Member spotlight- LuvallDisney*****

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Joined: 03/04/2011
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Member spotlight- LuvallDisney*****

First Name: Abby
Birthplace: Barberton, OH
Birthday: 12/4/79 ( Oh so close to Walt's but not quite)
Age: 32
Current Location: Barberton, OH
Hometown: Norton, OH
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'3"
Your career: Nuclear Medicine Technologist (Imaging - a part of Radiology)
What kind of car do you drive: 2003 Chevy Impala
Name of spouse or significant other: Kevin (DH) TTFN_71 (He submitted his questions before I made my profile)
Number of children if any, names and ages: None yet....
Glasses or contacts: Glasses....Love contacts but just can't wear them. Eyes too dry. I try though.....
Piercings or tattoos: Neither....Just regular pierced ears.
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right handed
What kind of pets do you have and what are their names: Koi - Currently we have 9. No names- but DH liked to joke around and call them Dinner, Lunch, Breakfast, Snack, ect....until one day a Herron actually caught and ate Snack (b/c it was the smallest of the bunch and not very smart) lol.
Favorite color: Purple
5 favorite movies: Ferris Buellers Day Off, Groundhog Day, Robinhood Men in Tights, Spaceballs, Pulp Fiction
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Your favorite pizza toppings: Pepperoni
Favorite beverage: Iced tea - unsweet
Favorite season: Spring, followed by Fall a close second Wink
Your favorite food: Pasta
Favorite Ice cream flavor: Rocky Road
Favorite candy: Reeses PB cups
Favorite breakfast cereal: HoneyNut Cheerios, but every now and then I will splurge on some Fruity Pebbles! Still love those!
Favorite book: Anything Disney- from books about Walt, the parks, guidebooks, Celebrations publications, D23 publications
What country do you want to visit: Never given it much thought...maybe France. Up until 2009, I was not thrilled to fly. I am getting better though. Baby steps! Lol
How many pillows do you sleep with: 1
What's one thing that not many people know about you: How much of a Disney Nut I really am! Followed by being the "baby" of the family with 3 older brothers and not the only child or the oldest like most think....This one still baffles me.
Favorite song: depends on my mood at the time.....
Your favorite sport to watch: Baseball (There's something about being at the ballpark)
Favorite TV show (Still running or ended): Top Chef and Amazing Race
Your Favorite number: 15
Favorite restaurant: Olive Garden
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Scary movies or comedies: Comedies
Beach or lake: Lake
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Starbucks or Tim Hortons: Starbucks....Never had Tim Hortons
Dogs or cats: Cats (but DH is allergic and I don't care for dogs so we don't have any pets besides our koi) (sorry dog people)
What's your favorite Disney Resort: Wilderness Lodge
What's your favorite Disney Restaurant: Ohana
What's your favorite Disney Snack: Oreo cookie Mickey Icecream Sandwich, but this trip we are going to try different snacks.
What's your favorite Disney ride: Haunted Mansion followed by Pirates a close second
Who's your favorite Disney Character: Goofy
Who's your favorite Disney Princess: Belle
5 Favorite Disney Movies: Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King, Toy Story, Alice in Wonderland, all of the Pirates- I know that's 6+ but I love the Pirates! (had to add this one Jess Wink


Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Let's see your three favorite Disney pics Smile


DisneyDee27's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
Posts: 1600

Favorite meal and favorite snack


Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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How many times have you been to WDW? Have you been to any of the other Disney parks?


Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

Favorite WDW memory?


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What is your favorite park?

finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
Posts: 1072

What ride or attraction don't you like? Why?



Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.

Joined: 12/28/2011
Posts: 1039

What do you love at WDW that others don't, and what do you not love that others do?


