picture
Joined: 01/18/2013
Posts: 356


I TOTALLY agree with your neighbor! Why stop? I am interested in learning the details of this trip! How great it would be if my Husband would surprise me with a trip!



Joined: 06/03/2013
Posts: 97

My favs: I love, love, love Splash Mountain. I would ride that all day long with no problems. Also like Kali River Rapids, Pirates, Teacups, and Small World (yes, I'm the one...) and....well, really there aren't many rides I have a problem with at all, even though I try to space out the roller coasters. I enjoy the HS, but haven't been there in about 10 years so I'm anxious to see all the changes.
I haven't really ever eaten at many of the nicer Disney restaurants - has mostly been snacks or fast-food type stuff in previous trips. But we have several on the list to try and have made some ADRs already for ones we know we don't want to miss (Coral Reef, Biergarten, Yak & Yeti, etc) and the plan is that we're taking along a journal to document our trip for the scrapbook and to list anything we don't get to try this time around. This is my first time using a dining plan and I'm sure it will be way too much food for me, but Joe can finish anything I can't. Since we won't have a car, I wanted to make sure we had all our meals covered and I'd rather be over-covered than under-covered. I'm working on losing 15 pounds before we go so I can gain it all back while I'm there and still fit into my clothes when I get home.
Snacks: Um, any are pretty good. In "real life," I tend towards salty snacks and don't eat sweets a lot. But at Disney, I will try anything and like most of them. I have been looking at all the delicious cupcakes and am trying to figure out how I've missed those in my past trips!!! Definitely have those on the list this time.
Movies: My favorite new movie is Brave. I am also of Scottish descent and my hair, in it's natural state is EXACTLY like Merida's. That was the whole reason that I even wanted to see the movie, but I loved it when I saw it (hubs says I might also be a tad strong-willed...LOL) and getting pics with Merida are now top on my list. Mary Poppins is still one of my favorite classics and I think I can sing probably 90% of the soundtrack. I also love all the old, live action Disney movies (Herbie, Shaggy DA, Watcher in the Woods). Pretty much, I'll go for most Disney stuff although I do prefer the classics (probably just because they remind me of my childhood).

We will be going for 8 days - arriving early on September 28 and leaving late in the day on October 5 (yes, definitely planned that early arrival/late departure thing).
We have planned four days as far as the things we want to make sure to see, the places we want to eat, etc. We left 4 days open - at least one will be a water park day and I'm absolutely confident that part of one will be a shopping day. We tried to space our days out and leave some open time so that we can circle back around and hit anything we miss on our "planned" days and so we can have some time to enjoy the resort (POR). We haven't made ADRs for those unplanned days because we want to look at everything before we decide. We will be very flexible with those days, so if we see an absolutely "must try" place, we can be open to time if they can squeeze us in (my theory being that it's not that hard to squeeze in just two if they are willing to eat whenever....). We are definitely "rides" people and I'm not sure if we'll be able to get on everything in the time we planned, so having those additional "free" days will be helpful for that.
We are hitting all of the parks and I'm so excited because this will be my first time ever spending more than 1/2 day at EPCOT. We've planned a day & a half there and I'm thrilled. When we were trying to plan that park, we kind of had to give it up because there is just SO much we want to do there. So we just listed the big things we knew we had to do and will play the rest by ear.
This will be my first time in October and I'm so looking forward to that. All of my previous trips were in July or August and just too humid. I live in NC, though, and we both feel that October will be perfect. The warmth we like, but maybe a smidge less humidity. We're doing MNSSHP and are working on some not-too-over-the-top costumes. And I just saw that the Go-Gos will be there while we're there and since my husband has the hugest crush on Belinda Carlisle, I'm sure I'll get him to that.
We've bought some matching shirts for most of the days - surprisingly, my husband went along with that so, yes, we're going to be [i]that[i] couple. I'm most excited about our anniversary tees - Mickey & Minnie on the front and we had printed: "The Olivers....8 Magical Years" on the back. Not really fancy, but I'm so excited to wear those together.
We're still working on some planning, but about 85% of it is done.
Wow - well, this got really long and I really should head back to work - yuck - but will check in with you all later!

WDWfanatic's picture
Joined: 01/18/2013
Posts: 356

We love POR! We enjoy walking around that resort, it is just so lazy and peaceful!

We are going those same dates to celebrate my 40th on Oct. 2. (UGH!) Looking forward to spending my Birthday there, not looking forward to the milestone! I am having dinner at my favorite restaurant on the planet, Ohana, that night, and will watch Wishes from the beach at the Poly.

Lucky you for getting your Husband to wear matching shirts! Mu Husband is SOOOOO against that. The girls and I will match, but he refuses to wear any color even similar that could possibly resemble the same color as ours. Fuddy duddy! BOOO.

In January we celebrated our 8th Anniversary at WDW. We "Disneymooned" at POR and fell in love with it. We have stayed in Alligator Bayou and Magnolia Bend, we like both sections, you just can't go wrong. The theme and personality of the entire resort are soooo right up our alley.

If you are in to Character meals, you can probably find Mary Poppins at the 1900 Park Fare breakfast at the Grand Floridian. You can see her at EPCOT also.

Will you be wearing your hair in its natural state when you get your pic with Merida?



Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

jamieoliver wrote:
I haven't really ever eaten at many of the nicer Disney restaurants - has mostly been snacks or fast-food type stuff in previous trips. But we have several on the list to try and have made some ADRs already for ones we know we don't want to miss (Coral Reef, Biergarten, Yak & Yeti, etc) and the plan is that we're taking along a journal to document our trip for the scrapbook and to list anything we don't get to try this time around. This is my first time using a dining plan and I'm sure it will be way too much food for me, but Joe can finish anything I can't. Since we won't have a car, I wanted to make sure we had all our meals covered and I'd rather be over-covered than under-covered. I'm working on losing 15 pounds before we go so I can gain it all back while I'm there and still fit into my clothes when I get home.

HA! I love this! I can't speak for Coral Reef and Biergarten, but Yak & Yeti is one of my absolute favorite Disney restaurants...make sure either you or hubby tries the Kobe beef burger, Yak Attack, and lettuce wraps! Yum! October is a fantastic time of year to go...make sure to take advantage of the Food & Wine Festival at Epcot with your extra time there! I was also going to recommend the MNSSHP, but looks like you already have that on your agenda! welcome and have a great trip!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Hello "Other" jaimieoliver, and welcome to our little group. So glad you decided to join us.


Eeyore's picture
Joined: 11/22/2012
Posts: 1120

Welcome to the group!

DisneyDee27's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
Posts: 1600

welcome to the group biggrin awesome


Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.

Nancy D's picture
Joined: 05/29/2012
Posts: 754

We're so glad to have the Original Jamie Oliver with us on the Board! Smile

It looks like Food and Wine will JUST be cranking up when you guys get there for the first half of your two-fer trip! Fun! Hope that will make your trip to Epcot even more exciting. I hope you'll be able get to Epcot early so you can get in line for Soarin' and Test Track...two super popular rides that get super crowded!

Again, welcome! We're looking forward to hearing more about your upcoming trip!