Member spotlight- Nikamel****

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Member spotlight- Nikamel****

This weeks member spotlight belongs to Nikamel Smile

Chatham Ontario Canada
Chatham is hometown and still living here
5 3" green eyes and whatever colour the box says mixed with grey
Registered Early Childhood Educator
Toyota FJ Cruiser
Daryl a 16 year old daughter and 18 year old son
getting glasses soon
one tattoo and right handed
two dogs Carly and Sandy, 5 cats Homefries, Cat, Mama, Scitters, Bruce, two ducks, a chicken, hamster and fish
I like too many colours to name a favourite
Movies: Ferris Bueller, Gone with the Wind, Singing in the rain
Holiday: all of them
Cherry Dr. Pepper
Food: anything sweet
Ice cream: a really good vanilla
Breakfast cereal: apple jacks..can't buy it here anymore
Favourite book: I have a fav magazine called Mother Earth News
Country: China ever since I saw the movie at the chinese pavillion
2 pillows
People don't know we sponsor a child In Ethiopia
Sport: Hockey
Song:Amazing Grace
TV Show:Brady Bunch and anything National Geographic
Favourite number is 4
Restaurant: anything Disney sucks here
Vanilla, comedies,lake, pepsi, Timmies (I'm Canadian eh!!), cats and dogs (see above pets)
Fort Wilderness just love it there!!!
Sanaa...oh wow it is amazing!!
Cupcakes anykind anywhere!!
Don't laugh but I love the carousel..and i never get to ride it


JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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What is your favorite meal at Sanaa?


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Nancy, do you have a favorite cupcake? Have you done the Disney cupcake crawl yet?

Joined: 08/01/2012
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Nancy what is your favorite park?

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Posts: 397

No favourite meal at Sanaa yet. We just tried it last February and loved the atmosphere, service, food and view. Since it was our anniversary they sang us a song and gave us a card to remember the occasion. I haven't had enough tastes of the cupcakes yet to have a favourite and I had no idea there was a cupcake crawl til a few months back when someone on here talked about it. Don't worry we will be in the world in 46 days and cupcakes here I come!!!! yay Hmmmmmmm my favourite park??? A difficult choice but I think I like Epcot the best. I love the idea of visiting all those countries all in one place plus I could spend all day at the seas. Sampling all the food is great as well. A close second would be Magic can't go wrong with a place that has the word magic in it. It truely is a place where dreams do come true!

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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Favorite WDW memory?


Joined: 09/12/2010
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You cannot buy Apple Jacks there any more??! Gah!!

I love the names of your pets, especially Homefries. Can you post some pet pics?

Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
Posts: 2786

I live in North Bay Ontario and we still had Apple Jacks not long ago. It seems sometimes we do and then all of a sudden they are gone for a while. I wish we still had Trix sad
Do you have a favourite ride and restaurant at Epcot?

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Let's see your 3 favorite disney pics


DisneyDee27's picture
Joined: 04/02/2012
Posts: 1600

Whats your Favorite meal?


Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.

Joined: 12/28/2011
Posts: 1039

Where would you build your personal WDW villa? It can be anywhere, with any amount of luxury or attendants!


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Joined: 08/20/2011
Posts: 397

My Favourite memory was at the Hoop-Dee-Do revue...the part where there is a Tarzan yell and the spot light pans the audience and that night the spot light landed on my son and for the first time in the past year he nearly busted a gut was the most precious moment for me as it had be an extremely difficult year with the loss of my children's father in Afghanistan.
We cross boarder shop for apple jacks when we can and of course on our way to Disney we stop and I buy them.
I am having trouble posting pictures ..I am not a puter tech kind of person so if I get a picture on here and there it is somewhat of a miracle haha. Homefries got his name because we had a pan of homefries on our stove and when he was little we caught him eating them...he is orange and white with a little orange gravey stain mustache and goatee. He has personality plus that one.
I don't have a favourite meal. There are just way too many to choose!
My personal villa would be at Fort Wilderness. They just have to build one there! I am not so much into luxury as I am more the outdoors type. Although the bed and bedding should be above standard. Gotta have my good nights sleep. The place should be isolated, away from the campsites and cabins. Maybe a real log cabin style buildings and pretty much on your own type of feel. Real fireplaces and up to date appliances are a must.
Here is a picture of one of my favourite moments. I cried waiting in line as Snow white was my favourite story when I was little. My grandpa would read it to me over and over. So all those memories flooded back while waiting in line. she was so lovely and gracious and talked about how I had met my prince charming and remember when she met hers by the wishing well. I loved the high pitched voice.
Oh almost forgot, my favourite ride at epcot is mission to mars orange side and restaurant so far is undecided since we haven't tried all of them yet.

