Just a rumor about EMH

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figgy's picture
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Just a rumor about EMH

I've been all over the net today trying to sure up my plans and know exactly how many days to book where etc.. And to my surprise allover the place there's rumors of EMH going away starting 1/1/16, just because travel agents don't have them on heir provisional schedules. easywdw etc. even has an article about it. Should we worry, panic or just kick back and have a good laugh?


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alicemouse's picture
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I'm not putting much stock in it at this point. We dream of our trips much farther out than Disney has all of their logistics organized. Similar rumors happen every year when the DDP participants are released. In that case, it usually means that terms haven't been negotiated yet. They may be tossing around making some sort of change to EMH and that's why the info hasn't been released yet.


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AnnielovesDisney's picture
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I second everything Alicemouse said. If we paid attention to every Disney rumor there would be no time left to plan our actual vacations.

As a local, who never stays on property, I wouldn't mind a bit if they got rid of the EMH because I hate planning my weekends around them. Considering how lucrative EMH are to WDW I'd be shocked if they got rid of EMH. They may change them up somehow but I don't think they'd get rid of them completely.

Mandy's picture
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I don't see them getting rid of EMH. Losing EMH would be the last straw for many who loyally stay on Disney property.

The Colonel's picture
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Early booking with FP+ would be the perk that replaces EMH. I rarely take advantage of EMH, especially in the morning, but I would hate to see it go away.


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The Watchmaker's picture
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We love EMH ( especially me ) I can't see it going as I think it's a great perk and Disney need every perk they can get to keep people staying onsite... crossfingers

The Colonel's picture
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Sometimes I'll go to the park that doesn't have the EMH just to avoid the crowds at the one that does.


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Kristen K.'s picture
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The Colonel wrote:
Sometimes I'll go to the park that doesn't have the EMH just to avoid the crowds at the one that does.

awesome SO this!

Is it possible? Yes, of course. This is Disney *anything* is possible with them these days. Should you worry about it? No. If it happens it happens.

alicemouse's picture
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Another factor in play here...I've heard some speculation from another large fan group that the 24-hour parties have possibly been test events for the possibility of extending park hours into the overnight hours with more regularity to try to accommodate more guests and minimize the frenzy of rope drop. It's pure speculation of course, but surely a model with greatly expanded park hours for everyone wouldn't include EMH.


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The Colonel's picture
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I just don't see 18 hour park days so commando guests could get what they need to get done in a shorter time and get out of there in less days, thus decreasing the Disney take while Disney increases their own overhead dramatically. They would need more incentive than guest elbow room to do that.

Much more likely that they'll kill EMHs.


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jw24's picture
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It would seem a bit hypocritical on Disney's part to get rid of Extra Magic Hours. The on-site hotel bookings would certainly drop if they got rid of the EMH. What exactly would be the incentive of staying onsite? And if EMH were to go away completely, would free transportation and getting first dibs on the FP+ slots (Or the possibility of none at all depending on the ride) be enticing enough for people to stay onsite?


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The Colonel's picture
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I don't know about you but if they did away with EMH I'd still stay on-site as I'm sure every other DVC owner would. As would all the free dining folks. And anyone who just wants to be in the bubble. And those who don't drive. And those who have no money issues. Disney hotels have phenomenal fill rates. I don't think losing EMH would put much of a dent in the occupancy rate.

Disney knows how many guests take advantage of EMH, how much it costs, and they have a good idea what would happen if they do away with it. They have all the numbers and they will do what's best for them.


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The Watchmaker's picture
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I agree with jw24..One of the main reasons I stay onsite is to benefit from the perks and EMH is high on my agenda..I could save a fortune staying offsite...Most hotels on I-Drive offer free transport to and from WDW and UNI/IOA...If this ever happened I would probably stay offsite.. sad

JanJ's picture
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I agree with the Colonel. I will always stay on site - to me that is part of the magical experience. Ken and I rarely take advantage of EMH, so if that does go away, I'm not sure we would even notice. To me, the better reason to stay on site is FP+ opening up at 60 days.

JoAnn C's picture
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JanJ wrote:
I agree with the Colonel. I will always stay on site - to me that is part of the magical experience. Ken and I rarely take advantage of EMH, so if that does go away, I'm not sure we would even notice. To me, the better reason to stay on site is FP+ opening up at 60 days.

I agree as well. I rarely take advantage of EMH. One time I got to DHS about 8:45 on a morning they EMH. It was nice walking passed the lines of people to enter the park.


The Colonel's picture
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On the other hand, they may use Magic Band technology to enforce EMH. Something the CMs are very lax about. Then the perk would be even more valuable.


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Mrferret's picture
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The Colonel wrote:
On the other hand, they may use Magic Band technology to enforce EMH. Something the CMs are very lax about. Then the perk would be even more valuable.

I did notice when were there in May that when EME hours started they would close the standby line and only let people through the FP line so you had to scan your band proving you were resort guests.made life a lot easier for cm and guests alike


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AnnielovesDisney's picture
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DH and I are locals that never stay on property. We stay for evening EMH at least once or twice a month. In our experience, since the magic bands have been introduced, the EMH structure has become much more stringent about allowing people on rides. We don't ever try to get on rides during EMH because we don't stay on property, But we have seen several people turned away from rides at MK and HS.

The Colonel's picture
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Yeah, people used to be able to show an old KTTW card or something and the CMs really didn't care. Or just go in with someone else staying on property. Now it's black and white I guess.


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alicemouse's picture
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EMH is nice, but as a perk, it doesn't influence my desire to stay on property. Even without DVC, I would still try to stay on property EMH or no EMH. For me the most important onsite perk is the 60 day FP+ window.


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NikkiMouse's picture
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We have used EMH a few times and while it was nice to feel like the only people in Epcot, I am not sure if eliminating the EMH would push me out of staying on-site. For me, part of the magic, is being right there. In the past, I did stay of site and it just did not feel the same to me.


Belinda's picture
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I adore EMH, but would still stay onsite because I love being inside that bubble!


** BeLiNdA **

Kristen K.'s picture
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jw24 wrote:
It would seem a bit hypocritical on Disney's part to get rid of Extra Magic Hours. The on-site hotel bookings would certainly drop if they got rid of the EMH. What exactly would be the incentive of staying onsite? And if EMH were to go away completely, would free transportation and getting first dibs on the FP+ slots (Or the possibility of none at all depending on the ride) be enticing enough for people to stay onsite?

I don't really use EMH, so yes, that would still be enough for me to stay on site. For that matter, I never have really used Fast Passes either. Staying on site for me is about location, quality, and transportation.

MrHub's picture
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The Colonel wrote:
Sometimes I'll go to the park that doesn't have the EMH just to avoid the crowds at the one that does.

We do that most of the time!

JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
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Thought I would let you all know about the email I got from runDisney yesterday. I don't know how to screenshot my laptop.... but, in the email they are talking about accommodations for the 2016 Princess Weekend in Feb and mentioned staying on property so that you can use their transportation and enjoy EMH!


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Joined: 06/02/2015
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I have heard this rumor but then heard that it was untrue. I love EMH personally because we only go every other year right now. Also because the parks are less crowded or less kids. We are adults going right now so its not that we don't like kids but its nice to get away from the crazy screaming kids at the park sometimes. So usually EMH is good for that. Usually it is more the evening hours more. But either way we usually go to which park opens early and end up at which park is open the latest.
