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Mad Hatter's picture
Joined: 09/28/2013
Posts: 149
Hello All!!!

Hi! I have been a lurker here for about a year, and feel like it is finally time to join the club. yay I am still working on the protocol so bear with me for a bit. Let me introduce myself. I have been a Disney fanatic for about 40 years now. I grew up going to the World and have always loved it. As an intro to the forum, allow me to tell you all about my most memorable trip. Bear with me. My DW and I were married in 2000, had both been to Disney growing up. I had been a frequenter of the Poly, and DW the Fort Wilderness. As we got to our late teens/twenties, there was a break in the Disney action. Can't afford it, you are single, etc. So I had a roughly 12 year absence from the World. But it was always there, in the back of my mind, I must go there again, with DW, and share with her my childhood experiences and new memories (and hopefully make sure she would want to come back!). So we planned it, a week at Disney, no holds barred. Departure date 9-09-01. I arranged for Florida towncars to pick us up at the airport. We had issues finding them. Turns out, the towncars were all in for maintenance at the time, so when we linked up, they had sent a white stretch limo instead. Could things be going any better? We took the limo to the Poly, noticing along the way all the people looking and wondering "What important people must be riding in there". A fun time. So we get to the Poly. DW is amazed. I don't really remember the next day or so, so let's fast forward. Tuesday, 9-11-01. Breakfast at the Kona, although I think at the time it might have been called the Coral Isles Cafe. Breakfast was early, and we got on a bus for Animal Kingdom. A woman sitting in front of us asked if we watched the news. I told her yes. I tried to stay informed but not so much when at Disney. She told us an airplane had hit the World Trade Center in New York. I, as her, was convinced it was a small plane that had lost it's way, and we went on about our business. We get to Animal Kingdom. We go to Kilmangaro Safaris. Ride the ride. When we come off, a CM is there to inform us that things have been closed. I wasn't sure at the time if she meant the ride (Did someone get eaten by a Tiger?) or did she mean the park? Come to find out it was the latter. Now, we hurried to the exit, because if this was the case, there were sure to be transportation bottlenecks. We raced for the bus, but already a huge wait. And people were beginning to get information. "We have been attacked!", "Every city in America is being evacuated", and the like. It took an hour to get on a bus, packed like sardines, but finally on the way back to the Poly. DW freaking out the whole time and me telling her, and I quote, "Where are you going to evacuate every major city to? Calm down and let's get back to a television and see what is really going on." We get back and see the news. Call the families to le them know everything is OK with us. Parks are closed, as we later learn for the second time in history, the first being hurricane Andrew. So, nothing left for us to do, head to the Poly bar. PACKED with people watching coverage on their big TV. Met a fellow that lived nearby the towers there, and he was devastated. Next night, we wound up at Jellyrolls at the Boardwalk. As I am sure you know, this is a dueling piano bar that takes requests for songs. One request came up, and the entertainer said that it was not one that he knew, but he would do his best. It was Lee Greenwood, "I'm proud to be an American" and everyone joined in. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. Thursday, 9-13-11, we go home tomorrow. Airspace over the US remains closed. And we wake up to sandbags being placed around our sliding door. Tropical Storm Gabrielle has evidently decided that we haven't been through enough yet, and is making a beeline over central Florida. We went to the parks anyway, and had a blast! But, we are going home tomorrow. I discuss with DW this evening, and (as the airports are still closed and we have no confidence in their opening and do not want to sleep on the airport floor) we should see about staying. As it turns out, the Poly comp'ed us 2 night's under the circumstances!

Wow, I do apologize for such a long introduction for myself, but wanted you all to hear some of my story!


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Well Mad Hatter I am happy to say welcome to Walt Disney World for Grownups! That's an experience you will never forget I am sure and a hell of an introduction if i may add. Glad you found us and decided to finally come out of the shadows.