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Posts: 1039

nikamel wrote:
My Favourite memory was at the Hoop-Dee-Do revue...the part where there is a Tarzan yell and the spot light pans the audience and that night the spot light landed on my son and for the first time in the past year he nearly busted a gut was the most precious moment for me as it had be an extremely difficult year with the loss of my children's father in Afghanistan.
We cross boarder shop for apple jacks when we can and of course on our way to Disney we stop and I buy them.
I am having trouble posting pictures ..I am not a puter tech kind of person so if I get a picture on here and there it is somewhat of a miracle haha. Homefries got his name because we had a pan of homefries on our stove and when he was little we caught him eating them...he is orange and white with a little orange gravey stain mustache and goatee. He has personality plus that one.
I don't have a favourite meal. There are just way too many to choose!
My personal villa would be at Fort Wilderness. They just have to build one there! I am not so much into luxury as I am more the outdoors type. Although the bed and bedding should be above standard. Gotta have my good nights sleep. The place should be isolated, away from the campsites and cabins. Maybe a real log cabin style buildings and pretty much on your own type of feel. Real fireplaces and up to date appliances are a must.
Here is a picture of one of my favourite moments. I cried waiting in line as Snow white was my favourite story when I was little. My grandpa would read it to me over and over. So all those memories flooded back while waiting in line. she was so lovely and gracious and talked about how I had met my prince charming and remember when she met hers by the wishing well. I loved the high pitched voice.
Oh almost forgot, my favourite ride at epcot is mission to mars orange side and restaurant so far is undecided since we haven't tried all of them yet.

I would love a Wilderness Villa myself!


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

When was that picture with Snow White taken? That's the same Snow White that was so awesome with my daughter when we met her last november


Joined: 08/20/2011
Posts: 397

Jess wrote:
When was that picture with Snow White taken? That's the same Snow White that was so awesome with my daughter when we met her last november

That picture was taken last February. The great thing about going in February was there were NO lineups for anything until about 11:30 or so in the morning. I think there were maybe 4 people ahead of us in line to see her. I couldn't believe our luck until it happened over and over for pretty much all the characters and then I realized no one goes in the first couple of weeks of February! yay

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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If you could take one person from this forum who shall it be?

Also... your stuck on a ride... which ride would you enjoy being stuck on, and what ride would be awful to be on?



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Joined: 08/20/2011
Posts: 397

Mase wrote:
If you could take one person from this forum who shall it be?

Also... your stuck on a ride... which ride would you enjoy being stuck on, and what ride would be awful to be on?


That is easy my husband Daryl and the best ride to be stuck on is the haunted mansion then I would get to see all the stuff that goes by so fast plus we have been stuck on it before and it was kind of cool. The worst would be It's a small world and I have been stuck on it as well and uggg it was the worst experience hearing that song over and over.

Joined: 12/28/2011
Posts: 1039

Where would you build your personal WDW villa? Location is no problem, services are all included!!!


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Joined: 08/20/2011
Posts: 397

Ollie wrote:
Where would you build your personal WDW villa? Location is no problem, services are all included!!!

Fort wilderness. We just love it there! It is a sweet retreat from the parks.

Joined: 12/28/2011
Posts: 1039

nikamel wrote:
Ollie wrote:
Where would you build your personal WDW villa? Location is no problem, services are all included!!!

Fort wilderness. We just love it there! It is a sweet retreat from the parks.

Nice choice!


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien