Hello all. Nice little forum you have here.
"So Mote it Be"
Hello all. Nice little forum you have here.
"So Mote it Be"
"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow just a dream away"
http://www.facebook.com/KarliInWonderland - My Disney Facebook page with live updates while i'm in the parks!
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien
Hello Barnacle Bill and to WDWForGrownups!.
What'cha Doooin'?
- 2013 Trip Report!
- My Int3ractiv3 Trip R3port '12 - CLICK HERE!
[url='http://www.wdwforgrownups.com/forum/pick-mases-dinner-disney']- My Interactive Trip Report '11[/url]
Mase you always have the best Pics and graphics. Love your Mickey.
Hey! Barnacle Bill from 1 gearhead to another.
Hey! Barnacle Billfrom 1 gearhead to another.
Heh heh. I used to own a 2001 and a 2005 vette. Traded them for various reasons. Check your PM inbox if you would please. I have a corvette related message there for you
Kristen, not doing much. Moved back to FL to de-stress and am planning a Disney Trip for early NOV.
and everyone else, thanks for rolling out the welcome mat.
"So Mote it Be"
Barnacle Bill to our little piece of heaven - Disney heaven that is!
Welcome to the group
Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.
Welcome Barnacle Bill! Tell us your Disney favorites.
Tons of them. Mom and dad have stories from when I was a baby, too. I do miss the 20K leagues under the sea, though, and I have too many favorites to list. Oddly enough, the Tomorrow Land Transit Authority (formely the WEDway People Mover) is one of my favorites.
"So Mote it Be"
I never was able to bring myself to call it the TTA... it's still the People Mover in our house.
The last time I went to House of Mouse right after i returned from Korea, I asked a question to a cast member and he said the place I was looking for was near the TTA.
<------ Me.
So, he pointed to it and I said, "Oh, the WEDway People Mover!" <----- him. I guess he was a bit too young to remember that.
"So Mote it Be"
I never was able to bring myself to call it the TTA... it's still the People Mover in our house.
I have been there the past two years and didn't even realize it wasn't called the People Mover anymore... LOL People Mover & Carosel of Progress are two of my absolute favorties!!! Prehaps it's because of Walt himself....
The name was rebranded *again* in 2010 and currently the official name is the "Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover."
Kristen K. wrote:The name was rebranded *again* in 2010 and currently the official name is the "Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover."I'm still not sure how you didn't make round 2 of the Disney Mom Panel..... You are a wealth of information!!! Thanks
Thank you so much! I do my best to be helpful.
Welcome, Welcome!
Nice to have you aboard!
Where does your signature quote come from??
Welcome, Bill! You'll find a nice little cult following for the People Mover around these parts