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

Hello and welcome! Thank you for giving us an insiders view to what happened on 9/11. I never stopped to think of what larger venues might be doing for safety. Now that you are here, tell us what some of your favorite foods are? mickey

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Hello and welcome to our forum. So glad you found us and even happier that you decided to join our group. Super glad you posted about your experiences on that fateful day.


Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

welcome MadHatter to the best blog there is. Thank you so much for sharing your 9-11 experience and just confirming what a wonderful place Disney truly is. As I read your intro I began to tear up. Have a wonderful time

Mad Hatter's picture
Joined: 09/28/2013
Posts: 149

Thanks to everyone for your warm welcomes! And yes, it was truly a trip that will never be forgotten.

MM, you asked a great question, and one that you, MrHub, I know will be interested in hearing about. Food! I absolutely LOVE Le Cellier in Canada! You can't beat the cheese soup! Other favorites are the Kona Cafe for breakfast (a must every morning!!), the San Angel in Mexico, and I am a big fan of Tutto Italia in Italy. Also, we ate at Nine Dragons in China for the first time last October on our last trip, and it was fabulous! I love to eat, so the fine dining in Epcot is a big MUST DO for me every trip! Unfortunately it looks like it will probably be fall of 2015 before I will be returning. DW is in Grad school and will be finished by then. My whole family is going there in November of this year and it is killing me knowing that we can't join in this time. I'd love to be there to ride all the roller coasters with my nephew for the first time (he's 6 and finally tall enough), and take my niece (3) to get a princess makeover!

Thanks again everyone, and so excited to be a part of the group!


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Mad Hatter's picture
Joined: 09/28/2013
Posts: 149

PirateGirl, I just realized you are going TOMORROW! Hope you have a magical time! You as well MrHub, you will love the Poly. Look up Walt and Clinta at the watering hole there, they are awesome. And make certain to grab a beverage and take in the MNSSHP fireworks show from the beach there. SPECTACULAR!! They pipe in the music on the beach synchronized to the show. Have a blast!!


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Sounds great Mad Hatter, yes we love the Poly, been staying there for many years now, still rather stay and pay there then do our DVC most times. Im really sorry to see the Poly go DVC the way Disney is doing it, but oh well, we will see how it really ends up. We usually always get a MKV room in Tuvalu and love sitting on our balcony and watching the fireworks and the Electric Water Pageant and then there is always listening to the Magic Kingdom waking up in the morning!.


Thank you for sharing that heartfelt story. I know none of us will ever forget that day. I'm new too, but welcome.

Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

Mad Hatter wrote:
PirateGirl, I just realized you are going TOMORROW! Hope you have a magical time! You as well MrHub, you will love the Poly. Look up Walt and Clinta at the watering hole there, they are awesome. And make certain to grab a beverage and take in the MNSSHP fireworks show from the beach there. SPECTACULAR!! They pipe in the music on the beach synchronized to the show. Have a blast!!

Yes I am. It has been a long time planning but it has finally arrived and I am so EXCITED.

scorpio301's picture
Joined: 07/18/2011
Posts: 85

Mad Hatter....thanks for sharing your trip with us ! I don't post a lot, but I read everything and everyone on here is so nice !! muchlove clapping mickey
Pirate Girl......Have a safe and exciting trip !!


Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

Thanks Scorpio301.

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

Welcome Mad Hatter! Wow, that is quite the story of your trip in 2001 - thanks for sharing. Being a fairly new member myself, I'm sure you will enjoy the family feeling here at WDW for grown ups. mickey

Magic Days's picture
Joined: 11/02/2012
Posts: 601

stars stars welcome stars stars Amazing story of that horrible day. We are staying at a different resort. Does the poly management care if you beach crash for the fireworks and the water pageant?


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Magic Days wrote:
stars stars welcome stars stars Amazing story of that horrible day. We are staying at a different resort. Does the poly management care if you beach crash for the fireworks and the water pageant?

