just say no to drugs
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DVC owner since 2002 BCV/BWV/BLT/VGC
just say no to drugs
See my Disney Photography at...
DVC owner since 2002 BCV/BWV/BLT/VGC
just say no to drugs
Moderators, please kick "robinhoodcompliance," "pinkdyetile" and all their relatives off this web site!
I am on here pretty much daily, I wish I could go in and delete them. Spammers need to be hung by their fingernails and doused in acid. OK, that is going a bit far but come on.... And why are people actually opening them up and reading them??????
"I do not like the cone of shame."
"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."
"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."
just say no to drugs
OMG, I just laughed out loud. Thanks Colone!
Sorry people but we can only do so much! We delete them as soon as we can and you are only seeing a fraction of what we have to deal with.
Sorry people but we can only do so much! We delete them as soon as we can and you are only seeing a fraction of what we have to deal with.
We thank you for all that you do!
MrHub wrote:Sorry people but we can only do so much! We delete them as soon as we can and you are only seeing a fraction of what we have to deal with.We thank you for all that you do!
Yes! Thank you, just seems like sooo much lately. They must be trying to make extra Christmas cash!
"I do not like the cone of shame."
"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."
"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."
Happy every year at this time. Spambots.
MrHub wrote:Sorry people but we can only do so much! We delete them as soon as we can and you are only seeing a fraction of what we have to deal with.We thank you for all that you do!
Yes! We truly appreciate it!
Will we see you, Scrappy, KenJ and JanJ in January at Abracadbar?
JanJ wrote:MrHub wrote:Sorry people but we can only do so much! We delete them as soon as we can and you are only seeing a fraction of what we have to deal with.We thank you for all that you do!
Yes! We truly appreciate it!
Will we see you, Scrappy, KenJ and JanJ in January at Abracadbar?
I think that could happen. I would like to get in there and have a drink.
I'll also take this opportunity to thank the administrators/moderators for everything you do.
For all you do...
This Bud's for you
See my Disney Photography at...
DVC owner since 2002 BCV/BWV/BLT/VGC