member spotlight- Emmaanne****

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member spotlight- Emmaanne****

This week's member spotlight features our one and only "American Idol" singing Emmaanne Smile

First Name: Emily
Birthplace: Cullman, AL
Birthday: August 20
Age: 26
Current Location: Decatur, AL
Hometown: Madison, AL
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 5'5
Your career: ugh... really??? I'm a banker, but thats not my career choice. I have a degree in Elementary Education but I can't find a job. I also own my own photography business, so I do that on the side =)
What kind of car do you drive: Jeep Grand Cherokee
Name of spouse or significant other: Brandon
Number of children if any, names and ages: do my dogs count??? Samson is 2 years (American Bulldog) Delilah is 1 (Shih Tzu)
Glasses or contacts: contacts... hopefully I'm getting lasick later this year!!
Piercings or tattoos: pierced ears, I had a pierced nose in collge.. I have 2 tattoos...
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
What kind of pets do you have and what are their names: See above =)
Favorite color: pink!
5 favorite movies: P.S. I Love You, The Notebook, The Patriot, October Baby, & Beauty and the Beast
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Your favorite pizza toppings: pepperoni
Favorite beverage: Mt. Dew & SmartWater
Favorite season: Fall (the weather, college football WAR EAGLE!, high school football....)
Your favorite food: mexican
Favorite Ice cream flavor: cake batter
Favorite candy: im not a big candy eater...
Favorite breakfast cereal: Rice Crispies
Favorite book: too many to choose... it could change depending on the moment.. right now its Fifty Shades of Grey
What country do you want to visit: Australia
How many pillows do you sleep with: 2
What's one thing that not many people know about you: I'm an open book...
Favorite song: anything I can sing to.. like books, my favorite song changes depending on the day..
Your favorite sport to watch: College Football!
Favorite TV show (Still running or ended): Gilmore Girls
Your Favorite number: 16
Favorite restaurant: Chilis
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Scary movies or comedies: scary
Beach or lake: lake
Pepsi or Coke: coke
Starbucks or Tim Hortons: starbucks (and I dont know what tim hortons is...)
Dogs or cats: dogs
What's your favorite Disney Resort: not sure... I'd love to stay at the Contemporary!
What's your favorite Disney Restaurant: O'Hana!
What's your favorite Disney Snack: Mickey Ice Cream Bar
What's your favorite Disney ride: Expedition Everest
Who's your favorite Disney Character: Minnie Mouse
Who's your favorite Disney Princess: Aw, I love them all! I can't choose!!


Jess's picture
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Let's see three of your favorite pics that you have taken while at Disney


Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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Alright... who from this forum would you like to spend the day with and what is the first thing you two would do?


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i am reading fifty shades right now. It makes me uncomfortable. laugh

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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What are your tattoos?


JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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Do you have any suveniers that you collect while on vacation?


Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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What's your favorite Disney memory?


emmaanne's picture
Joined: 10/20/2011
Posts: 432

here are my 3 favorite Disney photos....

This is when I made it to the American Idol show at Hollywood Studios!!!

LOVE this fireworks shot!

this is from the Jammin' Jungle Parade at AK... We had a GREAT spot and I was able to get some awesome pictures!!


November 14-18, 2019 | All Star Movies

March 2-10, 2012 | Pop | Trip Report -

emmaanne's picture
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Mase wrote:
Alright... who from this forum would you like to spend the day with and what is the first thing you two would do?

omg... that is such a hard decision!! I would probably say Jeff, just because I know he would have me laughing the entire time... plus he finds some pretty awesome things to eat and do, so yea he'd be my choice but I would wish you all were there!!

honeymoonin wrote:
i am reading fifty shades right now. It makes me uncomfortable. laugh

Yea, its a bit uncomfortable to read, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Can't wait for the movie!!

JoAnn C wrote:
What are your tattoos?

I have a heart (on my chest) that I got when I was 20... and also a chinese symbol for Loyalty on the back of my neck. Brandon has the same one between his shoulders, we got them together when we were dating. Thats a story in its self! lol

JoAnn C wrote:
Do you have any suveniers that you collect while on vacation?

I used to collect shot glasses, I had A TON. I started collecting them when I was 7 or so.. but after lots of moves they were lost or broken or given away, so I dont really collect anything anymore

Kris1971 wrote:
What's your favorite Disney memory?

since the trip we went on in March was my first I dont have a lot to choose from.. but the first night we were there we had dinner at O'Hana. We were seated by the window right as Wishes started. It was the PERFECT start to our vacation!


