Karli and Mark's Disneymoon Trip Report ***Cruise Part 1 posted!***

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Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Loving all the pictures and can't wait to hear what the surprise is! Keep it coming!

Karlipants's picture
Joined: 09/02/2012
Posts: 456

Feb 12th

Mark and I decided to take our time at the resort this morning. We sat out on our balcony and drank Mimosa's before heading to Magic Kingdom for the day.

Our first stop at MK was Swiss Fam Robinson Tree house. I usually like to make the climb at least once a trip and the weather was beautiful that morning so we headed up into the tree!

Then we decided to stop into the Country Bear Jamboree which I thought was hysterical! We really enjoyed the show.

When we had first gone to MK the riverboat was closed, but this day it was open again and I had never been on so we decided to take the ride. It was so relaxing.

Afterwards we stopped to take a peak at the new mine train coaster. I was able to snap a few pictures of the construction at the point that it was at when I was there.

We had previously been walked off of the People Mover so we decided to take the ride again... And by again I mean, again, and again, and again. We couldn't get enough of it. It was so relaxing!

For the rest of the evening we wandered the park just taking in the sites and sounds. This would be one of our last times in MK so we were really trying to embrace everything as much as possible.

It was getting closer to valentine's day and love was in the air... And on the castle.

We planned on watching the fireworks from the Poly beach that night. But first of course... We had to stop and do the dole whip challenge! Jess had challenged us to do this... Unfortunately... My husband somehow wasn't in the mood for one. So once again, I win!

Today was our last FULL day in MK. The next day we will be back there again and also to Epcot.

Stay tuned for more! And for our big reveal at the end of the TR!


"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow just a dream away"




http://www.facebook.com/KarliInWonderland - My Disney Facebook page with live updates while i'm in the parks!

fmknightuk's picture
Joined: 08/23/2012
Posts: 259

I am loving your TR and all your 'things i learnt today' and all the random photos. Please don't keep us waiting too long for the reveal!!



finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
Posts: 1072

Great trip report. I love looking at everyone else's photos, and asking myself why I didn't see that? Can't wait for the next installment.



Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.

Karlipants's picture
Joined: 09/02/2012
Posts: 456

Feb 13th: Our last day in WDW

We woke up very early this morning because Mark surprised me with a Horseback ride at Tri Circle D Ranch at Ft. Wilderness and we had to be there around 8 to check in. As soon as we stepped out of the car we saw a flock of turkey's! One of which was very proud of his tail feathers. I see lots of turkey's up here in CT but I don't think I have ever seen one like this....

We walked over to check in and then headed over to the stables where we were told to wait for our guides and horses.

We weren't allowed to take pictures on our ride but it was a lot of fun! So quiet in the morning and not a soul in sight with the exception of us, our guides, and the 6 other people in our group. We rode in a single file line and Mark and I were the last 2. Mark was the caboose and was told that his horse was the grumpy old man of the group and I was told that mine was the bashful sensitive horse of the group. I felt that our horses matched our personalities well! lol. Mark agreed.

After our ride, we drove back tot he resort and hopped on the boat to MK for our last visit. You could feel the love in the air.

We decided that we would take one more ride on Space Mountain.

We grabbed a quick bite to eat from Village Haus but as previous reviews stated, we were not too impressed. I had a salad with almost uneatable lettuce.. I'll take Peco's Bill's any day over that place. However I did manage to snap some fun pictures from the outdoor balcony seating

After lunch we walked around and did some of our favorite rides before leaving the park.

From MK we took a bus to EP. We planned on spending the rest of our time here however, it began to rain and we had to sit a while and wait out the storm.

We waled around the WS and then headed out through OZ.

We ended our trip at WDW with some beautiful pictures of EP fountains.

And that was it... We were walking away from one of the best WDW vacations ever!! Tomorrow we were off to our DCL! Which we were SO excited for!!

I will be doing the Cruise in one post as I was extremely relaxed on board and didn't carry my camera around with me much. I did get some pictures but not as many as I would have liked to. The cruise was the highlight of our trip. It was absolutely amazing and I can't wait to share it with all of you!!

What we learned our last day:
*Village Haus can't hold a flame to the other eateries in MK
*Horseback riding at Tricircle D Ranch is super fun
*A little rain doesn't spoil the magic



"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow just a dream away"




http://www.facebook.com/KarliInWonderland - My Disney Facebook page with live updates while i'm in the parks!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

What a magical Disney vacation! And you lucky lady, getting to go back so soon! Can't wait to hear all about the cruise!

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

I love coming along with you guys. Your love for all things Disney is so obvious. Fun stuff! mickey


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Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

What a fantastic trip! Can't wait to hear about the cruise! Keep it coming!


lolastardust's picture
Joined: 04/07/2013
Posts: 375

I can actually feel the Disney magic from that last post! I don't think there is much more magical than Epcot fountains at night! It's been so great reading your trip report and imagining we're there! Laughing out loud

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Great report Karli!

Karlipants's picture
Joined: 09/02/2012
Posts: 456

OK - I FINALLY loaded the cruise pictures onto my computer and uploaded them! yay me! So sorry for the long delay, but we moved, my husband just opened his business, and I work outdoors seasonally so life has been pretty dang hectic. So here we go, the final part of our honeymoon!

