JMUDukz's Two-Fer Pre-Trip Report!!

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JMUDukz's picture
Joined: 03/28/2012
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JMUDukz's Two-Fer Pre-Trip Report!!

I realize on this database, not a single one of you will question why I'm going to WDW twice in the span of 35 days. However, my friends and family think I'm nuts (and to be honest, they're probably at least a little right in that assessment). I turned 35 this year and decided that I was going to make this MY year to remember. And that meant registering for a Disney race. I've wanted to do one forever, but with the travel and my love of all things Disney and the food and the souvenirs - well, the race fee is expensive enough but those things make it REALLY a big financial investment. However I tore my ACL last year which sidelined me for a few months and my mother has fibromyalgia and spinal stenosis - her half marathon days are most likely behind her - so I decided why wait, I have the capability now to do this, what if I don't in a few years (although I've been tested and do not show the markers for fibro, fingers crossed none of my sisters nor I end up with this horrible debilitating condition)? If I was going to ever sign up, THIS would be the year. Carpe Diem and all that! I got all excited when I got the email about ToT registration and on impulse, I signed up, bought my plane ticket, and picked my resort all in a matter of minutes. And THEN I googled the race and found that most people, while they enjoyed the race, have said that it's not one of their favorites and F&W Half (as well as Princess and the Marathon weekend races) was much better. I immediately had buyers' remorse, but since I had already paid the race fee and redeemed my miles for my plane ticket, I was sort of stuck. And that's when it hit me. Why not do multiple Disney races?? And thus, my year of the Disney race has begun. Barring any serious injury (knock on wood, fingers crossed), I will complete ToT and F&W Half this fall and possibly do Coast to Coast in the Spring (if I can get into Tink!). So that's the back story. Now on to the deets!!

Tower of Terror 10 Miler - Going solo!
3 October - 7 October
Resort: POR - my goal is to stay at a new resort everytime I go down, if at all possible. I was initially reserved at CBR, but kept thinking back about the POFQ and really missing how awesome that resort is. And after reading everyone's opinions on here, I finally called and made the change from CBR to POR. I may be spending a little too much time sweating the small stuff with this trip.

The plan:
3 October: Arrive mid-morning (around 1030), hit the ME and off to POR! My hope is to be there and checked in by 1. I'm assuming my room won't be ready, so I'll stash my carry on with the bell captain and off I go to the Magic Kingdom!! The plan is to grab a snack and hopefully hit Adventureland first and work my way around. There's a MNSSHP that night, so the park will close at 7pm. I plan to stay until they kick me out, then off to AKL for dinner at BOMA with a 7:50 ADR. Very excited to see how Disney's version of African food compares to the African food I had in Africa (guessing it will be better, or at least the health standards will be higher!). Depending on how stuffed I am, I'll either head back to the resort or maybe to Jelly Rolls to top off the evening....we'll see how it goes!!

4 October: EMH are at DHS this morning. May try to be there in time for rope drop (is it still rope drop at the other parks or just at MK?) to hit up Toy Story first thing. Or may sleep in. Not really sure, most of it will probably depend on how late I'm out the night before!! Either way, I plan to roll over to AK right around opening and hop on the safari to hopefully see some of the animals out and about. That may be my favorite ride at AK! I'll hang around AK until my 11:30 reservation at Yak and Yeti. After lunch, maybe a little more AK, we'll play it by ear. Then off to packet pick up to get my race goodies!! (also found out today that Sparkle Skirts will be there!! I'll be dropping some coin, I'm sure!). Then it's Epcot for the evening. Dinner will be snacks from F&W fest. I always have a few beers the night before I run, so this works out perfectly!!

5 October: RACE DAY! Sleep in, head to DTD for some pasta at Puck's Express. May squeeze in a DVC tour (although I'm very concerned about my tendency to "impulse buy" and am slightly afraid I may let me love of Disney get the better of me!) or may just come back and chill by the pool. LOTS of water! Nap in the afternoon, then off to the races, literally!! I plan to run as the Chesire Cat, with a shirt from and a skirt from I found matching ears and a tail, but not sure how much those will annoy me as I run. With all the ADRs, thank GOD I'm running 10 miles! Villians' After Party is at DHS, so I'll hang out there and hit up the big rides (hopefully, depending on the lines).

