So I"ve had my new phone for less than a year and I'm already looking longingly at some of the newer smartphones. I kept my last one forever, but now I'm falling in love with all the features. How often do you guys plan to upgrade?
So I"ve had my new phone for less than a year and I'm already looking longingly at some of the newer smartphones. I kept my last one forever, but now I'm falling in love with all the features. How often do you guys plan to upgrade?
So I"ve had my new phone for less than a year and I'm already looking longingly at some of the newer smartphones. I kept my last one forever, but now I'm falling in love with all the features. How often do you guys plan to upgrade?
I personally upgrade when I can. Im an iPhone guy, so im about every other year. The only time it worked differently was when I bought the original iPhone. I didnt have to buy it on contract, so when the iPhone 3G came out, I was eligible even though id only had my iPhone for about 8 months. But had the iPhone 3G till the iPhone 4 came out. Dont plan on getting this next iPhone, but will get the iPhone 6 more than likely.
So basically whenever im able to upgrade... ill upgrade.
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I bought my current cell phone from a guy named Alexander Graham Bell, so that should give you an idea of how often I buy a new cell phone. Heck my cell phone doesn't do a darned thing except make and receive phone calls, and you know what, That's the way I like and want it.
I have Verizon so I had been doing the "new every 2 years" thing they had. I made myself wait til the 2 years before even thinking about a new phone.
That is until.. this past Sept 2010 when the new Motorola Droid 2- R2D2 version was released! soooo I wasnt due for an upgrade til november of 2011 so you can imagine my predicament. This phone ran $200 WITH the upgrade discount.. without is $600!
So I kept talking myself out of it until a couple of weeks ago.. I decided this would be my Tax Refund gift to myself and I bid for one on eBay and won! (it wasnt $600 but it wasnt $200 either)...
anyway, for THIS Star Wars nerd.. it's the BEST phone everrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
DD - cute!
I stayed away from the smartphone bug as long as I could, but when my mom upgraded from the original iPhone to a 4, I inherited her first one. LOVE IT. But I'm content to use it for a while, since I mostly use it for staying connected, not the many addictive apps available. (Don't play games...don't want to start. I think it would be a slippery slope for me.)
DD - cute!I stayed away from the smartphone bug as long as I could, but when my mom upgraded from the original iPhone to a 4, I inherited her first one. LOVE IT. But I'm content to use it for a while, since I mostly use it for staying connected, not the many addictive apps available. (Don't play games...don't want to start. I think it would be a slippery slope for me.)
Have you played with her iPhone 4 though? My wife went from the original to the iPhone 4, and she couldnt believe she waited so long. It was a huge jump for me from the 3G to it. Plus... Facetime is great! My Dad bought an iPad 2 on Friday, and it has Facetime. So after the brackets for the NCAA Tournament were announced (Were HUGE OSU fans) I decided for the fun of it to Facetime with him. He answered on his iPad 2! It was great! Kinda nice to talk face to face rather than on the phone.
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I upgrade about every 2 or so years. I actually held on to my last phone for about 2 and a half years but then my son..who is 16 months and likes all things shiny..took it and put it in a drawer & I couldn't find it for 3 months. So..I went and upgraded to the iPhone 4 (I wanted to anyway) and I love it. Oh my gosh..I have the iPad and I love that but the iPhone is more like "HOW DID I LIVE WITHOUT YOU?!?"
I won't upgrade again though until I get my discount which is about every 18 months I think.
cdub wrote:So I"ve had my new phone for less than a year and I'm already looking longingly at some of the newer smartphones. I kept my last one forever, but now I'm falling in love with all the features. How often do you guys plan to upgrade?I personally upgrade when I can. Im an iPhone guy, so im about every other year. The only time it worked differently was when I bought the original iPhone. I didnt have to buy it on contract, so when the iPhone 3G came out, I was eligible even though id only had my iPhone for about 8 months. But had the iPhone 3G till the iPhone 4 came out. Dont plan on getting this next iPhone, but will get the iPhone 6 more than likely.
So basically whenever im able to upgrade... ill upgrade.
Same here
Lizzy_B wrote:DD - cute!I stayed away from the smartphone bug as long as I could, but when my mom upgraded from the original iPhone to a 4, I inherited her first one. LOVE IT. But I'm content to use it for a while, since I mostly use it for staying connected, not the many addictive apps available. (Don't play games...don't want to start. I think it would be a slippery slope for me.)
Have you played with her iPhone 4 though? My wife went from the original to the iPhone 4, and she couldnt believe she waited so long. It was a huge jump for me from the 3G to it. Plus... Facetime is great! My Dad bought an iPad 2 on Friday, and it has Facetime. So after the brackets for the NCAA Tournament were announced (Were HUGE OSU fans) I decided for the fun of it to Facetime with him. He answered on his iPad 2! It was great! Kinda nice to talk face to face rather than on the phone.
Frankly, I'm afraid to play with it too much...because I know I'll want one. And as nice as that would be...I'll try to hold on to mine for a little longer. I under utilize it, and it still works beautifully. Maybe in a year or two. And I admit the facetime feature is terrific. Friends of mine (a couple) are separated at present because he's a Marine, and is in VA for training while she's in Hawaii with their children, preparing to be moved back to CA. They say they couldn't do w/out their iPhone 4 and the facetime feature. We are truly blessed to be living in a time with such amazing technology.
Mase wrote:Lizzy_B wrote:DD - cute!I stayed away from the smartphone bug as long as I could, but when my mom upgraded from the original iPhone to a 4, I inherited her first one. LOVE IT. But I'm content to use it for a while, since I mostly use it for staying connected, not the many addictive apps available. (Don't play games...don't want to start. I think it would be a slippery slope for me.)
Have you played with her iPhone 4 though? My wife went from the original to the iPhone 4, and she couldnt believe she waited so long. It was a huge jump for me from the 3G to it. Plus... Facetime is great! My Dad bought an iPad 2 on Friday, and it has Facetime. So after the brackets for the NCAA Tournament were announced (Were HUGE OSU fans) I decided for the fun of it to Facetime with him. He answered on his iPad 2! It was great! Kinda nice to talk face to face rather than on the phone.
Frankly, I'm afraid to play with it too much...because I know I'll want one.
And as nice as that would be...I'll try to hold on to mine for a little longer. I under utilize it, and it still works beautifully. Maybe in a year or two. And I admit the facetime feature is terrific. Friends of mine (a couple) are separated at present because he's a Marine, and is in VA for training while she's in Hawaii with their children, preparing to be moved back to CA. They say they couldn't do w/out their iPhone 4 and the facetime feature. We are truly blessed to be living in a time with such amazing technology.
When I went away last summer for a week.... at night I would call my family with Facetime and id be able to see my kids. It is amazing how technology has evolved. I honestly love it.
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I have a 2 year contract with my current phone (a Sony X10 mini pro)which has 18 months to run still. I had my last phone for over 4 years though.
The best app I've found (it's an Android phone) is an anti-theft tracker that allows me to turn on the GPS remotely and track the phones position in google maps. It'll sound an alarm to help locate the phone if you're close enough and put a warning message on the screen.
I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day... tomorrow doesn't look good either.
I only upgrade when my phone is dying. I never lose them and wear them out to the very end. I just don't see spending the money to upgrade all the time.
Wishin' I was at WDW!