I think I might cry!!!! Trip CANCELLATION pending....

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carlsbaddrew's picture
Joined: 03/11/2013
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I think I might cry!!!! Trip CANCELLATION pending....

My wife and I have a beautiful 3 year old daughter. We planned on having another baby soon, and so our oct/nov trip was supposed to be our last chance to get away for some significant ALONE time for the next few years. We planned on trying to get pregnant sometime shortly after our trip. My summers are very crazy. From May-Oct I work 60-80 hour weeks with the occasional 100, & I'm gone plenty of nights and weekends. Come late October, we are both dying for some time away from everything (kids/work/real life).

WELL... we just took a pregnancy test, and it shows we indeed have an unexpected bun in the oven! We are SO EXCITED, but also simultaneously bummed because it was a "surprise" and we know we have to cancel our trip. I suppose we could still go, but we'd be avoiding all the fun rides, water slides, alcohol, sushi, jacuzzis, etc. Not to mention all the heavy walking during pregnancy certainly wouldn't be much fun for the wife. I think it's just too much money to spend considering our experience would have to be so limited.

We already discussed that fall of 2014 would be our next possible trip, but maybe not until spring 2015. Man that is such a depressing thought! Haha

Has anyone else had to cancel a trip? Tell me your story!

Is our $200.00 deposit lost or can we get that back?

sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad


Current Disneyland / CA Adventure pass holder. WDW X4 visits!

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Sorry about having to cancel the trip but congratulations on the pregnancy. As long as you're more than 45 days from check in you'll get back all the money you've paid on your package including the $200 deposit.

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Wll I'm sorry and happy for you all at once!! Certainly congrats on the pregnancy! Always awesome news. But yeah, bummer about canceling the trip.

We have had to cancel once before. We had a trip planned for September of 2011, but I ended up having to have neck surgery, knee surgery and shoulder surgery back to back, and just couldn't go with all the restrictions the doctors were putting on me! No bumpy or jerky rides, lots of rest, keep the walking to a minimum....what?!?

We had to move it to April of 2012. I know it was the right thing to do, but it was painful to postpone!! My neck thanks me for it though.

carlsbaddrew's picture
Joined: 03/11/2013
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JeffC wrote:
Wll I'm sorry and happy for you all at once!! Certainly congrats on the pregnancy! Always awesome news. But yeah, bummer about canceling the trip.

We have had to cancel once before. We had a trip planned for September of 2011, but I ended up having to have neck surgery, knee surgery and shoulder surgery back to back, and just couldn't go with all the restrictions the doctors were putting on me! No bumpy or jerky rides, lots of rest, keep the walking to a minimum....what?!?

We had to move it to April of 2012. I know it was the right thing to do, but it was painful to postpone!! My neck thanks me for it though.

Thats tough! We probably couldn't be away from our new baby until it's near 1 yr old. Thats 21 months from now. EEEESH! I guess it will be that much sweeter when we do get to go.

On a more positive note... my 3 yr old has finally passed the 42" mark so many disney rides require. We live about 50 miles south of Disneyland / CA adventure, so I'll probably get she and I some annual passes so we can go have fun when Mommy needs a break. CA Disney is great, but it certainly doesn't hold a candle to WDW.


Current Disneyland / CA Adventure pass holder. WDW X4 visits!

MrHub's picture
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Sorry about having to cancel, but congrats on the new comer! It's rough and I feel your pain. WDW will be waiting for you!

WDWfanatic's picture
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I went to WDW at 29 weeks pregnant with #1 and at 19 weeks pregnant with #2. I also went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom and DL in the first trimester with #2. It's fine. With #2 we were there during Food & wine and the World Showcase was a GREAT place to be! Not for the wine, of course. Had no probs. You can go on Pirates and Kilimanjaro Safari, but I chose not to. The walking is not that bad. Just slower. I am not having anymore kids, but I would do it again. You can still ride so many things. It does make you slow down and you are kind of forced to find things that you would have never found.

While there during my first pregnancy my Husband had to go to continuing education classes for a whole day. So I went solo to MK, How fun. We were undecided on a name. Neither one of us could decide between Anna or Heather. So while I was at MK alone, I got her her first ears. I filled out the little card for the name and somehow I wrote down Anna. When my Husband got back to the room I showed him and it was decided.

