Jess's hopefully awesome trip report

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disneydoc wrote:
It is SO cool to get TRs from folks on the same trip. Two different perspectives of the same thing.


Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
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Ok so here's the continuation of Monday.....

After we had dinner at Whispering Canyon Cafe we took the boat from Wilderness Lodge to Magic Kingdom for EMH. When we got there is was absolutely packed but it was still like 45 mins till park closing. But there were a ton of people to still go in so we were trying to decide if we were going to stay. My mother in law does not do crowds so she was like i'm going back to the resort. Me and will looked at each other and said what else do we have to do. So in we went with the kids and my mom in tow. Once we got in through the gates it was still jam packed cause everyone was camped everywhere so that they could watch Wishes and the fireworks. We weaved our way through the crowds which was very difficult but managed to make our way to Tomorrowland which was nearly deserted. We walked right on Buzz Lightyear and Monster's Inc Laugh floor. My mom has been to Magic Kingdom before but not since I was a little kid so she enjoyed the new things.

When we got out of Monster's Inc Laugh floor the fireworks had just finished up so it was a massive storm of people but we got on the people mover and took it for a spin around tomorrowland. After that we headed over to Fantasyland and hit the teacups because that is my mom's favorite ride. It was great to hear her laugh like a little school girl.

After that we headed to the new Fantasyland and did Under the Sea with Ariel and Enchanted tales with belle. Both were alot of fun and it was very cool to see the new fantasyland in the dark. Of course brooklin was in heaven with both rides because those are her two favorite princesses.

This was Brooklin's reaction when she saw the mirror turn

Evan got to be the foot stool and Brooklin got to be the salt shaker

Evan wasn't thrilled with having to get his picture taken with Belle but I think the look on his face and where his head ended up in this picture is priceless

And here's a link to the video of the kids participating in Enchanted Tales with Belle

After that we decided to head over and ride Haunted Masion and Pirates of the Caribbean before calling it a night. Evan had talked Brooklin into doing Haunted Mansion by saying one of her favorite bands would be performing in their which of course is not true. I didn't want her to go in there under false pretenses so i told her that it wasn't true but that there were silly ghosts in there. She said she wanted to do it so we went in...although I was a little leery. Evan wouldn't ride it until he was 8 and we had to carry him out of there crying prior to that. Brooklin is all gung ho and says she wants to walk and hold her brother's hand cause he is her best friend. Well I wasn't keen on the idea because i didn't know how she would react and with it being dark in there the last thing i needed was for him to lose her. We get into the stretching room and when he starts talking in his creepy voice it kind of freaked her out but i just started talking to her about different things and then when the scream happened I covered her ears and eyes. Once we got on the ride she was all smiles and loved pointing out all the ghosts and laughing at them. I was so proud of her and how well she handled it especially since she bawled her eyes out earlier that day on Spaceship Earth. We did Pirates after that and she loved that to. I was disappointed though because we didn't see the mermaids. After talking to Mr.hub and scrappy they told us where they were so the second time we rode it we saw them but I wasn't impressed with the addition that they did at all. Don't want to say to much incase people don't want to be spoiled but if you want to know where they are feel free to say so. After that it was a trek back to the front of the park and a long wait for a bus with everyone else.


Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
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Oh yeah and i forgot to add....I much prefer riding HM and POTC in the dark. Everything is so much easier to see in their then during the day. I noticed things on both the rides that I had never noticed before riding it during the day.


Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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Jess wrote:
After that we headed to the new Fantasyland and did Under the Sea with Ariel and Enchanted tales with belle. Both were alot of fun and it was very cool to see the new fantasyland in the dark. Of course brooklin was in heaven with both rides because those are her two favorite princesses.

Mine too! biggrin The picture of Brooklin during the mirror change is adorable and the picture of Evan with Belle is hilarious! Did you guys have a long wait for Storytime?

I didn't notice the mermaids either time we were on POTC, either. Ah well.

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
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Allie wrote:
Jess wrote:
After that we headed to the new Fantasyland and did Under the Sea with Ariel and Enchanted tales with belle. Both were alot of fun and it was very cool to see the new fantasyland in the dark. Of course brooklin was in heaven with both rides because those are her two favorite princesses.

Mine too! biggrin The picture of Brooklin during the mirror change is adorable and the picture of Evan with Belle is hilarious! Did you guys have a long wait for Storytime?

I didn't notice the mermaids either time we were on POTC, either. Ah well.

