June 2013 - The Great Wedding Road Trip - Final thoughts

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Kristen K. wrote:
I put a bunch of money for the trip on my Starbucks card too, because I'll totally need coffee for the drive. I also mapped out all the SBUX along the way. LoL...

You might be in luck there, I know Disney is adding a Starbucks to the Main Street Bakery over in MK which MIGHT be open by the time you arrive. It should be within just a few weeks now and epcot is getting one within a month or 2 if I'm not mistaken.


Kristen K.'s picture
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It's not scheduled to be open until after I leave, I'm a little sad about that. I'll be okay though because we have a Villa so I can brew my own in the morning! laugh

Also, licensed Starbucks locations don't usually have the ability to process Starbuck Gift Cards. The Disney stores though should be able to accept Disney Gift Cards.

Kristen K.'s picture
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Geordon just got his schedule for work and they gave him Thursday the 6th off! Yay!

I'm tickled because that means that we can leave as soon as Tori is off at 5pm instead of waiting around for 8pm. I know, it's just three hours, but it's going to make a huge difference because that's three hours of sleep! That means that I'll be fresh for the full day on the road Friday the 7th.

We have no idea how my Fibromyalgia is going to act with this long drive every extra bit of rest that I can get is precious. I called my doc and she gave me my "travel scripts" so I'll have a little extra help in dealing with the pain if I need it. We're all just holding our breath and crossing our fingers, it's been about 8 years since I've been in a car for more than 5 or 6 hours.

Poor Tori, I think we're just going to pack up the car and pick her up from work on our way out of town. No complaining though because we're going to Disney World!

Okay, here's my spreadsheet... not nearly as fancy as Jeff's but it will do.

gwrtspreadsheet.jpg102.87 KB
Becks534's picture
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Yay! I'm so happy you'll be able to leave earlier than you anticipated! yay Extra time for hot tub and rest is a wonderful thing. Poor Tori having to go to work that day. waiting Talk about clock-watching, ugh. My last day at work is going to be this coming Saturday - woohoo!

I've got everything about 98% packed up. Actually, I'm down to a few items here and there, toiletries and stuff. I think I'm going to have to be bad and pull out an outfit to wear on Wednesday but it's for a very good cause. mickey

Your spreadsheet is MUCH prettier than mine!

Joined: 09/12/2010
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Woo hoo!!! It's heeeeeere!! Can you believe it?! YAY!!

Just wanted to wish you a super fantastic trip and wedding, Becks!! And Kristen, a safe drive!! Following you two with you planning has been a blast. We can't wait to hear all about the big day yay

Best wishes to you all!!!!!

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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What Jeff said. Of course there will be photos and trip reports, right? Hope you all have a wonderful trip.

disneydoc's picture
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Have fun guys, and best "wishes" to Becks. mickey


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Becks534's picture
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You guys are gonna make me cry! muchlove

My sister and her family are en route to San Francisco for their pre-trip hotel night and Kristen is all finished packing as well. I have just a few more last minute things but hello?! I need my make-up and stuff for the morning! The realization that everything is done (or just isn't that big of a deal) is sinking in and the excitement is ramping up! yay Going to Disney, spending time with my family, marrying the most wonderful man I've ever known - I am incredibly blessed and so grateful.

I'm sure both Kristen and I will be updating during our travels and you know you can always count on her for fantastic photos. biggrin

JoAnn C's picture
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have a wonderful time Becks and best wishes. Can't wait to read updates from you and Kristen.


mimi's picture
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yay yay yay yay It's finally here! Have a super safe trip/drive! ENJOY!

Best wishes for a great wedding day Becks and a fabulous wedding celebration! muchlove muchlove

Can't wait for the photos!

Kristen K.'s picture
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It's *so* exciting!! This trip has been a VERY long time in coming and I'm itching to hit the road. We had some moderate drama at my house today, but I think I've got it all under control. I can't wait!!

I must admit that I'm not excited about the prospect of driving through Tropical Storm Andrea on Friday. I've already resigned myself to the fact that I won't be able to go as fast as if it were dry out. I've driven in typhoon like weather before and it is not my favorite thing to do. None the less I can't wait to hit the road!

So today I went about bought my groceries, finished packing everything but the electronics, did a little work, put out the dramatic fires (there always have to be something go wrong, right? That's out of the way now!), ordered the Bridal breakfast goodies from Earl of Sandwich, bought champagne, wrapped a present for Becks, and now I'm off to paint my toes and color my hair.

