I just watched the entire Festival of Fantasy parade! But don't worry if you missed it, it'll start again at 3:30 (yes, today the 3:00 parade starts at 3:30). Be patient, though, because it starts in Frontierland.
I just watched the entire Festival of Fantasy parade! But don't worry if you missed it, it'll start again at 3:30 (yes, today the 3:00 parade starts at 3:30). Be patient, though, because it starts in Frontierland.
Wish they had sound!
Me, too, Mr. Hub.
Here's the schedule of entertainment that's visible to the train station video camera, and also info on livestream from Disneyland. All times are Eastern, including those for Disneyland.
1:30 pm Move It Street Party
3:30 pm Festival of Fantasy Parade
5:00 pm Flag Retreat
5:45 pm Move It Street Party
8:45 pm Celebrate the Magic
9:00 pm Wishes
9:45 pm Celebrate the Magic
10:45 pm It's Good to be Bad
11:00 pm Electrical Parade
11:45 pm Celebrate the Magic
12:45 am It's Good to be Bad
1:00 am Electrical Parade
Disneyland Main Street livestream
9:30 pm and 3:30 am Eastern time - Mickey's Soundsational Parade
12:25 am Eastern time - Magical fireworks
Disneyland Rivers of America livestream
12:00 midnight and 1:30 am Eastern time - Fantasmic
Disneyland Paradise Pier livestream
12:45 am and 6:00 am Eastern time - World of Color
We'll be there live in about 2 hours.. Keep an eye for me on the live feed ..
Jump up and down and do something silly, Mike, so we'll know it' you. Like, do jumping jacks or something. Hop around on one foot. You get the idea. Make a spectacle of yourself. No need to shout, though, there's no audio.
But, bummer! The livestream froze and I missed Move it Shake it Celebrate it. And this was a special villains version, too.
We'll be there live in about 2 hours.. Keep an eye for me on the live feed ..![]()
Awesome!!!! Enjoy!!!!
We'll be there live in about 2 hours.. Keep an eye for me on the live feed ..![]()
what are you wearing Mike ? Ill try to get a picture of you.
you have to stand somewhere on the sidewalk like this kid
I'll do something crazy.. Well for me, anyway.... Ill be wearing a red polo with Mickey on teet, and blue and white (seersucker style) pin-striped shorts. My son is wearing a red polo as is the father-in-law.. There's six in my family on this trip, BTW...
PS Shooting for a 3:30-4:00 PM Arrival
Okay. Ill try to be watching.
Go see my reply to "Let's see your favorite WDW food pic." on the photography forum... The Habenerno Margarita I had last night was the BEST I've ever had.. Get the DB to take you during F&W to get one of these killer Margaritas..
Thanks for sharing the links, CCP!
Ahh I wish I was there so badly! The crowd doesn't seem too terrible, and the wait times on MDE seem really reasonable too!
Holy crap the park looks empty!
Just watching the parade!! Loved seeing it again, and seeing the dragon breathe fire right in front of the camera was pretty cool
There was a family acting silly right in the spot Mr. Hub suggested during the flag retreat ceremony, a bit after 5:00 pm. A man in the group was wearing a red shirt. Was that you, Mike?
I watched festival of fantasy from my car waiting for my friend finishing work, he came out just as the dragon was about to come around the corner - my response when he asked why we haven't moved was "I AM WATCHING THE PARADE IN DISNEY AND MALIFICENT IS COMING AROUND THE CORNER AND BREATHING FIRE WE HAVE TO WAiT"
He has never been to Disney and thought I was a crazy person but I don't care it was amazing!!! Can't wait to see it for real in September!!!
I watched festival of fantasy from my car waiting for my friend finishing work, he came out just as the dragon was about to come around the corner - my response when he asked why we haven't moved was "I AM WATCHING THE PARADE IN DISNEY AND MALIFICENT IS COMING AROUND THE CORNER AND BREATHING FIRE WE HAVE TO WAiT"He has never been to Disney and thought I was a crazy person but I don't care it was amazing!!! Can't wait to see it for real in September!!!
I just watched the Move It street party. Didn't realize it didn't go all the way around Town Square, so I couldn't make out all of the characters, but I know I saw Cruella de Vil and Buzz Lightyear, and I think I saw Dr. Facilier as well.
And I hereby declare that the next time WDW holds one of these all-nighters when hubby and I have annual passes, we WILL be there. We'll arrive at the park before rope drop, head back to the resort midday for an afternoon nap, then return in the evening and stay up till dawn. Or at least, I will. Hubby might have other ideas about doing the all-nighter, but that's okay, I can wander MK without him.
A couple of screen captures from the Electric Parade and some from Disneyland. I wish I'd thought to do this during the Festival of Fantasy parade.
I ok some screen shots to and recorded some on the computer. I never knew you could record directly from your computer screen to your computer with quick time, that's great. I'm now at work at 3 am and the network stinks here so I'm barely able to get on the internet much less watch the live stream.
What I can see, people still have kids in strollers out there in the parks still. Wow, there are going to be some melt downs tomorrow!
I got up for work at 5:20 and saw tons of people sitting on the curb in town square. My first thought was 'I didn't think there was going to be a morning parade?' Then I realized, all those people are SO tired, but they want to say that they stayed until park close There was also a small group doing a choreographed dance to stay awake
Holy crap the park looks empty!
looks can be deceiving.. It was crowded from the time we got there at 4PM and picked up throughout the evening. At 1100PM, when we finally left, more people were coming into the park, then leaving. I have never seen anything like it.. It was so crowded that we exited the park from behind Main Street (A new perspective). Park transportation was the worst I had ever seen. Two hours total to get from park to car. Yikes!!
BTW, Seven Dwarfs was open the entire time we were there last night. lines were at 75 minutes around 8PM.. A CM did tell me that they have 5 sets of mine cars on the track going at any given time when the ride is fully operational, so that's good. For some reason, I thought 2-3 sets of cars..
Sorry I didn't get to the live feed... we got there right when the Festival of Fantasy parade was making it's way down Main Street, and I couldn't get to the spot. We hopped the RR and headed to frontierland..
It was fun watching the fireworks and the MSEP last night.
I just watched the Move It street party. Didn't realize it didn't go all the way around Town Square, so I couldn't make out all of the characters, but I know I saw Cruella de Vil and Buzz Lightyear, and I think I saw Dr. Facilier as well.And I hereby declare that the next time WDW holds one of these all-nighters when hubby and I have annual passes, we WILL be there. We'll arrive at the park before rope drop, head back to the resort midday for an afternoon nap, then return in the evening and stay up till dawn. Or at least, I will. Hubby might have other ideas about doing the all-nighter, but that's okay, I can wander MK without him.
And I was out last night, but there was a lull where we were waiting for something at about 11, so I watched a few minutes of the MSEP from my phone.
Whoo. Hoo..Its Friday 22nd..And the live streaming has started..With sound also..06.15am and Main street USA looks awesome with the sun beginning to rise..See ya later folks..
I can't believe they are giving us sound!
*Proud Disney Nut*
Using my headphones now...Every time I hear the train whistle blow, my heart misses a beat...Just watching Pluto doing a meet and greet..What time is Wishes tonight..9.00pm or 10.00pm..Need to set my alarm...lol..
Did you see me? I waved to you!!