November 14-18, 2019 | All Star Movies

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Joined: 10/29/2009
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I know that was your first trip but did you come across anything that most others like that you did not care for, or try something that most others do not like but you loved?

Disney David's picture
Joined: 04/21/2011
Posts: 77

Hey neighbor Emmaanne! My wife and I are right up the road from you in Athens...

It's a Small World After All!...more than just the song, I really is magical...

maybe we can start a "Couples that love Disney, but don't have any children" Club---Northern Alabama Chapter. silly


Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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So what would be the first thing you and Jeff would do?


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emmaanne's picture
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scrappy wrote:
I know that was your first trip but did you come across anything that most others like that you did not care for, or try something that most others do not like but you loved?

hmm. good question. One thing was the Sci-Fi Dine in Theater. Id heard a lot of people that didn't like it, but I thought the food was AMAZING!!!

I didn't really care for the world showcase (yes, flame away!) it could be because it was one of the hotter days, my feet were hurting, and I just wanted to take a nap, but it def. wasn't my favorite part of the trip.

Disney David wrote:
Hey neighbor Emmaanne! My wife and I are right up the road from you in Athens...

It's a Small World After All!...more than just the song, I really is magical...

maybe we can start a "Couples that love Disney, but don't have any children" Club---Northern Alabama Chapter. silly

aw how fun!! It is a small world!!

Mase wrote:
So what would be the first thing you and Jeff would do?

oh I didn't answer that part did I.... the first thing we would do... I have no clue. Jeff??? Whats the first thing we would do? lol.


November 14-18, 2019 | All Star Movies

March 2-10, 2012 | Pop | Trip Report -

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I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one who does not enjoy World Showcase. I wish I did but I just do not.

Jess's picture
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scrappy wrote:
I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one who does not enjoy World Showcase. I wish I did but I just do not.

I used to not like it...but it's grown on me more each trip....and now I love it Smile


Jess's picture
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Do we get to hear the story about your and brandon's tattoo's?


Mase's picture
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If you had the option to sponsor a ride/attraction/event... What would you pick? And would you hange it a bit to suit your liking or leave it as is?


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JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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Expedition Everest is my favorite too. How many times did you ride during your trip?


emmaanne's picture
Joined: 10/20/2011
Posts: 432

Jess wrote:
Do we get to hear the story about your and brandon's tattoo's?

here goes.. kinda long, sorry

When Brandon and I started dating I was singing in a country/rock band so we had shows every Friday and Saturday night. Brandon would always come. Well one night we were playing a show at a family friendly place so both of our parents/sisters/niece's came to hear the band. 1am when we finally finished Brandon decides that he wants to get a tattoo (he had had just a little too much fun at my show that night). So I said okay just to make him happy and shut up thinking by the time we got to his house, which was 30 minutes away, he would have forgotten all about the tattoo idea.

So off we go. I knew there was a tattoo shop on the way to his house and he knew it too, so I was PRAYING it was closed. We got to the strip mall where it was and it was closed, I was so happy! About a mile later, a new shop had just opened and they were open DANGIT! So to keep "Mr. I've had a little to much to drink" happy I pulled in (his sister was with us too).

So he starts looking at tattoos (keep in mind he's NEVER had one before!) and he sees the "husband" and "wife" tattoos and tells me I have to get one with him. I told him no, he says yes, we go back and forth yada yada yada.. I tried to get him to leave a MILLION times!! He starts BEGGING me to get a matching tattoo with him and saying I didn't really love him if I didn't get a tattoo with him (hahahaha!)... I had been wanting another one anyway, so we finally found the loyalty symbol that we ended up getting. Mine is on the back of my neck and it hurt like you know what!

The best part of the whole story is that Brandon was LOVING the way it felt getting a tattoo. He was ready to get a sleeve that night, but we FINALLY got him out the door. We went back about 2 weeks later to get them touched up and I thought he was going to die because he realized how bad it hurt. So no more tattoos for Mr. Brandon... I still want one on my wrist though!


November 14-18, 2019 | All Star Movies

March 2-10, 2012 | Pop | Trip Report -

emmaanne's picture
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Posts: 432

Mase wrote:
If you had the option to sponsor a ride/attraction/event... What would you pick? And would you hange it a bit to suit your liking or leave it as is?

First let me say I would change one thing about every ride at Disney.. the lines would have seats facing each other that move through the line so you dont have to stand. haha! Yes, I am lazy and the few lines we had to wait in I wanted to just sit down, my feet hurt worse standing in one spot than if I am moving...

I'd sponser Toy Story Mania and make it longer! haha!! It goes by too fast!