They are starting to get stricter and with all the construction starting they will probably really start cracking down.

Joined: 07/19/2013
Posts: 1562

Welcome to the forum Mad Hatter! This certainly is a great place to be for a Disney fan.

I think everyone remembers exactly where they were and what they were doing on that tragic day. It was very interesting to hear your story. I was at work when it happened and I too thought it was a small Cessna type plane until I found out what was really happening. I work in a 70 storey office tower in Toronto. I'll never forget looking out of my 39th floor window and seeing all the planes circling in the sky waiting to land as the airspace had been shut down. When I saw the towers collapse in NYC, I just couldn't fathom what was happening and was is utter shock.

Anyway, it's places like Disney World that help me realize that there are really fun places to visit and for a week you can forget about the "real world" and just be happy.

Mad Hatter's picture
Joined: 09/28/2013
Posts: 149

Thanks to the J's, and to Scorpio, and Magic Day's for your warm welcomes! I hope to contribute something to the group!


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Mad Hatter's picture
Joined: 09/28/2013
Posts: 149

If I were you, I'd find my way to the TTC. It's a short walk from there to the Poly. Just a thought, I wouldn't ever recommend breaking any rules.


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JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

welcome Mad Hatter

Thank you for sharing your story.


Nancy D's picture
Joined: 05/29/2012
Posts: 754

Welcome, MadHatter.

What a story!

I know you're counting down the days 'til you can make ADRs for that 2015 trip!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Hi and welcome Mad Hatter! What an amazing story, thanks for sharing!

AnnielovesDisney's picture
Joined: 09/12/2013
Posts: 887

welcome Mad Hatter
What an experience that must have been on 9/11!

JMUDukz's picture
Joined: 03/28/2012
Posts: 822

Welcome! What an experience on 9-11. I can only imagine the panic that ensued. I would have loved to have been there with everyone singing "I'm Proud to be An American", that song always brings tears to my eyes. I happened to be staying at Shades of Green the night Usama Bin Ladin was taken down. The resort went crazy, with people cheering down the halls!!


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Eeyore's picture
Joined: 11/22/2012
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Welcome to the site! Enjoyed reading your story! Smile

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Hello Mad Hatter! Thanks so much for reading - and welcome to the forums!

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

Welcome Mad Hatter! Thank you for your awesome story, and glad you have joined us. mickey


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Joined: 12/28/2011
Posts: 1039

Welcome to the best board around. We're all a bit crazy here. . . mickey


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Joined: 11/15/2012
Posts: 912

Welcome MH I love this site and find it very friendly, I am from the UK I find it much nicer and very informative than the UK sites. A good vibe here!


Mad Hatter's picture
Joined: 09/28/2013
Posts: 149

stars stars Wow! Thanks to you all for the warm welcomes!

JoAnn C, Allie, AnnielovesDisney, Kristen K, DisneyDoc, Ollie, and Sally-Ann, Thank You All muchlove

Nancy D - Yes counting down to ADR's. Unfortunately count is around 500 something- but thank you muchlove

JMUDucks - I'd love to hear your story about Shades of Green when UBL went down, if there is any more. If you were there (at SoG), and I don't know your story, I can only assume I owe a thanks to you or a member of your family for their service. So Thank You! And thanks for your welcome for me muchlove

Eeyore - Thanks to your DH for his service, and yours as well! And for my warm welcomes to this place muchlove

Love you all!! muchlove muchlove muchlove

And so happy to be here with you all!


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Mad Hatter's picture
Joined: 09/28/2013
Posts: 149

I realize that I have left out a part of my story, and should recognize the people responsible for this part, although I have no idea who they are. On the night of the attacks, the gift shops at the Poly were passing out American flag lapel pens to any that wanted them. I can only assume that this was happening at all the resorts, but have no knowledge if that was the case. At any rate, thank you at whatever level, and know that we were proud to accept them and thankful for the gesture!


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