I took my time shopping, one of the characters from the Main Street Trolley Show came inside, because she saw my enormous belly, and pinned a First Visit button to my belly. I am HUGE while I am pregnant. I rode a few kiddie rides, and, of course, its a small world, and the best part was the TTA. It is a lot of walking, but you can pace yourself. Animal Kingdom was my worst day, it is sooooooop hot there compared to the other parks.

I say, unless it is for financial reasons or any other personal reason, don't cancel just because of the pregnancy. Having said that, I didn't fly anywhere once we were past the 1st trimester. I know you can, but I feel bad since I don't know what the baby is doing in there. Does it make their ears hurt? We are only about 9 hours away, we always drive to WDW. So that was a non issue for us.

And by the way!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! This really is exciting news!!!!

Here are my pregnancy shots. I didn't get any good WDW belly shots while there with #2.

The top one is 19 weeks with #2, the bottom one is 29 weeks with #1.



Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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I totally understand wanting to postpone when your wife is pregnant. If I had the luxury of being able to take trips often I probably wouldn't postpone, but with how little we can afford to go I wouldn't want to waste a trip on not being able to take full advantage of my favorite rides, drinks, etc. What a bummer, but congratulations on your little surprise! yay We had to put off our next trip until Sept 2014 or January 2015 when our little one will be at least 1 yrs old, as well. Keep up with the planning and dreaming about the next trip though, it's what keeps me sane! biggrin

Kat's picture
Joined: 05/05/2012
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Huge congratulations to you and your wife, but I agree, it is a bummer to have to postpone your trip--but I think it's wise since you can't go that often and want to get the full experience. I also recently found out I am expecting and so we had to put our next trip way on the back burner--we were going to do one in 3 years, but we've decided we want our kiddo to be a little older so our next trip won't be for almost 5 years!! But I'm still planning it already anyway (at least tentatively) just to keep the dream alive Wink


Fall 2015: Master's Degree Graduation Trip, Details TBD! Can't wait to be back in the World!
Nov. 2014: Baby's First 1/2 Day at the Magic Kingdom; our date day at Hollywood studios
Jan. 2014: Our princess was born!
May 2013: Our POR & DCL honeymoon (& my husband's first Disney trip of hopefully many!)
May 2013: Our Disney-themed wedding

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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Oh, my. I'm so sorry. But this has to be just about the happiest reason to have to cancel a WDW trip. So hang in there, it will all be waiting for you when you can finally get back to Florida.

Meanwhile, may I suggest that you and wifey make sure you get that alone time you so desperately need? Someplace closer, and more affordable. A nice quiet offseason week at the beach, for example, watching the ocean and the sunsets, drinking mocktails, catching up on your reading, doing easy activities that won't stress wifey or baby, and reminding yourselves why you got married in the first place. Or the same idea in the mountains, or the desert, or a town somewhere with interesting history and sights where you can easily drive from place to place so wifey won't tax herself too much.

And take advantage of having Disneyland so close to home while you wait till the big WDW trip is finally doable.

finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
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As CCP say, if you have to cancel a trip, this is the best reason to have to do it! Congratulations. yay

We were planning on going to Disneyland in September, adding it on to a short trip to we doing to California. DH got slammed into early retirement in January, we ran the numbers, and decided we had to cancel the Disneyland portion of the trip. I envy you that at least you will get your "Disney fix" there for the next couple of years. I haven't been since I was a teenager, back in the 60's (yes, I'm wheelchair ), and with the price of airfares from Ontario to CA, I don't think I will get the chance to ever get back now.

Think of the fun you will have introducing TWO children to WDW in a few years! awesome



Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.

finngirl's picture
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Boy, I really need to have a coffee before I post. Sorry for the slightly incoherent sentence.



Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.

mimi's picture
Joined: 11/27/2012
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stars yay yeah yeah yay stars
congrats On the new surprise addtion to your family!!!

sad sad sad Sorry you have to postpone your trip - with a new focus all the new adjustments and changes that will come along with your new addition - the time will hopefully fly by until your next WDW adventure!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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crazycatperson wrote:
Meanwhile, may I suggest that you and wifey make sure you get that alone time you so desperately need? Someplace closer, and more affordable. A nice quiet offseason week at the beach, for example, watching the ocean and the sunsets, drinking mocktails, catching up on your reading, doing easy activities that won't stress wifey or baby, and reminding yourselves why you got married in the first place. Or the same idea in the mountains, or the desert, or a town somewhere with interesting history and sights where you can easily drive from place to place so wifey won't tax herself too much.

