New Personal Record! Parking at Hollywood Studios =:o

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New Personal Record! Parking at Hollywood Studios =:o

During our last visit, we set what I think was a new personal best for "furthest spot away from the entrance to Hollywood Studios!!".

We arrived around 5 pm and were sent all the way back, despite all the lovely lonely spots we noted as we were waved on...and on...and on.

I wish I would have taken a picture for effect, but I think I can step out into the driveway and snap a picture towards the north-east and have about the same affect. Hahaha.

PS - Joe is not a tram person so we always walk from our spot to the entrance.

Any good pics out there of parking in nowhereland?

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JMed's picture
Joined: 02/16/2014
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Joe gets sooooo angry driving past all those empty spots! Last time we went to Epcot, it was self park because of the weather, we got the 3rd row. We picked it because it was right on the end. I wish it was raining everytime we went to the parks laugh

I don't have any pics but I think we had the last spot in the last row, furthest from the entrance to AK before. We might as well have parked at Jambo house and walked LOL


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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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People are saying it is a really long walk now to the entrance of HS because of the new construction.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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LOL! I would have been like "You're a tram guy today honey." Geeze! I don't think you could have been farther back.

The only Parking story I have is that we lost the car once in the Epcot lot when I was about 17. Our party (5 people total) had spread up to search for the car, but when I found it I couldn't see anyone. Being a teenager, I climbed up on the roof and stood on top of the car and yelled for my family. My mom wasn't thrilled, but hey, I found the car.

wdwizbest's picture
Joined: 02/03/2017
Posts: 307

I would gladly make that walk than have to go to work....


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