MNSSHP... Should i care?

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carlsbaddrew's picture
Joined: 03/11/2013
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MNSSHP... Should i care?

So the wife and I are heading to WDW Oct 28-Nov 6. We didn't even really think about the fact the we booked a trip with dates that included halloween until afterwards. We are heading there without our daughter, so I am wondering if the Halloween Party is even worth it? If it's a big draw, the sensible guy in me thinks we go to other parks those nights instead.

Anyone been? Would two adults really have much fun? Is the experience worth the price for adults?


Current Disneyland / CA Adventure pass holder. WDW X4 visits!

WDWfanatic's picture
Joined: 01/18/2013
Posts: 356

We enjoy MNNSHP! The parade itself is my favorite! And, my personal favorite parts of the parade are the Headless Horseman and the grave diggers. There are also meet & greets with the villains!

One of the best things about MNSSHP and MVMCP is that they are not over crowded. Then, MNSSHP has trick or treating, so all of those folks who would usually be in line for rides, are in line for candy instead, making the wait times even shorter. My Husband and (then) 4 year old walked right on to Splash Mountain. We went to MNSSHP in 2010, 2012 and we are going again this year. This year my daughters will be 2 1/2 and 5. Last October, my older daughter LOVED IT!!! The younger one was not even 2 yet, so she just went along and had a good time.

For my family, YES!, it is TOTALLY worth it!



MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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We love the MNNSHP, I think it's better then MVMCP, scrappy would argue with me on that. I love the Boo to You parade and the Ride of the Headless Horseman . Also we alway found it less crowded and at time were the only ones on rides like PoC & Haunted Mansion. Worth, you have to decide that for yourself. The one thing is too, you are going over the holiday and that time usually is very busy. We never went the week of Halloween .

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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I love MNSSHP, especially without the kids. If you're a pirate/villain/haunted mansion I think that you'll have a fabulous time. The MNSSHP Parade is my all time favorite Disney Parade, and HalloWishes is pretty awesome.

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mrhub wrote:
We love the MNNSHP, I think it's better then MVMCP, scrappy would argue with me on that. I love the Boo to You parade and the Ride of the Headless Horseman . Also we alway found it less crowded and at time were the only ones on rides like PoC & Haunted Mansion. Worth, you have to decide that for yourself. The one thing is too, you are going over the holiday and that time usually is very busy. We never went the week of Halloween .

My thoughts exactly.

2 adults here (at least I am in age....Joe argues otherwise), and go in September and have a blast.

carlsbaddrew's picture
Joined: 03/11/2013
Posts: 157

What is the extra cost for MNSSHP? And what hours does that get you into MK for?


Current Disneyland / CA Adventure pass holder. WDW X4 visits!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Well Carlsbaddrew, here is the link to the Disney Page MNSSHP . If you have a large family, yes it can be expensive.

$59 for adults
$54 for children 3-9

Party starts at 7pm till closing, but you can get in to the park at 4pm if you only have the Party ticket.

carlsbaddrew's picture
Joined: 03/11/2013
Posts: 157

mrhub wrote:
Well Carlsbaddrew, here is the link to the Disney Page MNSSHP . If you have a large family, yes it can be expensive.

$59 for adults
$54 for children 3-9

Party starts at 7pm till closing, but you can get in to the park at 4pm if you only have the Party ticket.

Yikes! Thats like double what I'm paying for 1 day of park access with my 9 day pass. I think we may be leaning towards throwing funds at a night of LA Nouba instead. I DO appreciate everyone's input though!


Current Disneyland / CA Adventure pass holder. WDW X4 visits!

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For what it's worth, we saw La Nouba last year and thought it was an incredible show!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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La Nouba is ALWAYS incredible!

carlsbaddrew's picture
Joined: 03/11/2013
Posts: 157

JeffC wrote:
For what it's worth, we saw La Nouba last year and thought it was an incredible show!

That seems to be the general consensus. We wanted to do it on our honeymoon trip last year, but it wasn't in the budget cards. We can't wait to see it!


Current Disneyland / CA Adventure pass holder. WDW X4 visits!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

MNSSHP is fantastic! DH and I went (with no kids) last year and LOVED it! The Boo to You parade, Hallowishes, and the villains show in front of the castle are just incredible! Plus we walked right onto Splash Mountain 3 times in a row and only had one other couple in our boat for PoC. La Nouba looks great too,'s on my Disney bucket list still.

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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I'm going to be the naysayer of the group. We did MNSSHP last October and felt it was way over sold and the crowds were worse than any day we were at the park during that week or ever for that matter. It was insanely crowded and we were very unhappy we spent that kind of money to wait in longer lines and fight for a spot to see even a glimpse of the parade. The concept is really cool, and like others have said, the parade is awesome, but would I do it again, NO WAY!


WDWfanatic's picture
Joined: 01/18/2013
Posts: 356

We did La Nouba on our honeymoon in 05. I had booked us seats near the front, on the end. Thankfully, we did not become a part of the show, but the people around us did. And the people in the back row of the lower section were all part of this pre-show game they were playing. I think it was with empty boxes.

We enjoyed it. My Husband says that he is not interested in doing it again, the seats were too small. laugh



Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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The problem with up front seats, as you now know, is that a good part of the show takes place ABOVE you, and you are constantly craning you necks upwards to see what is going on up there. As far as the MNSSHP I have been, thoroughly muchlove it and found it a good value for the money considering how much of the free cookies and Hot Chocolate I gobbled down Smile not to mention the trick or treating "LOOT" we carried away from Disney.


Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Vettelover wrote:
The problem with up front seats, as you now know, is that a good part of the show takes place ABOVE you, and you are constantly craning you necks upwards to see what is going on up there. As far as the MNSSHP I have been, thoroughly muchlove it and found it a good value for the money considering how much of the free cookies and Hot Chocolate I gobbled down Smile not to mention the trick or treating "LOOT" we carried away from Disney.

I think this is only at the MVMCP. We were at MNSSHP this past year and there were no cookies or hot chocolate, though plenty of free candy!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Allie wrote:
Vettelover wrote:
The problem with up front seats, as you now know, is that a good part of the show takes place ABOVE you, and you are constantly craning you necks upwards to see what is going on up there. As far as the MNSSHP I have been, thoroughly muchlove it and found it a good value for the money considering how much of the free cookies and Hot Chocolate I gobbled down Smile not to mention the trick or treating "LOOT" we carried away from Disney.

I think this is only at the MVMCP. We were at MNSSHP this past year and there were no cookies or hot chocolate, though plenty of free candy!

OOOOPS!!! You are correct I got my parties mixed up. confused confused