We boarded the Disney Dream on February 14th. We drove ourselves to the port and left our car at a secured parking lot (not the ports lot)... And were shuttled over to the port around 8am. It was a complete breeze getting on the ship, and so fun to hear them announce the Renda family! Our room would not be ready for a bit and the CM's were sort of hearding everyone into breakfast at Enchanted Garden... In the future, I will know not to do this... And go to Cabana's instead... As there was an extremely long wait for food and we were starving!.. Plus a couple cut in front of us and played it off like it was nothing...Started talking to us and everything...We shrugged it off because either way, we were going to be waiting for a long time before we could get our food. In the end it was delicious!

Our room was on the 10th floor. I purposely booked a room that high so we could be close to the main deck with the pools and spa and aqua duck! After we ate it still wasn't ready, so we headed to the main deck and explored the ship. It was so cool. I had never been on a cruise before, and it was so awesome to see everything in action. Our first stop of course, was the adults only pool/bar! I ordered the "drink of the day"... And Mark ordered a beer, and to our surprise, the bill was only about $8! WOW, what a difference from in the parks! $8 would buy you one beer in Epcot! We were very pleased, and this also helped to relax us a bit.

We eventually made our way down to the room, after exploring the spa and purchasing day tickets to the rainforest. I booked a room with a balcony... And my favorite thing to do during the entire trip was leave it open. The breeze coming off of the ocean and the sounds of the sea were so soothing and relaxing.

I was a little nervous about not being able to plan exactly what we were going to do on the ship because I didn't have a schedule... But do not fear! Disney plans it all out for you in this great brochure that they leave on your bed every day.

Room with a view:

Leaving the port:

Adult's Only (which was weird because family's were constantly cutting through this area to get to their rooms, hence kids):

The weather was not very good the first night of the cruise... It was raining and cold... But we made the best of it. We ate at Enchanted Garden the first night and met our travel buddies! One of the couples were also on their honeymoon. They were so cute and sweet, but we only saw them the first night. They didn't speak very much English but they did a great job communicating with us. I was told that I "Spoke very fast english"... Lol, my husband always complains about how slow I talk.. So that was an interesting point of view. The other couple we were with were an absolute joy to be around! They were on their anniversary and were from England. We saw them both a lot throughout of trip in the adults only area, the pool, and bars on the lower levels.. And they were just outstanding people. I don't have very many pictures of the first night though... So we will move on to day 2: Nassau.

I didn't really have any interest in leaving the ship this day because I had heard that Nassau was nothing great unless you have an excursion planned, and we didn't... However, we did get off for a little bit and walked around the city... It's not somewhere that I would be likely to return... It was nice to look at everything but I didn't feel like I was in paradise.

We spent most of our second day hanging out in the Rainforest Spa... Which I highly recommend. Those loungers are unbelievable! And I loved the showers! The only room I didn't like, was the sauna because it smelt like a dirty locker room.. But the steam room was great and the other one with the hot stones, can't remember the name, was so nice! It was nice to have a completely kid free zone. After the spa we rode the aqua duck which was really fun! Then we swam in the pool, hung out on the deck, drank, ate, were married... And headed to our room to get ready for the pirate party!

Our Room:

Before the party, we went to see Villains Tonight dressed in our pirate gear! It was such a cute show, we both loved the heck out of it.

Party Time:

After the party we headed to our dinner at the Royal Palace. We really loved the food hear the most out of all the places... Other than Palo which is hands down the best on board... It was really good! I tried Escargot for the first time... and it's not so bad if you don't think about what you're eating! This was the last night we would eat with our friends, and our servers... It was sort of bittersweet Sad.

To be continued... Just realized i'm missing a TON of pictures of our last day!!


"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow just a dream away"




http://www.facebook.com/KarliInWonderland - My Disney Facebook page with live updates while i'm in the parks!

Becks534's picture
Joined: 12/17/2011
Posts: 277

Wonderful TR Karli! Your pictures are making me so homesick for the Dream. Best wedding-related decision of all was taking a 3 day cruise with just the two of us. We didn't have any interest in Nassau either and spent the day in the Rainforest Room and exploring the ship. My husband and I both dozed off in the loungers at certain points - wonderful inventions!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

The cruise looks fabulous, Karli! Loving all the pictures!

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

Ohhhhhhh...what did the Villains Tonight show dyo/look like? Was the Evil Queen there.

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

Thanks so much for this report Karli! You guys are just so cute. mickey


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WDWfanatic's picture
Joined: 01/18/2013
Posts: 356

How fun! Thanks for sharing!



JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
Posts: 3849

I am so late to this party! LOL I was looking up the Rix and your TR showed up. Anyone been recently? I just discovered it and was interested in checking it out.

Also, Characters in Flight, THANK YOU for your opinion. I really want to try it but I was totally worried about it "moving around" I have an issue going up things... and then an issue of things "moving" We rode the HUGE wheel of death (mega ferris wheel in Myrtle Beach) and I could feel it moving and freaked out. I think the people walking around and making it move would stress me out beyond belief.

The "tasks" ~ what was this, tell me more, sounds awesome!!!!


"I do not like the cone of shame."

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell."

"It seems to me that we have a lot of story yet to tell."

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