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

LuvAllDisney's picture
Joined: 04/13/2012
Posts: 115

DisneyDee27 wrote:
Favorite meal and favorite snack

Favorite meal is definately a tough one! I would have to say the Filet and Risotto, and Beer Cheese soup from Le Cellier. I muchlove the Risotto!!!! But since we had such awful service last year, DH has decided it will be a while before we go back. waiting So, my next favorite meal would have to be the noodles and OMG Potstickers at Ohana! I could just make a meal of that and be happy! laugh

We are still working on new restaurants each trip we take. I actually haven't found a meal that I haven't liked! Some are much better than others, though. I wouldn't call myself a foodie, but I love to try new things and new restaurants.

As far as the favorite snack goes..... we still didn't venture out to try new snacks during our past trip in April. So, I would still have to say the oreo icecream Mickey sandwich. I am definately trying a Dole Whip this coming trip! And I hope we are still on for the Kitchen Sink wink Also wanting to try some of the cupcakes that have been mentioned on here. I did try a cappuccino cupcake at Pizza Planet that was pretty tasty!

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Joined: 04/13/2012
Posts: 115

Well apparently the computer doesn't want me to post anything else tonight because it keeps refreshing the screen before I'm done with the post. Thus erasing everything that I have typed. mad confused So... To be continued tomorrow! I have retyped a post twice now, just to have it erased, it's late and I'm heading to bed. Night all!

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
Posts: 5438

Alright... who on the board would you take... and cant be significant other... lol


If you got stuck on a ride which would you like and not like?


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LuvAllDisney's picture
Joined: 04/13/2012
Posts: 115

JoAnn C wrote:
How many times have you been to WDW? Have you been to any of the other Disney parks?

I have been to WDW 6 times going on 7 in December!!!!!! My first trip was in spring '95 with my HS marching band. It was such an awesome trip! We only got to visit 1 park that trip, but it definately made me want to come back for more! I must admit, when we were there this April and I saw the bands marching during the parades I got alittle geeked out! It brought back such wonderful memories. Even my old band classmates to this day still talk about that trip and how much fun we all had.

My next trip was in Oct '07 for our honeymoon!!! I had been trying for years to convince my DH, (I consider DH-short for Disney Husband mickey ) that he would have fun and love WDW. He wasn't so convinced, but decided he would give it a shot for our honeymoon. He loved it and the rest is history!

Imagine my surprise when he suggested that we go to WDW for my 30th Bday! I was ecstatic!! So my next trip was in Dec '09. The parks were breathtaking! At this point we had discussed only going to WDW every couple years, so I wasn't expecting another trip for quite some time. But then at the end of fall of '10 I received a wonderful code in the mail and we chatted about going in '11.

Our next 2 trips came Aug '11 and Dec '11. We had only planned to do 1 trip in Dec, then found out his cousin was going for the first time and we decided to go with them! When we were there in Dec, I had to take advantage of the return offer in the room! So, I booked our Dec '12 trip just incase we could make it. Imagine my surprise when my DH said that for his birthday in April, he wanted to go back to WDW for a short trip!!!! So we did! April '12 and I'm looking forward to our Dec '12 trip!

And I have a only been to DL and CA once back in '02. My brother lives in Ca and I went out to visit him. He had season passes to DL and we went to DL 1 day and CA another day. It was nice to see DL and I would like to go back sometime. I would also like to do a cruise sometime as well.

LuvAllDisney's picture
Joined: 04/13/2012
Posts: 115

Kris1971 wrote:
Favorite WDW memory?

I would have to say that I have 3!!!! There are just so many to choose from, it is so difficult because they all hold a special place in my heart!

The first is during our honeymoon trip, we were in Epcot over by UK. At this point, we didn't know much about WDW and were trying to cram 4 parks into 4 days. We didn't do much in the way of characters or even the little things. Our agenda was strictly to see/do as much as we could in that short time. We had gone behind the shops over by the tea garden and were sitting back there when we saw Pooh and Tigger come out. So we ventured into the store to see if we could get our pictures taken. We waited our turn in line and were next and then Pooh had to take a "Honey break". DH really wanted the picture with Tigger because he's his favorite. We didn't realize how the whole pictures with characters worked at that point, or that they would be right back. DH showed Tigger his tattoo and said, we have to have a picture with you, you are my favorite! To which Tigger bounced!!!!! They came back in a bit and we got our picture! To this day, I look at that picture and smile!

