Jerkiest Rides

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Joined: 09/12/2010
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Boy, this will be an interesting trip in September! If the neck surgery wasn't enough, I now have to have shoulder surgery in a few weeks, so I will have even more limitations when we go in a few months yuck

I didn't even give a moment's thought to canceling or postponing, though. We need a vacation, and I still think we can have loads of fun, I just will have to miss more rides than I was thinking originally.

So, I am guessing I will bite the bullet and see CoP and HoP, and ride the big riverboat at MK. I think those are the biggies we've yet to do.

Joe is more nervous now because I will have that much more time to shop for souvenirs! yeah

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
Posts: 5438

So first shoulder surgery and then neck? Wow man... but glad you didnt even have thoughts about canceling the trip. Go! Have fun! And most of all....



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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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JeffC wrote:
Boy, this will be an interesting trip in September! If the neck surgery wasn't enough, I now have to have shoulder surgery in a few weeks, so I will have even more limitations when we go in a few months yuck

I didn't even give a moment's thought to canceling or postponing, though. We need a vacation, and I still think we can have loads of fun, I just will have to miss more rides than I was thinking originally.

So, I am guessing I will bite the bullet and see CoP and HoP, and ride the big riverboat at MK. I think those are the biggies we've yet to do.

Joe is more nervous now because I will have that much more time to shop for souvenirs! yeah

Sorry to here about more surgery Jeff. Just tell Joe you want one of those motorized scooters with a U-Haul trailer on the back and you'll be fine! awesome

Pegosaurus's picture
Joined: 11/12/2010
Posts: 467

Re: BTMRR, with rides like that the front tends to be less jerky and rough than the back. Still probably wouldn't recommend going on it though if you're worried. It won't be worth it if you re-injure your neck. Besides, it's not like this is your one and only trip to Disney, so missing a few things out one time won't be so bad Smile




shonkiesgirl's picture
Joined: 05/06/2011
Posts: 215

Dinosaur for sure. I really can't stand that ride. I have only ever been on it once. I'm debating whether to go on it again so my best friend can experience it too. I really felt awful afterwards with an earache and a headache. It's not only jerky but too darn loud also!