The Jungle Book Alive With Magic... Nighttime Spectacular?

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Kristen K.'s picture
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The Jungle Book Alive With Magic... Nighttime Spectacular?


I've been reading a lot of reviews about this new show at Animal Kingdom, and I'm wondering if you guys have seen it and what you think about it? In case you haven't seen it, I'm posting my friend John's video footage of the entire production.

This is the last minute "hail Mary pass" that Disney made when Rivers of Light turned out not to be ready on time. The show, was entirely put together in a month. That in it's self should tell you something about it. Many of the reviews that I've been reading are VERY critical of the show, and say that it's not up to Disney standards. Oddly, one of the things that most people are saying is that it's good as a show, but it's not a "spectacular." Yes indeed, Disney is being dinged by it's fans on semantics.

I had pretty low expectation for The Jungle Book Alive With Magic, to tell you the truth. After all, they slapped it together in a month. Disney usually spends YEARS getting ready to put on a new production, these things don't just happen overnight. Usually. I think for what it is, and how it came about the show is pretty phenomenal. I also don't think it's fair that people are judging it by normal Disney standards when it was completely and out of the ordinary situation.

What are your thoughts?

JMed's picture
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I found it odd that they just threw something together so quickly in place of RoL a show they couldn't even get together with LOTS of time.

I've been reading lots of negative things also. I actually felt kind of embarrassed for Disney watching the new Star Wars "show" at HS when we were there. Characters walking out on a stage making a few choreographed moves and walking off.

After watching the video, I'm feeling some disappointment, I was expecting more than a few people dancing on a barge and on a stage up front. The water screens look pretty cool but you really can't make out much on video.

Ehhhh, I don't know, we may catch it in August just to say we did but I am really holding out for RoL.


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MrHub's picture
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It was not the show that was the issue with Rivers of Light. It was other factors, behind the scene stuff. I can't get into it more then that, but it was not the show.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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JMed wrote:

I've been reading lots of negative things also. I actually felt kind of embarrassed for Disney watching the new Star Wars "show" at HS when we were there. Characters walking out on a stage making a few choreographed moves and walking off.

Totally, they can't even march in step. That just made me insane, I mean come on it takes 18 year old kids out of high school about 2 days to learn to march in boot camp, Disney can do better than that.

JMed wrote:

After watching the video, I'm feeling some disappointment, I was expecting more than a few people dancing on a barge and on a stage up front. The water screens look pretty cool but you really can't make out much on video.

The center stage (that there really wasn't a good view of) has live singers on it too.

The Colonel's picture
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I saw the show. It was OK for something thrown together. The problem with Rivers of Light is with the wi-fi at AK. They can't run the show off the existing set-up. So they need to rewire the area.


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ChipnDaleFan's picture
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We have plans to see the show on June 27th while there, but after reading all about it if we have a few too many drinks at Disney Springs that night we may just not make it back laugh


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danijrod's picture
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Wow those are stunning pictures! I love all the colours. muchlove

Allie's picture
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Great photos, Colonel!

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Stunning pictures! Thank you so much for sharing.

Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
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I just saw it last night. I don't hate it but I don't love it. Some of the choreography is cheesy but that doesn't stop the performers from having a great time. It's good for a temporary solution but not sure it will last long. Trust in me was turned seemed a bit sexual in nature with the choreography.

Goofy42's picture
Joined: 06/15/2016
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I recently saw the show and found it entertaining. The performers enthusiasm was contagious and the music was fun. The light show worked well with the narration, which came from The Jungle Book as well as the music. Not Disney's best night time show but it was worth seeing