This is a great idea! I second it!

JMUDukz's picture
Joined: 03/28/2012
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crazycatperson wrote:
Meanwhile, may I suggest that you and wifey make sure you get that alone time you so desperately need? Someplace closer, and more affordable. A nice quiet offseason week at the beach, for example, watching the ocean and the sunsets, drinking mocktails, catching up on your reading, doing easy activities that won't stress wifey or baby, and reminding yourselves why you got married in the first place. Or the same idea in the mountains, or the desert, or a town somewhere with interesting history and sights where you can easily drive from place to place so wifey won't tax herself too much.

BABYMOON!!! Congratulations!! What about a Disney cruise instead?? She still couldn't sample the adult beverages, but you'd get some Disney in your life, with minimal walking and LOTS of relaxation!!


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carlsbaddrew's picture
Joined: 03/11/2013
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JMUDukz wrote:
crazycatperson wrote:
Meanwhile, may I suggest that you and wifey make sure you get that alone time you so desperately need? Someplace closer, and more affordable. A nice quiet offseason week at the beach, for example, watching the ocean and the sunsets, drinking mocktails, catching up on your reading, doing easy activities that won't stress wifey or baby, and reminding yourselves why you got married in the first place. Or the same idea in the mountains, or the desert, or a town somewhere with interesting history and sights where you can easily drive from place to place so wifey won't tax herself too much.

BABYMOON!!! Congratulations!! What about a Disney cruise instead?? She still couldn't sample the adult beverages, but you'd get some Disney in your life, with minimal walking and LOTS of relaxation!!

I thought about that... but the wife gets motion sickness. She takes dramamine at the parks to handle the rides, so 24 hours a day on a boat might not work for her! We will definitely do something together.... we just had our hearts set on WDW.


Current Disneyland / CA Adventure pass holder. WDW X4 visits!

JMUDukz's picture
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carlsbaddrew wrote:
JMUDukz wrote:
crazycatperson wrote:
Meanwhile, may I suggest that you and wifey make sure you get that alone time you so desperately need? Someplace closer, and more affordable. A nice quiet offseason week at the beach, for example, watching the ocean and the sunsets, drinking mocktails, catching up on your reading, doing easy activities that won't stress wifey or baby, and reminding yourselves why you got married in the first place. Or the same idea in the mountains, or the desert, or a town somewhere with interesting history and sights where you can easily drive from place to place so wifey won't tax herself too much.

BABYMOON!!! Congratulations!! What about a Disney cruise instead?? She still couldn't sample the adult beverages, but you'd get some Disney in your life, with minimal walking and LOTS of relaxation!!

I thought about that... but the wife gets motion sickness. She takes dramamine at the parks to handle the rides, so 24 hours a day on a boat might not work for her! We will definitely do something together.... we just had our hearts set on WDW.

Oh yeah, that might be no bueno. Keep us posted on what you decide!


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I know what you mean when you say you think you might cry. For 9 months I've been obsessively planning a trip to Disneyland and Disneyworld with a two month trip to Central America inbetween for Jan 2014.... and now the Aussie dollar is heading south. Two months ago it was $1.06 US and now its down to $0.93 which means I've already lost more than 10% of my budget... if it goes much lower I won't have enough money for my trip and will have to postpone it for 12 months. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and I know that I WILL get there eventually but... yeah, I think I might cry too.

On the upside, I might get to plan a shorter and closer to home holiday, and planning is half the fun of travelling!


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carlsbaddrew's picture
Joined: 03/11/2013
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Thanks for all the kind words everyone! The wife has her official 1st doctors visit today to get official confirmation of the pregnancy. We took 2 tests already that were both positive, so we're not really expecting any surprises.

I'll have to brainstorm about what we should do for a vacation in the fall. A tropical location isn't super appealing to us since we already live 2 blocks from the beach, and we'll have been on the sand almost every day during the summer.

