So we have finally reached our 180 day mark Usually we aren't the type to make very many ADR's. We decided we would make 3 and somehow we ended up with 6
Here are our choices for this trip
Boma for Breakfast
Trails End for dinner (hopefully MNSSHP afterwards )
Paradiso 37 for dinner ( we made the reservation for 5 hoping it will be less crazy bar scene than later on)
Garden Grill (my FAVOURITE)
Sci Fi for Dinner
The Plaza for lunch (this is our last day but it is also our anniversary )
Every place with the exception of the Garden Grill are new for us so hopefully they will not disappoint!
We are also going to try for a FP+ for BOG. We really only have 1 or 2 days where we can squeeze it in so my hopes aren't very high There's always the next trip!