I want to say it was maybe a 20-30 min wait for Belle and I'll message you about the mermaids


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Jess wrote:
Allie wrote:
Jess wrote:
After that we headed to the new Fantasyland and did Under the Sea with Ariel and Enchanted tales with belle. Both were alot of fun and it was very cool to see the new fantasyland in the dark. Of course brooklin was in heaven with both rides because those are her two favorite princesses.

Mine too! biggrin The picture of Brooklin during the mirror change is adorable and the picture of Evan with Belle is hilarious! Did you guys have a long wait for Storytime?

I didn't notice the mermaids either time we were on POTC, either. Ah well.

I want to say it was maybe a 20-30 min wait for Belle and I'll message you about the mermaids

It was much closer to an hour. It was the longest wait we had that night. Ariel was a close second once we got to the point in line where we found out the line was lagging because they were trying to look at everything in the line.... lol

But yeah... when that door appeared... Brooke was amazed! Her face was so priceless and the wait was sooooo worth it. I was getting her hyped up for Belle since I knew what was going to happen, and when that door magically appeared... it was like she witnessed Santa setting out her presents. Definitely my favorite Disney moment now.


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Today we decided would be Animal Kingdom day. This is our least favorite park and some years we don't even do it. We made sure to do it this year though because my mom had never been and because I had a date with destiny....AKA Expedition Everest. We got there, got some soft pretzels for a snack and then walked around some of the trails to look at the animals. After that we headed to meet up with mr.hub and scrappy for my first ride on EE. It's not one of scrappy's favorite rides but I told her that since I had to do it she had to do it to Smile So I did it....survived...and loved it. Wanted to go on it again but didn't want to make the kids have to wait anymore so I'm looking forward to riding it alot on mine and hubby's trip.

After EE we went and rode Dinosaur then went our seperate ways with mr.hub and scrappy.....but don't be sad. There will be many more fun times with them this trip. After me, my mom and the kids ventured over to the other side of the park to go on the safari. It was good except we got stuck on there for the first time ever because animal's kept standing in the middle of the road. The downside to that was that we had to get out of the park and to our ADR at Ohana....But because of being stuck on the safari we in turn got stuck behind the parade. And then there was a forever long wait at the bus stop but we made it in time. Ohana was delicious as usual. Mr.hub and scrappy stopped by our table on their way out and gave the kids two very cute christmas pins for their lanyards which was so sweet of them. After dinner we decided to go to downtown disney to do some more shopping. The kids got fun pillow pets to end the night with.


Joined: 09/12/2010
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Hahaha - your facial expression (i.e., buried in Mase!!) is a hoot! Glad you enjoyed the ride though and congrats for doing it! And way to make scrappy do it with you - hee hee. Then there's Mase's face in the Buzz Lightyear pic rolling Tongue rolling

That big kitty picture reminds me of Gus - he strikes that same pose when he sleeps!

Your kids are adorable. You're making me re-think my whole philosophy about children.... eek

Thanks for the great report and pics! Keep it coming please!!!!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

So happy you loved EE! That picture of you and Mase on it cracks me up everytime! laugh

The Colonel's picture
Joined: 11/08/2012
Posts: 2943

Nice TR. Are you from Brooklyn by any chance?


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Jess's picture
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JeffC wrote:
Hahaha - your facial expression (i.e., buried in Mase!!) is a hoot! Glad you enjoyed the ride though and congrats for doing it! And way to make scrappy do it with you - hee hee. Then there's Mase's face in the Buzz Lightyear pic rolling Tongue rolling

That big kitty picture reminds me of Gus - he strikes that same pose when he sleeps!

Your kids are adorable. You're making me re-think my whole philosophy about children.... eek

Thanks for the great report and pics! Keep it coming please!!!!

Your more then welcome to have them Smile


Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

The Colonel wrote:
Nice TR. Are you from Brooklyn by any chance?

Nope but I have been asked that before... Lol... But we spell her name with an I so it's different then the city


The Colonel's picture
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My cousin has a Brooke Lynn - I always loved that


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Jess wrote:
JeffC wrote:
Hahaha - your facial expression (i.e., buried in Mase!!) is a hoot! Glad you enjoyed the ride though and congrats for doing it! And way to make scrappy do it with you - hee hee. Then there's Mase's face in the Buzz Lightyear pic rolling Tongue rolling

That big kitty picture reminds me of Gus - he strikes that same pose when he sleeps!

Your kids are adorable. You're making me re-think my whole philosophy about children.... eek

Thanks for the great report and pics! Keep it coming please!!!!

Your more then welcome to have them Smile

Ok, let's not get crazy. laugh laugh laugh laugh

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Wednesday.....Hollywood Studios day

Wednesday we had planned to get up and go to the Boardwalk so my mom could see it. Well she decided she needed to stay at the hotel and write her paper for school. Well we ended up still heading over to the Boardwalk to get a hot dog at the hot dog stand. Well that day ended up being abnormally cold and my mother in law didn't want to sit outside and eat so we ended up going and trying the ESPN club for the first time. Me and my mother in law both got the nachos and will got the wings and everything was very good.

These cookies at Seashore Sweets looked awesome

After lunch we headed back over to DHS to meet up with Mr. Hub, scrappy, and Jessi who were already there

We all met up and watched the Pixar Parade and Brooklin got to play guitar in front of the American Idol Experience

After that we went over and Jessi took us on the VIP experience of Star Tours. Will's mom had to sit it out the first time since Brooklin isn't tall enough to ride it. So while will and his mom and Evan went back on it a second time, Me, mr hub, scrappy, and Jessi went and did Muppets

Then we we're going to go ride Tower of Terror while my mother in law took Brooklin to see the Disney Junior show. But by this point Brooklin thought Jessi was her new best friend and wanted her to go to the Disney Junior show with her. Jessi was such a good sport and made her day by going to see it with her. So me, mase and mr.hub went to ride TOT.

While that ride still makes my stomach do flip flops and I can't ride it without squeezing on to hubby's arm and curling up into a ball everytime it drops, I did not cry this time....And it will be a ride that I can do everytime. After that Mr.hub and scrappy had to head to their ADR at Brown Derby so we took Jessi and had dinner while we waited for them to finish up. After we were all back together we went and rode the Great Movie Ride before heading over to check out the Osbourne Lights.

Brooklin loved it that her hands we're the same size as her favorite, Kermit the Frog

Now we see the Osbourne lights every year that we go so at this point it really doesn't do anything for me anymore but it was great to get to see Mr.Hub and scrappy experience it for the first time.

Here's a picture of Jessi with the kids, like i said Brooklin made a new best friend and I think Evan developed a crush

And here's our group shot of all of us Smile

After heading out from Hollywood Studios we went back to AKL and I got a Mickey bar to enjoy

On a side note...Mase got up in the middle of the night that night and found the kids sleeping like this...sorry it's blurry but it was dark in the room and he had to use the flash so the picture would show up. Yep that's Brooklin using her brother's head as a pillow


Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

ok so I've come to the conclusion that I don't like writing trip reports seeing as how its almost march and I haven't finished my November one. I think its because for the most part we do similar stuff each trip. So I'm just going to touch months highlights of this trip.

1. Getting ti spend time with Mr.hub, scrappy, and Jessi
2. Getting to do the fireworks cruise with mr.hub and scrappy
3. Getting over my fear of some of the rides and actually riding in expedition Everest and splash mountain and being willing to ride tower of terror again. I was going to do rockin roller coaster but we didn't get around to it so that will be next year
4. Getting to experience the new fantasy land


beckyboo013's picture
Joined: 02/25/2013
Posts: 61

Sounds like you had a fantastic trip! Love the pics! The one of your kids sleeping is adorable and priceless, haha. So sweet. I can't wait to be back in Disney!


MrHub's picture
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Jess wrote:
ok so I've come to the conclusion that I don't like writing trip reports seeing as how its almost march and I haven't finished my November one. I think its because for the most part we do similar stuff each trip. So I'm just going to touch months highlights of this trip.

1. Getting ti spend time with Mr.hub, scrappy, and Jessi
2. Getting to do the fireworks cruise with mr.hub and scrappy
3. Getting over my fear of some of the rides and actually riding in expedition Everest and splash mountain and being willing to ride tower of terror again. I was going to do rockin roller coaster but we didn't get around to it so that will be next year
4. Getting to experience the new fantasy land

Jess wrote:
ok so I've come to the conclusion that I don't like writing trip reports seeing as how its almost march and I haven't finished my November one. I think its because for the most part we do similar stuff each trip. So I'm just going to touch months highlights of this trip.

1. Getting ti spend time with Mr.hub, scrappy, and Jessi
2. Getting to do the fireworks cruise with mr.hub and scrappy
3. Getting over my fear of some of the rides and actually riding in expedition Everest and splash mountain and being willing to ride tower of terror again. I was going to do rockin roller coaster but we didn't get around to it so that will be next year
4. Getting to experience the new fantasy land
