I'm back!! I've missed everyone!!

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kywildcatchick's picture
Joined: 03/30/2013
Posts: 281
I'm back!! I've missed everyone!!

Hello Everyone,
I have missed this forum and all of my friends here so much. My daughter was in an accident and thankfully is doing much better now. I am looking forward to catching back up with everyone!!


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Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

welcome home.....we missed you too!
I am so sorry to hear your daughter was injured
but so happy to hear she is doing better....
send her a get well hug from us all!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

^^^^ Ditto what Magic Mirror said.


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Vettelover wrote:
^^^^ Ditto what Magic Mirror said.

Welcome back and double ditto!

kywildcatchick's picture
Joined: 03/30/2013
Posts: 281

Thanks so much you guys!! I so enjoyed reading all the trip reports last night and getting my Disney fix!!

I am actually in Miami for work right now and so just want to rent a car and drive up through the middle of the state!


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JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

Good seeing you again. Sorry to hear about your daughter's accident. Glad to hear she is ok.


DisneyDee27's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
Posts: 1600

welcome back yay positive thoughts for your daughter awesome


Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Hello and welcome back! Glad to hear that your daughter is doing better - I'll send some good healing energy her way tonight. Jump right back in, it's nice to see you!