6 October: Right now the plan is to sleep in and hang by the pool in the morning. I have a 2 day park hopper ticket as part of my package right now. However, I may either buy another day - or if I go Coast to Coast, I'll upgrade to an annual pass. If I do another park that morning, it will be back to Epcot!! Either way, this is MNSSHP night! I plan on going in "light" costume - a Belle t-shirt from and yet another sparkle skirt (blue sequined!), tiara, and of course, my race medal! I'm hoping the crowds are light, as I'd like to explore Fantasyland. I have a late ressie at BOG, so I'll miss the first parade. Really hoping for some "gray stuff", but since I'm not celebrating, we shall see.

7 October: Departure day. Breakfast at Kona and then ME back to the airport, back to reality. But at least I only have a little over a month until I'm back!!!

So that's trip one. Still have to decide about the tickets and also have to decide if I'm doing a dining plan. Leaning towards no at this point, as I've run the numbers and I can't find where the dining plan really comes out ahead, except in convenience. Really wish the dining plan would allow you to choose an appetizer OR a dessert, that might make it worth it for me. But, I may just go for it in the end. Stay tuned....

Trip two!!
Food and Wine Fest Half Marathon - with my younger sister, A!
7-12 November
Resort: Kidani Village at AKL! I rented DVC points for this trip. It turned out to be only about $10 more per night to rent the points than to reserve a moderate resort. I did only reserve a standard view room, didn't seem worth it to pay all the extra money for a savannah view (and this was before I realized my sister was going with me, so I thought I was paying for it all myself). May end up regretting that, but if anyone has any tips of requests to put in for the best standard room, I'll be happy to take them!

The plan:
I'm going on this trip with my sister, so fewer ADRs as she's not as into them as I am. Also, there's much less planned, as we'll be playing it more by ear. She's no where near the Disney freak I am, although she's a massive scrap booker, so everything will take 3x as long b/c she will take THOUSANDS of pictures. Bonus: I get copies, but sometimes I turn into that little kid who just wants to get on the next ride while she's snapping away!!

7 November: Once again, arrive mid-morning (around 1030), hit the ME and off to AKL. We'll drop our stuff and head out to a park. Think we decided maybe DHS today? No ADRs, so we'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll get to JellyRolls if I don't in October. Or if the Caps are playing, we'll probably end up at ESPN zone to watch.

8 November: Packet pick up for me in the morning, then Epcot Day! My sister is a huge fan of dolphins and marine life, so we'll spend a lot of time at The Seas. Dinner is at the Coral Reef, then Illuminations, then back to the resort!

9 November: RACE DAY! Today I'm running as Belle (which may or may not very closely resemble my MNSSHP costume). Plan in the morning for me is to explore the resort, hang by the pool, maybe explore a few other resorts. My sister plans on taking the day to head to SeaWorld on her own. After party goes until 4am at F&W festival. A few of my ladies from my running group are also running, so hopefully we'll find each other and get our party started!! This is where I have my big concern. By renting DVC points, I'm not staying at a "host" resort for the half. Which means " there's no transportation to the start and from the after party. Getting there is no biggie, I'll take a taxi. Getting home " I'll take the number for a cab company with me, but I'm a little nervous about how easy it will be to get a cab. I figure push comes to shove, I'll walk out the International Gate and over to one of the Epcot area resorts and see if they can call me a cab. After 13.1 miles, I'm certainly not walking back to the resort!! laugh

10 November: We'll start the day at AK. We'll definitely hit Dinoland, as my sister claims I dissuaded her from hitting that part of the park when we were there last May " I did no such thing, but I'm making SURE we hit it this go around so she will stop complaining (sibling rivalry at any age!)! We have lunch reservations at Tusker House - I'm looking forward to it, not sure my sister knows what she's in for, she's not as adventurous of an eater as I am. After AK, maybe hit MK a little in the evening, not really sure yet.

