Metal detectors now in place

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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Kristen K. wrote:
KenJ wrote:
Belinda wrote:
Kristen K. wrote:
I wonder if the pins in my ankle would set it off.

My hubby has metal in his wrist and carries a card from his surgeon with him "just in case". He did set the airport detector off. All he had to do was show them his card and they let him on thru.

So, do they follow up with a wand check to verify its the wrist setting off the alarm? If not, there's a security flaw right there. If they just wave someone through because they have a card, that person could have anything in their pockets rendering the check useless.

I've actually been reading up quite a bit about this since it's now an issue for me. From various sources around the internet, if Airport TSA accepts your card or not is pretty much by good grace. The policy is that cards and notes from your doctor don't matter anyone and everyone claiming to have surgical metal gets the scan, the wand and then frisked. Nothing for me to do but be polite while I'm groped in public and treated like a criminal because I broke my leg.

Well just thank all those terrorists and criminals out there for getting groped and being treated like a criminal. One of those TSA people just may save your life one day! Believe me, they are not doing it for their on enjoyment.

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

Agreed! I'd rather know they are trying to stop terrorists from boarding the planes! awesome

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Well, if I actually believed that TSA was really stopping terrorism that would be one thing.

MrHub wrote:
Believe me, they are not doing it for their on enjoyment.

I would assume that most are doing it because it's a steady paycheck with good benefits that doesn't require higher education. Plus, it's slightly cooler say you work for TSA than Securitas. The TSA triggers my cynical side, it will be academically interesting to me to see how it all plays out with my ankle.

Belinda's picture
Joined: 08/09/2012
Posts: 771

MrHub wrote:
Kristen K. wrote:
KenJ wrote:
Belinda wrote:
Kristen K. wrote:
I wonder if the pins in my ankle would set it off.

My hubby has metal in his wrist and carries a card from his surgeon with him "just in case". He did set the airport detector off. All he had to do was show them his card and they let him on thru.

So, do they follow up with a wand check to verify its the wrist setting off the alarm? If not, there's a security flaw right there. If they just wave someone through because they have a card, that person could have anything in their pockets rendering the check useless.

I've actually been reading up quite a bit about this since it's now an issue for me. From various sources around the internet, if Airport TSA accepts your card or not is pretty much by good grace. The policy is that cards and notes from your doctor don't matter anyone and everyone claiming to have surgical metal gets the scan, the wand and then frisked. Nothing for me to do but be polite while I'm groped in public and treated like a criminal because I broke my leg.

Well just thank all those terrorists and criminals out there for getting groped and being treated like a criminal. One of those TSA people just may save your life one day! Believe me, they are not doing it for their on enjoyment.

My hubby did get wanded.


** BeLiNdA **

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Belinda wrote:
MrHub wrote:
Kristen K. wrote:
KenJ wrote:
Belinda wrote:
Kristen K. wrote:
I wonder if the pins in my ankle would set it off.

My hubby has metal in his wrist and carries a card from his surgeon with him "just in case". He did set the airport detector off. All he had to do was show them his card and they let him on thru.

So, do they follow up with a wand check to verify its the wrist setting off the alarm? If not, there's a security flaw right there. If they just wave someone through because they have a card, that person could have anything in their pockets rendering the check useless.

I've actually been reading up quite a bit about this since it's now an issue for me. From various sources around the internet, if Airport TSA accepts your card or not is pretty much by good grace. The policy is that cards and notes from your doctor don't matter anyone and everyone claiming to have surgical metal gets the scan, the wand and then frisked. Nothing for me to do but be polite while I'm groped in public and treated like a criminal because I broke my leg.

Well just thank all those terrorists and criminals out there for getting groped and being treated like a criminal. One of those TSA people just may save your life one day! Believe me, they are not doing it for their on enjoyment.

My hubby did get wanded.

I went through the metal detectors the other week and my belt buckle set it off and they used a wand on me and I had to show them the buckle which my shirt was covering.

Figments Girl's picture
Joined: 03/22/2014
Posts: 65

I have pins and a metal plate in my ankle and I don't set off the machines. I was traveling every week for business and rarely got stopped at the airport.
