Hmmm. How Do I...

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Joined: 02/25/2012
Posts: 134
Hmmm. How Do I...

Hi All,

Okay, so I understand how to find all new posts. I know how to find the most active threads. There is something I have been trying to figure out that I am stumped on and hoping someone can help.

If I reply to a thread and then another person replies to it at some point, when I am viewing the listing of all threads with just the subjects showing, how do I know which threads I have commented on previously without opening them? I know some boards have ways of indicating this, but I cannot seem to see any indicator that signifies this. Am I missing it? Does it not exist?


- Dreams

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

If you click on your name, you will see this listing under your account. It will show you the last 10 threads you posted in.
It will take you to the thread, but not to you last post, you will have to find that.

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