11 November: Lounge around the pool and hotel day! Hope it's still warm enough for the pool!! I realize it's Orlando, but with my luck, they'll be a freak cold spell and it will be snowing. Right now, we have an ADR at Chef Mickey's for breakfast but I think we'll probably end up cancelling. Tonight is MVMCP - AND MEET UP WITH TARATRU!!!" so we'll be hitting MK. Do people dress up at all for MVMCP?? Really looking forward to this! - Oh - and Happy Veteran's Day and Thanks to all who serve (I'm a little early, since this is just a pre-trip report, but you can never say "thank you" enough for those who keep us free!).

12 November: Once again, must return to reality at some time. We'll probably do breakfast some where, a little shopping, then ME it back to the airport.

Thoughts?? Suggestions?? I'm not a Disney newbie, but reading everyone else's TRs has made me realize how much I've missed in my trips!! Down to 94 days and counting....

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I think that's pretty dang awesome! Anyone who can figure out a way to have 2 Disney trips in the span of 35 days gets a tip o' the hat from me!!!


JMUDukz wrote:

The plan:
I'm going on this trip with my sister, so fewer ADRs as she's not as into them as I am. Also, there's much less planned, as we'll be playing it more by ear. She's no where near the Disney freak I am

I have a friend who likes to put a positive name to everything, so in honor of her, I dub you a master Disney Enthusiast!

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

Hello! It all sounds great so far clapping

I agree with your it now if you can....we do not know what tomorrow will bring....

Looking forward to seeing your post trip results this fall.... awesome

taratru's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 556

Sounds awesome!

A few things:

1) You'll be able to catch transportation *to* the race, because the regular buses will still be running (we have to be there . Just catch an ESPN bus! I honestly hadn't even noticed that buses don't run from all the resorts, since the WDW weekend they do. I have no idea what we will do. Hmmm.... cab it back as well, I guess? We aren't staying for the after party though - too expensive and we're playing golf early the next day.

2) We're doing MVMCP on the 11th, too!

3) Uh...where is "meeting up with taratru" on your list of plans? biggrin


Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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Sounds like two pretty awesome trips! And good for you for setting a goal and stepping up and doing it! Before my wedding two years ago, to get in shape I decided that I was going to run a half marathon. For someone who is not athletic and has never run a day in my life, that was a huge goal for me, but after 6 months of training my fiance (now DH) completed our first half! Now it's my dream to one day do a Disney marathon. Someday....

Anyways, congrats on your upcoming accomplishments and hope you have two fabulous trips!

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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sounds fantastic!

I hope you come down in February for the Princess Half weekend too.


JMUDukz's picture
Joined: 03/28/2012
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JeffC wrote:

I have a friend who likes to put a positive name to everything, so in honor of her, I dub you a master Disney Enthusiast!

Love it Jeff!! I'll take it, it sounds so much more refined!

taratru wrote:
Sounds awesome!

3) Uh...where is "meeting up with taratru" on your list of plans? biggrin

LOL! Fixed!! Smile See ya at MVMCP!! And my sister agrees with you on the after party. She's not going b/c she thinks the price tag is ridiculous. If it wasn't included with my race registration, I wouldn't be going either!

JoAnn C wrote:
sounds fantastic!

I hope you come down in February for the Princess Half weekend too.

Well, JoAnn, funny you mention this....I was planning on it, then didn't get into Glass Slipper so decided I would bail. Then last week a friend and fellow Disney Enthusiast (see what I did there, Jeff!) was flabbergasted that I'm not doing Coast to Coast. And then the obsession set in. So...I've been pricing the cost of doing Tink and Princess and today I booked a room for Princess weekend - in the Little Mermaid section of AoA! I haven't registered for the race yet, as I'm still hem hawing, but let's face it, I'm pretty much hooked. I figure if I skip a lot of football games this fall, I can use the money I'd have spent on tickets (and beer!) towards the trip, b/c at least I'm getting something healthy out of Princess weekend!! (rationalization at it's best! I have a few more convenient rationalizations in my back pocket that I might have to trot out if I can't make a decision soon!)

