My DH and I are going to our first ever MVMCP in a few weeks When it was announced today that Jack Skellington dressed as Sandy Claws is doing M&G for the first time, I was SO excited. We hadn't planned on doing M&G but NBC is one of my all time favorite movies, I have to meet Sandy Claws! Here are my questions about party M&G:
1. Do the M&G start at exactly 7pm?
2. How long do you usually have to wait in line? This is a crucial bit of info. Because of my RA(rheumatoid arthritis) it is incredibly painful and difficult for me to stand in one spot for more than a few minutes. I'm willing to stand as long as I can but I don't want to ruin the party for my DH and have to spend the rest of the night in a wheelchair.
3. Can I use my DAS card at MVMCP?
4. If I can't use my DAS card, what time do you recommend lining up? We either want to do the M&G as the very first thing of the night or at the very end of the night.
5. Do the M&G take place the entire party, from start to finish?
Thank you to all that respond!