I enjoy the Party ---at least I did before. But this year we went on a Tuesday night---TUESDAY, MIND YOU----and it was so jam packed full of people, we could hardly move. In fact, after the fireworks display, we really couldn't move! It was gridlock pure and simple. We were in front of the castle on the bridge to Tomorrow Land and we literally could NOT move. No one could. As far as you could see--all the way to Main Street and back to the castle -- was a sea of people and not one of them could move a step. It was really awful. We wanted to get to the Haunted Mansion area to watch the late Christmas Parade, and there was no way we could do it. I finally turned around and pushed my way through the crowd--swimming against the stream-- and got back toTomorrow Land and went around to the back of the castle and then on to Liberty Square. It was really too much