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JoAnn C's picture
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JMUDukz wrote:
Well, JoAnn, funny you mention this....I was planning on it, then didn't get into Glass Slipper so decided I would bail. Then last week a friend and fellow Disney Enthusiast (see what I did there, Jeff!) was flabbergasted that I'm not doing Coast to Coast. And then the obsession set in. So...I've been pricing the cost of doing Tink and Princess and today I booked a room for Princess weekend - in the Little Mermaid section of AoA! I haven't registered for the race yet, as I'm still hem hawing, but let's face it, I'm pretty much hooked. I figure if I skip a lot of football games this fall, I can use the money I'd have spent on tickets (and beer!) towards the trip, b/c at least I'm getting something healthy out of Princess weekend!! (rationalization at it's best! I have a few more convenient rationalizations in my back pocket that I might have to trot out if I can't make a decision soon!)

clapping clapping

I'm staying in the LM section at AoA too. I'll be there 02/20 - 02/25.


JoAnn C's picture
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We must have a drink at the Drop Off pool bar. We'll plan a meet up with Kristen and Becks


JMUDukz's picture
Joined: 03/28/2012
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Awesome!! I'll add this to my list of convenient rationalizations why I need to sign up for the race!! Smile

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JoAnn C's picture
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JMUDukz wrote:
Awesome!! I'll add this to my list of convenient rationalizations why I need to sign up for the race!! Smile


Glad I can help


taratru's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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JMUDukz wrote:

LOL! Fixed!! Smile See ya at MVMCP!! And my sister agrees with you on the after party. She's not going b/c she thinks the price tag is ridiculous. If it wasn't included with my race registration, I wouldn't be going either!

Hooray! Well, if you're looking for someone to hang with at the afterparty, I can proooobably be persuaded. Smile

And hold on...are you doing the Tink in January?!? I'm doing that one, too! I'm a *reallly* good roommate if you need one for the Princess (and that would save some Cash. Just a thought.


JMUDukz's picture
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taratru wrote:
JMUDukz wrote:

LOL! Fixed!! Smile See ya at MVMCP!! And my sister agrees with you on the after party. She's not going b/c she thinks the price tag is ridiculous. If it wasn't included with my race registration, I wouldn't be going either!

Hooray! Well, if you're looking for someone to hang with at the afterparty, I can proooobably be persuaded. Smile

And hold on...are you doing the Tink in January?!? I'm doing that one, too! I'm a *reallly* good roommate if you need one for the Princess (and that would save some Cash. Just a thought.

You should definitely come to the after party!! Hopefully it will be fun. Some of my Tiffany Blue Divas (creatively named after the color of our tutus at Nike Half) will be there too. We're pretty fun!

I plan to try to do Tink. Are you signed up already? Since I'm not yet an annual pass holder, I couldn't sign up for both, so I'm just signed up for Princess. I did reserve a room at the Hampton Inn near DL though, in the hopes I get into Tink!!

If you're serious, I can let you know about sharing a room for Princess. A few of my friends are still considering it, but not sure when they'll make a decision....

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taratru's picture
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Registration for Tink opens on the 9th. A group of us is from Colorado is planning on going.

I'm about 90% serious about Princess. I'm running my Boston qualifying attempt full on the 17th, so the Princess would definitely be a "fun run" for me. Smile I will bring it up with DH in the next couple of days. Well, I guess I *have* to, since it's at 80%. laugh I would love to share the burden of costs with anyone, to be honest. And I love meeting new peeps. mickey


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JMUDukz wrote:
Then last week a friend and fellow Disney Enthusiast (see what I did there, Jeff!)

Brilliant! laugh awesome laugh

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Sounds like your going to have a wonderful time JMUDukz! Good luck on your races. awesome

Kristen K.'s picture
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JoAnn C wrote:
We must have a drink at the Drop Off pool bar. We'll plan a meet up with Kristen and Becks

Absolutely! Princess Weekend is a blast and I can't wait to see you guys!