November 14-18, 2019 | All Star Movies

March 2-10, 2012 | Pop | Trip Report -

emmaanne's picture
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Posts: 432

JoAnn C wrote:
Expedition Everest is my favorite too. How many times did you ride during your trip?

We only got to ride it once =( the line was long that day and we didn't make it back to AK during our trip.. I totally had a dream last night that we were riding it though, and then eating at Yak and Yeti!


November 14-18, 2019 | All Star Movies

March 2-10, 2012 | Pop | Trip Report -

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emmaanne wrote:
JoAnn C wrote:
Expedition Everest is my favorite too. How many times did you ride during your trip?

We only got to ride it once =( the line was long that day and we didn't make it back to AK during our trip.. I totally had a dream last night that we were riding it though, and then eating at Yak and Yeti!

Awesome dream!

When I was there last year, my friends and I rode it twice in the morning. We had lunch at Yak & Yeti. Our server gave us 3 fast passes to use anytime during that day. My friends wanted to give our FPs away and head back to the resort. Not me, I kept all three and was planning on using them myself. I wondered through AK to let lunch digest and headed back. After using the first FP, I realized I'm not young anymore and hit my limit. LOL I gave the other two to a young couple who had just gotten married.


senseicj's picture
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since this was your first trip was there anything you wanted to do that you just did not get a chance to, and what is something you will skip next time to make sure you get to do that. (dining, ride, show, anything)


"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
--Walt Disney--



emmaanne's picture
Joined: 10/20/2011
Posts: 432

senseicj wrote:
since this was your first trip was there anything you wanted to do that you just did not get a chance to, and what is something you will skip next time to make sure you get to do that. (dining, ride, show, anything)

Our original plan was to save MK for a full day on Friday. We did EMH on Sunday night so we were able to ride a majority of the rides, and we went on Thursday night to see Wishes. But since I did the American Idol thing, I had to be at HS again ALL DAY on Friday (we spent the majority of the day there on Thursday). Because of this we missed out on being at MK during the day, and also just being at MK for a full day in general.

Also, even though we spent 2 days at HS, because of the American Idol thing we didn't get to ride Rockin Rollercoaster or TOT, AND we had to cancel our ADR's at 50's Prime Time.

So those will all be my top priorities next time we go. There really wasn't anything I wouldn't do again, we had a blast!

EDIT: I take that back! I would definately add a day or two just to rest... and also would love to go to the Boardwalk. We had a packed schedule, so it will be nice next time becuase we will know what to expect and wont be so tired. And no Universal next time for us!


November 14-18, 2019 | All Star Movies

March 2-10, 2012 | Pop | Trip Report -

emmaanne's picture
Joined: 10/20/2011
Posts: 432

JoAnn C wrote:
I gave the other two to a young couple who had just gotten married.

aw, thats so sweet! I love doing stuff like that! We had 5 FP's to Toy Story Mania but it went down and we didn't have time to wait for it to open back up, so we gave them to a family, they were super excited.


November 14-18, 2019 | All Star Movies

March 2-10, 2012 | Pop | Trip Report -

senseicj's picture
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emmaanne wrote:
senseicj wrote:
since this was your first trip was there anything you wanted to do that you just did not get a chance to, and what is something you will skip next time to make sure you get to do that. (dining, ride, show, anything)

Our original plan was to save MK for a full day on Friday. We did EMH on Sunday night so we were able to ride a majority of the rides, and we went on Thursday night to see Wishes. But since I did the American Idol thing, I had to be at HS again ALL DAY on Friday (we spent the majority of the day there on Thursday). Because of this we missed out on being at MK during the day, and also just being at MK for a full day in general.

Also, even though we spent 2 days at HS, because of the American Idol thing we didn't get to ride Rockin Rollercoaster or TOT, AND we had to cancel our ADR's at 50's Prime Time.

So those will all be my top priorities next time we go. There really wasn't anything I wouldn't do again, we had a blast!

EDIT: I take that back! I would definately add a day or two just to rest... and also would love to go to the Boardwalk. We had a packed schedule, so it will be nice next time becuase we will know what to expect and wont be so tired. And no Universal next time for us!

we love the boardwalk, we walk through there at least 3 times the week we are there and go to epcot through the back gate, for 2 reasons 1. we usually spend more time in the world showcase and 2. it is much less crowded than the front entrance. and as far as universal goes we went last time only because we were in fla for 3 weeks, and i wish i had those 4 days back that we wasted at universal


"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
--Walt Disney--



Mase's picture
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emmaanne wrote:
Mase wrote:
If you had the option to sponsor a ride/attraction/event... What would you pick? And would you hange it a bit to suit your liking or leave it as is?