Tomorrow I pick up the rental car, get it packed. We should be out of here by mid-afternoon, and arrive in Disney on Saturday morning. I'll be using the hashtag #GWRT on Twitter and Instagram if anyone want to follow!

yeah yeah yeah

finngirl's picture
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Weddings and Disney - it doesn't get better than that! yay

All the best Becks - I hope it's a fabulous day, and I can't wait for the photos. Lots and lots of photos!



Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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Have a safe trip Kristen!


JMUDukz's picture
Joined: 03/28/2012
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Happy Wedding!!! Here's hoping Andrea takes a turn and misses you all completely!! Have fun and cannot wait to see the trip reports!


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Congrats Becks and you all travel safe now ya here!

DisneyDee27's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
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best wishes to you Becks muchlove
Kristen K. be careful on the roads biggrin
I'm excited for you both yay


Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.

Kristen K.'s picture
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Becks tweeted this pic of her and Carlos from the airport this morning! They should be in the air someplace over Georgia right now!

Becks& Carlos Headed to Florida

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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congrats Beck and best wishes for a wonderful wedding for you! Have a great trip, Kristen!

KrystalT's picture
Joined: 05/16/2013
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Yay yay today is the day you leave!! Have a safe trip and best wishes to Becks I hope your wedding day is extra magical!!! congrats


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Joined: 08/01/2012
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Safe travels to you Kristen and Best Wishes for a wonderful wedding and life together Becks. muchlove

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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Best Wishes Becks! I hope you have a magical day!!


Kristen K.'s picture
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We have arrived in Southern Illinois and are check into the hotel for the night.

This first leg of our drive went very well. I am *super* happy with our rental car, which was supposed to be pretty bare bones, but actually has some pretty nifty features, like a dual screen DVD player, connections for the kids video games, and satellite radio. Plus it has a fuel saver mode which I am totally using!

I got a text from Becks a little while ago and they are all checked in at Port Orleans. They went for some dinner and an evening at DTD.

I'm off to the pool with the kids!

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Yay!! And dual screen DVD players?!? That's pretty cool!!

Did Becks say how the weather was this evening?

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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Safe travels!


Kristen K.'s picture
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I posted this at about 3am. sarcastic
I am horrible at sleeping in hotels, every little sound wakes me up. I'm hoping to catch another hour or so, but I'm awake and annoyed with myself about it. Katie seems to have the same problem, because she's lying in the other bed on her iPad. At least we have something to do besides staring at the ceiling. We're at a Comfort Suites Hotel and it's pretty nice for $100. We've got three beds so no one had to hit the air mattress, there was a decent pool and a sauna, cookies in the lobby at check in, a small kitchenette in our room, free WiFi, and a hot breakfast in the morning. I think we may look for another one of these when we stop on Friday night.

JeffC wrote:
Yay!! And dual screen DVD players?!? That's pretty cool!!

My kids are pretty thrilled about that! Tomorrow's drive (which should last 12-13 hours if I can hold up) will be featuring a Pirates of the Caribbean Movie Marathon. We've got POTC 1, 2 &3 all queued up and ready to go!

JeffC wrote:
Did Becks say how the weather was this evening?

I think the words "torrential downpour" are what she used. It was pretty bad all morning and it was really bumming her out. However she said that it cleared up some in the evening and they even saw a rainbow while at Downtown Disney. muchlove

yay I just checked weather.com and it looks like Andrea has moved off and the chance of rain has gone down considerably overnight. She moved quickly out of the way of my drive, that was so kind of her. The estimates for our path look like about a 50% chance of some thunderstorms in the evening around Atlanta. We should clear those Appalachians Mountains in Tennessee without a problem! I'll take it!

We'll be back on the road at 6AM!

WDWfanatic's picture
Joined: 01/18/2013
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Have so much fun! And be careful through Atlanta rush hour if it is raining. I love a good road trip!! Well, ok, I love a good road trip as soon as we clear Atlanta! laugh



scorpio301's picture
Joined: 07/18/2011
Posts: 85

Love the dress and the color and you look BEEAUTIFUL !!


Miss Mikki's picture
Joined: 10/20/2012
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Have a wonderful time!
Wishes for a safe and pleasant journey.


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Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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How are you doing comfort wise on the drive, Kristen? Are you holding up ok? I know you were worried about the length of time in the car. Hope you guys arrive safe and sound in the World soon!

Joined: 11/15/2012
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Safe travels, hope you get through Atlanta safe and quick