JMUDukz's picture
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51 days until Trip #1!! Just did online check in, which was kind of interesting, as it gave me the option of making a room request in the various villages at CBR. Very odd, as I'm staying at POR!!! gaah So we'll see what happens!! Paying off the trip later on this week! Ordered new mouse ears (with a tiara!) from etsy to complete my Halloween costume!! It's almost time!!!!

PS - my friends are going to the beach the same week as I'm going for the ToT. They think I'm nuts for choosing Disney over the beach. They just don't understand!

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Kristen K.'s picture
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JMUDukz wrote:
it gave me the option of making a room request in the various villages at CBR. Very odd, as I'm staying at POR!!! :!

LOL! I think that would have given me an anxiety attack.

JMUDukz's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
JMUDukz wrote:
it gave me the option of making a room request in the various villages at CBR. Very odd, as I'm staying at POR!!! :!

LOL! I think that would have given me an anxiety attack.

I did have a moment of panic (after the very LONG moment of confusion). Since I have to call tomorrow or Friday to pay off the trip I will double check to make sure I'm not in the wrong resort (or worse, have 2 reservations at the same time). Maybe instead of "Mickey's Choice" for the parks, it's Mickey's Choice for the resorts! laugh

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JMUDukz wrote:
Kristen K. wrote:
JMUDukz wrote:
it gave me the option of making a room request in the various villages at CBR. Very odd, as I'm staying at POR!!! :!

LOL! I think that would have given me an anxiety attack.

I did have a moment of panic (after the very LONG moment of confusion). Since I have to call tomorrow or Friday to pay off the trip I will double check to make sure I'm not in the wrong resort (or worse, have 2 reservations at the same time). Maybe instead of "Mickey's Choice" for the parks, it's Mickey's Choice for the resorts! laugh

I "was" going to ask if you were sure that's where you were staying! I didn't want to throw you into panic mode though. biggrin

Magic Mirror's picture
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I just called a few days ago to see how much it would cost to upgrade to POFQ. They were filled and the CM said they were almost sold out for the year...he offered me CBR as my only option for a moderate in our time period. I think I'd call before Friday! Puzzled

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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I think the secret is out about our beloved POFQ. It never used to be hard to get a reservation at that resort, but now it seems more and more people are making it the Moderate of choice. Makes me happy that POFQ is getting the recognition it deserves, but it also makes me sad that its getting harder to get a reservation at my favorite place. sad


JMUDukz's picture
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Well, I paid off the trip yesterday!! They do show me in the system as being at POR, so I guess I'm good. If not, as long as I'm on Disney property, I'll survive. Now it's all over but the waiting! 48 more days...

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Magic Mirror's picture
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taratru's picture
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Only 48 days?!?! You're so lucky! I can't wait!


JanJ's picture
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Kris1971 wrote:
I think the secret is out about our beloved POFQ. It never used to be hard to get a reservation at that resort, but now it seems more and more people are making it the Moderate of choice. Makes me happy that POFQ is getting the recognition it deserves, but it also makes me sad that its getting harder to get a reservation at my favorite place. sad

PO is the best moderate, IMO, although I have only stayed at POR. My DH and I would pick PO over any other moderate and it sounds like we are not the only ones. As you say, it's good for PO, but not those that are looking for reservations.

JMUDukz's picture
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We stayed at POFQ last year and LOVED it. Hoping POR lives up to my expectations!! Just read on chip and co that POR may get magic bands as early as the first week of Sept! Smile Fingers crossed.

Finished a 20K today, so the good news is I'll be able to finish ToT and am less than a mile off from W&D!! 46 days!

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rylin's picture
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I can't wait to read about both of your trips! And I'm also doing Tinkerbell- so if you guys meet up during that weekend, definitely let me know Smile

JMUDukz's picture
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Rylin - we will definitely meet up!! I'll be there Thursday through Monday, so we'll figure out when to meet up and put faces to screen names!

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JMUDukz's picture
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Got my Mickey Mail today!! My Magic Band arrived!! I've already tried it on! Smile

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