First let me say I would change one thing about every ride at Disney.. the lines would have seats facing each other that move through the line so you dont have to stand. haha! Yes, I am lazy and the few lines we had to wait in I wanted to just sit down, my feet hurt worse standing in one spot than if I am moving...

I'd sponser Toy Story Mania and make it longer! haha!! It goes by too fast!

Love it!


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Jess's picture
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emmaanne wrote:
Jess wrote:
Do we get to hear the story about your and brandon's tattoo's?

here goes.. kinda long, sorry

When Brandon and I started dating I was singing in a country/rock band so we had shows every Friday and Saturday night. Brandon would always come. Well one night we were playing a show at a family friendly place so both of our parents/sisters/niece's came to hear the band. 1am when we finally finished Brandon decides that he wants to get a tattoo (he had had just a little too much fun at my show that night). So I said okay just to make him happy and shut up thinking by the time we got to his house, which was 30 minutes away, he would have forgotten all about the tattoo idea.

So off we go. I knew there was a tattoo shop on the way to his house and he knew it too, so I was PRAYING it was closed. We got to the strip mall where it was and it was closed, I was so happy! About a mile later, a new shop had just opened and they were open DANGIT! So to keep "Mr. I've had a little to much to drink" happy I pulled in (his sister was with us too).

So he starts looking at tattoos (keep in mind he's NEVER had one before!) and he sees the "husband" and "wife" tattoos and tells me I have to get one with him. I told him no, he says yes, we go back and forth yada yada yada.. I tried to get him to leave a MILLION times!! He starts BEGGING me to get a matching tattoo with him and saying I didn't really love him if I didn't get a tattoo with him (hahahaha!)... I had been wanting another one anyway, so we finally found the loyalty symbol that we ended up getting. Mine is on the back of my neck and it hurt like you know what!

The best part of the whole story is that Brandon was LOVING the way it felt getting a tattoo. He was ready to get a sleeve that night, but we FINALLY got him out the door. We went back about 2 weeks later to get them touched up and I thought he was going to die because he realized how bad it hurt. So no more tattoos for Mr. Brandon... I still want one on my wrist though!

Awesome story Smile I'm beginning to think there's nothing you haven't done...LOL...Do you have any videos or pics of you singing in the band


evilduckqueen's picture
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emmaanne wrote:
Jess wrote:
Do we get to hear the story about your and brandon's tattoo's?

here goes.. kinda long, sorry

When Brandon and I started dating I was singing in a country/rock band so we had shows every Friday and Saturday night. Brandon would always come. Well one night we were playing a show at a family friendly place so both of our parents/sisters/niece's came to hear the band. 1am when we finally finished Brandon decides that he wants to get a tattoo (he had had just a little too much fun at my show that night). So I said okay just to make him happy and shut up thinking by the time we got to his house, which was 30 minutes away, he would have forgotten all about the tattoo idea.

So off we go. I knew there was a tattoo shop on the way to his house and he knew it too, so I was PRAYING it was closed. We got to the strip mall where it was and it was closed, I was so happy! About a mile later, a new shop had just opened and they were open DANGIT! So to keep "Mr. I've had a little to much to drink" happy I pulled in (his sister was with us too).

So he starts looking at tattoos (keep in mind he's NEVER had one before!) and he sees the "husband" and "wife" tattoos and tells me I have to get one with him. I told him no, he says yes, we go back and forth yada yada yada.. I tried to get him to leave a MILLION times!! He starts BEGGING me to get a matching tattoo with him and saying I didn't really love him if I didn't get a tattoo with him (hahahaha!)... I had been wanting another one anyway, so we finally found the loyalty symbol that we ended up getting. Mine is on the back of my neck and it hurt like you know what!

The best part of the whole story is that Brandon was LOVING the way it felt getting a tattoo. He was ready to get a sleeve that night, but we FINALLY got him out the door. We went back about 2 weeks later to get them touched up and I thought he was going to die because he realized how bad it hurt. So no more tattoos for Mr. Brandon... I still want one on my wrist though!

What a cute story! Definitely something to tell the grandchildren!! I have a tattoo on the inside of my wrist, and it hurt like Hades!!


"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

emmaanne's picture
Joined: 10/20/2011
Posts: 432

Jess wrote:

Awesome story Smile I'm beginning to think there's nothing you haven't done...LOL...Do you have any videos or pics of you singing in the band

lol Jess. and there used to be some on youtube, I will look and see what I can find =)


November 14-18, 2019 | All Star Movies

March 2-10, 2012 | Pop | Trip Report -

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Can we see any of the professional photos you've done?