My second favorite memory is more just the feeling of how it feels to walk up to the doors of Wilderness Lodge and be greeted with Welcome Home!!!! Sometimes it makes me get teary eyed. It's one of my favorites because I know each time we go, we will be greeted with Welcome Home and it really does feel like we are coming home!

My third favorite memory would have to be this past Dec. we took our niece to WDW for the first time. She is 9 and was bouncing off the walls with excitement. I will never forget the first time we walked down Main Street toward the Castle. She grabbed my hand and we walked down together as I sang to her Walking Down the Middle of Main Street USA with them performing it right infront of her! She was amazed at the fact that I knew the words to the song they were singing. How did I do that? Lol.

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Why are goofy and belle your favorite?


LuvAllDisney's picture
Joined: 04/13/2012
Posts: 115

I'm sorry that I haven't gotten much time on the computer. I have been looking forward to my spotlight all summer and now that it's my turn, I haven't had much time to even answer. sad This has been an extremely busy week for me and I am just plain exhausted. eek I had all these things that I wanted to chat about and pictures to post. mickey I have decided to go back to school for my masters and this class is very time consuming. I would love to chat and answer these posted questions but also don't want to take from the next member spotlight. If you all wouldn't consider it intrusive on the next spotlight, then I will try to respond and post pics next week or the following week.

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

go for it..... Its always open


Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

We look forward to hearing from you when you need a much deserved break. Good luck in school!

LuvAllDisney's picture
Joined: 04/13/2012
Posts: 115

You guys made me smile!!!! mickey I knew you would understand! I finally have a breather, phew. It has been 1 crazy month. I am so excited!!!! I booked our airfare for December so it is OFFICIAL!!!!! Woohoo! This is a much needed trip for us, and perhaps our last for awhile sad My program is 2 straight years with not very long breaks so not sure if we can squeeze any trips in during that time.

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Joined: 04/13/2012
Posts: 115

PirateGirl wrote:
What is your favorite park?

I would have to say that my favorite park is Epcot! It is such a different pace than MK. I love MK too and when I want to get my "Disney Fix" I want to head to MK. But when I want to just stroll along, look at the sights, try different things, I love Epcot for that. It's kind of funny because our first trip for our honeymoon we decided that we liked Epcot the least but still managed to spend the majority of our time there because we didn't have the whole transportation/lay of the land down yet. Epcot is usually where we spend the majority of our time each trip. I love to just stroll along WS and a stop in Mexico is an absolute must for us. We could spend hours in there and we have!!!! When we decide we want a little change of pace, we head over and catch Nemo or Soarin. This is the first year we did Flower and Garden and LOVED it!!!! I want to try Food and Wine next, just not sure when we will get the chance.

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Joined: 04/13/2012
Posts: 115

finngirl wrote:
What ride or attraction don't you like? Why?

Sorry all you Tours fans sad I absolutely CANNOT do this ride. I get motion sickness really bad and simulators just plain kill me. I have tried Tours atleast 3 times over the years and each time, I am sorry that I did. yuck The latest attempt was in Aug of last year because I wanted to see how they changed it. Sorry I did. I literally had to look at C3PO because I couldn't watch the screen and he was stationary. Can't even tell you what the changes look like. And I don't intend to find out. Luckily, I can still do Soarin, which I love! I do have a bit of trouble with the night scene and the cars/light because they are moving on the screen and so are we. Haven't tried Mission Space because i'm afraid it is going to be just like Tours.

LuvAllDisney's picture
Joined: 04/13/2012
Posts: 115

Love her!!!!!!

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Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
Posts: 5438

Mase wrote:
Alright... who on the board would you take... and cant be significant other... lol


If you got stuck on a ride which would you like and not like?




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