No October trip for us but instead a trip in the New Year!

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CdnSquirrel's picture
Joined: 10/12/2013
Posts: 365
No October trip for us but instead a trip in the New Year!

Alas, our plans for a trip this October have, due to circumstances beyond our control, died a horrible and hideous death. Fortunately, out of the ashes a new opportunity has risen; a trip this coming January! We will be arriving in Orlando and All Star Sports on Monday, January 5th and departing Friday, January 9th. Our plans call for three days at the Magic Kingdom and one day each at EPCOT and Animal Kingdom. We got a really great deal from Delta too, for our air fare.
I will miss not being able to enjoy the Halloween party (I'd even been working on our costumes!), something which really sounded like buckets of fun. This trip has been a long time coming though, so i'm not entirely crushed. One particularly good thing is that we'll be escaping a Canadian winter for a week! Maybe I'll bring Tinker Bell a snowball!

The Watchmaker's picture
Joined: 07/08/2014
Posts: 1802

Any trip to disney is magic...I agree that if you are looking forward to something,then it gets cancelled,it's a bummer..Celebrating 2015 at disney sounds good... clapping

Mrferret's picture
Joined: 03/02/2013
Posts: 1710

All the coolest people are going in 2015 awesome


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Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

so sorry to hear October has bit the dust..but so glad January is on the horizon!!!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Sorry CdnSquirrel, canceling sucks, but at least you have another planned!

LouisianaMike's picture
Joined: 04/22/2014
Posts: 460

I know the feeling.. sad We too had to cancel our upcoming October trip due to circumstances beyond my control, so we are planning on X-Mas Holiday trip down to WDW. yay At least it gives us something to look forward to. awesome But I sure will miss the F&W Festival greatly this year sad

PS I just can't get myself to reset my Disney ticker.. It makes me sad knowing I could be there in 8 days!! Oh well!!


Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Bummer about the canceling of October but yay for getting to plan a whole new trip! Planning is half the fun in my opinion! yay

CdnSquirrel's picture
Joined: 10/12/2013
Posts: 365

Yup! Back to the drawing board. Again!