How early do you hit the parks?

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Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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How early do you hit the parks?

Dave and I have usually been late sleepers in real life..but we always try to hit the parks close to opening so we can miss out on some of the later crowds. Now that we are taking the boy..and he typically sleeps later we're afraid we won't get there until early afternoon!
Occasionally we'd go out of our way to be up and at the gate for openings but we rarely made early do you hit the parks?


mickey Bella


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SpaceAce's picture
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I voted for before park opening, but lately we haven't gotten to a park until mid-morning. Maybe we're just getting old, but we can't get up so early anymore!

Bella, are you guys planning to hit the parks en force with the little guy?




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Vettelover's picture
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I went with late morning, we usually try to sleep a later than normal, (we are usually up at 5 AM) and then have coffee and breakfast in our room then shower and get ready and head out to the parks.


bali's picture
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Mid-morning for us, too. But we do try to make rope drop on EMH days!


May 2008 CSR mickey

caitiesus's picture
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Well, I picked mid-morning, but it is usually whenever we get up and ready. If we have a breakfast reservation, we wake up early, but other than that we don't push too hard it IS vacation! We tend to use Evening Extra Magic hours the most, so that helps.

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We're early risers in general, so we're usually up and at the park about 15-20 minutes before opening.

I know, it's an illness.

Bella's picture
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SpaceAce wrote:

Bella, are you guys planning to hit the parks en force with the little guy?

No..and this is the hardest part..we are SUCH commando's having to take it slow is going to KILL us. We went to the mall yesterday (in Charlotte so we drove an hour to get there & then we walked around foreveeeeeeeer...) and we nearly killed him. He loves sleeping in his stroller but he doesn't nap well. So we'll have to take it according to his schedule..whatever that may be. It seems to change all the time.


mickey Bella

Catherine's picture
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Always rope drop for us!

robertcraig's picture
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I usually go first thing leave in the afternoon and come back in the evening



Lizzy_B's picture
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I have been converted to a rope drop believer! I used to mosy in around noon (we live close by) but I'll be trying to get there for opening time whenever possible from now on. I can't BELIEVE how much more efficient your day can be that way!

For those of you who favor rope drop, do you make it to the end of the day? Or rest in the middle?


Mase's picture
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Depends on where we go for the day. If its MK... rope drop or as close to. Everywhere else... just whenever. When we go... its usually only MK that is halfway busy.


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shonkiesgirl's picture
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It depends on my mood. My first time there I was at the parks for rope drop each morning but now that I've been 3 times, I tend to approach it differently and just go when I feel like it. This most recent trip will probably be rope drop again though seeing as my friend will be doing it all for the first time.

Bella's picture
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Lizzy_B wrote:

For those of you who favor rope drop, do you make it to the end of the day? Or rest in the middle?

This is the benefit of staying on-site. We usually go early then come back after lunch and take a nap or a swim and go back out to another park in the evening. It's great because you beat the heat!


mickey Bella

Joined: 09/12/2010
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Bella wrote:
Lizzy_B wrote:

For those of you who favor rope drop, do you make it to the end of the day? Or rest in the middle?

This is the benefit of staying on-site. We usually go early then come back after lunch and take a nap or a swim and go back out to another park in the evening. It's great because you beat the heat!

For the "Bella and I were Separated at Birth" file, this is exactly what we do.

Catherine's picture
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Bella wrote:
Lizzy_B wrote:

For those of you who favor rope drop, do you make it to the end of the day? Or rest in the middle?

This is the benefit of staying on-site. We usually go early then come back after lunch and take a nap or a swim and go back out to another park in the evening. It's great because you beat the heat!

This is what we do too! Try to stay until a little after lunch. Go back to the resort, get a nap or swim in and then hop to another park!

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Hi I'm brand new here Smile Just wondering if u need a parkhopper pass to leave and take a nap at the hotel, and then come back later

JoAnn C's picture
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MrsMandyKay wrote:
Hi I'm brand new here Smile Just wondering if u need a parkhopper pass to leave and take a nap at the hotel, and then come back later

HI and welcome

If you are returning to the same park, you do not need a park hopper pass. If you are going to a different park, then you do.


Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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MrsMandyKay wrote:
Hi I'm brand new here Smile Just wondering if u need a parkhopper pass to leave and take a nap at the hotel, and then come back later

Hiii!! Welcome!!

And exactly what JoAnn said don't need it if you are planning on going back to the same park. They used to stamp your hand but I don't even think you need to do that anymore.


mickey Bella

Mase's picture
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MrsMandyKay wrote:
Hi I'm brand new here Smile Just wondering if u need a parkhopper pass to leave and take a nap at the hotel, and then come back later

Welcome! And ill ditto what Bella and JoAnn said... heh

welcome welcome welcome


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Joined: 05/22/2011
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Thanks... One more question... For those of you that have stayed at AKL does it smell horrible if you get a savannah view room? I know it's silly but I just can't find any info on it.

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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MrsMandyKay wrote:
Thanks... One more question... For those of you that have stayed at AKL does it smell horrible if you get a savannah view room? I know it's silly but I just can't find any info on it.

Not at all. Just think of the same smell at the AK park. Its really nice... but if your asking if it smells like a zoo? Naw... smells fine.


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Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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MrsMandyKay wrote:
Thanks... One more question... For those of you that have stayed at AKL does it smell horrible if you get a savannah view room? I know it's silly but I just can't find any info on it.

Nope! Not a bad The animals are very well taken care of and they are rotated all the time and the savanas are maintained by the staff. It smells like earth..that's about it. I suppose a giraffe could use the bathroom outside your room and it could get a little smelly..but they really don't get that close and if that did happen they'd probably clean it up fairly quickly.


mickey Bella

shonkiesgirl's picture
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MrsMandyKay wrote:
Thanks... One more question... For those of you that have stayed at AKL does it smell horrible if you get a savannah view room? I know it's silly but I just can't find any info on it.

I get asked this all the time by people thinking of staying here. No it doesn't. I hardly think Disney would have built a resort with animals if it was going to stink Smile

Brad's picture
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shonkiesgirl wrote:

I get asked this all the time by people thinking of staying here. No it doesn't. I hardly think Disney would have built a resort with animals if it was going to stink Smile

Definitely doesn't stink. I could see them making that kind of mistake initially but they'd fix it quickly. That's what Imagineers are for!

I think the animals aren't densely packed enough to stink things up too much. Have you checked out

Also welcome MrsMandyKay!