Our 1 year anniversary is tomorrow, but we'll be celebrating in a few weeks. I might take some of our vacation savings and splurge for a night at Disney's Grand Californian & grab our annual passes while up there. DGC is around $550 a night for a basic room. HOLY CRAP!


Current Disneyland / CA Adventure pass holder. WDW X4 visits!

carlsbaddrew's picture
Joined: 03/11/2013
Posts: 157

Princess Neen wrote:
I know what you mean when you say you think you might cry. For 9 months I've been obsessively planning a trip to Disneyland and Disneyworld with a two month trip to Central America inbetween for Jan 2014.... and now the Aussie dollar is heading south. Two months ago it was $1.06 US and now its down to $0.93 which means I've already lost more than 10% of my budget... if it goes much lower I won't have enough money for my trip and will have to postpone it for 12 months. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and I know that I WILL get there eventually but... yeah, I think I might cry too.

On the upside, I might get to plan a shorter and closer to home holiday, and planning is half the fun of travelling!

Honestly... If I were you, I'd skip disneyland and just do WDW if that helps you pay for your trip. There are only a few noteworthy attractions out here in California that WDW doesn't have. Also, aside from the parks, the "experience" in CA doesn't come even close to WDW.

Disney in CA = Approx 300 acres (that includes the 3 resorts, parks, & dtd)

WDW = Approx 30,000 acres (47 square miles.)

If I didn't live so close to Disney CA, I would probably never go. WDW would always be my first priority for Disney trips.


Current Disneyland / CA Adventure pass holder. WDW X4 visits!

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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Sorry you have to postpone your trip but contratulations on the reason.


carlsbaddrew's picture
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Current Disneyland / CA Adventure pass holder. WDW X4 visits!

Miss Mikki's picture
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Congratulations! We had to cancel our May 2012 trip (due to serious medical reasons, which I won't go into on this thread) but it has made planning for the rescheduled trip this November so much sweeter. I think we will appreciate it even more because we have had to wait and plan for longer. By the time we get to the World in November, it will have been 2 years and 4 months since my last Disney fix!


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carlsbaddrew wrote:

Honestly... If I were you, I'd skip disneyland and just do WDW if that helps you pay for your trip. There are only a few noteworthy attractions out here in California that WDW doesn't have. Also, aside from the parks, the "experience" in CA doesn't come even close to WDW.

Disney in CA = Approx 300 acres (that includes the 3 resorts, parks, & dtd)

WDW = Approx 30,000 acres (47 square miles.)

If I didn't live so close to Disney CA, I would probably never go. WDW would always be my first priority for Disney trips.

Cutting down my stay in LA is definitely an option - we don't have direct flights to Mexico so have to go via LA (and I'd rather get over jetlag in Anaheim than Mexico City) but the 5 days I was planning on spending there can get cut back given how many of the rides will be "doubled up" at WDW. Could spend just 2 days there and see the parts I haven't seen before (Cars Land, Fantasy Faire, World of Color) and just do the "only at DL" rides like Mr Toad and California Screamin'. Would save a bit of money in motel and ticket costs.


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Congratulations on the pregnancy. Can't add anything to the mix re what to do but hope you enjoy whatever it is. 2 blocks from the beach sigh I would be there all the time.


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congrats on your new member to the Disney family.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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I have canceled many a Disney trip, and it's the pits.

However, I also went to Disney 8 months pregnant and took my newborn to see Mickey at 12 days old. So I don't really understand not going for this. mickey

carlsbaddrew's picture
Joined: 03/11/2013
Posts: 157

Kristen K. wrote:
I have canceled many a Disney trip, and it's the pits.

However, I also went to Disney 8 months pregnant and took my newborn to see Mickey at 12 days old. So I don't really understand not going for this. mickey

To each his own...

For my wife and I.... we just know after no water slides, no E ticket rides, no drinks, no jacuzzi's, no sushi, no massages, etc.... we'd feel like all the money and the hard work it took to earn and save said money wasn't worth it. To me, doing WDW sans everything I listed is like going to a beach with no ocean. Some of the elements are the same, but the meat & potatoes are missing.

We'll wait and do it right Smile


Current Disneyland / CA Adventure pass holder. WDW X4 visits!