Packing the Electronic Bags

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Packing the Electronic Bags

I'm getting ready to pack for my "working vacation" this month. That means I'll have to pack up the electronics bag. This is what generally goes into my electronics bag. Have I forgotten anything? What goes into yours?

Laptop/ Power Cord
25ft Ethernet Cable
1 Camera (2 more in suitcase)
Video Camera
Web Camera/ Power Cord
Extra USB connectors
USB Outlet Adapter
Phone Cords/adapters
Duck Tape
Xtra Batteries

Also I have considered getting one of those Apple Air Ports that creates a wireless network. Has anyone ever used one of those?

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
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Kristen I see extra batteries listed but I did not see a charger for those batteries.


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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You shouldn't need the air port Kristen if your staying on property, the free wifi has been working quite well since all the bugs are out of it. Shouldn't need the ethernet cable either. Now I say this, but don't go there with scrappy, because she'll go off on all the junk I take. wink

Oh, wait, your going to Disneyland right. Nix all this then. Don't know if they have have wireless.

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Do you want a mouse for your laptop? If I am actually working, I can only take it so long before I get sick of the little knob or pad on the laptop and go searching for a mouse to plug in.

Joined: 12/28/2011
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I have traveled overseas with only my backpack or with only an international sized carryon so I always think of how to be more efficient with electronics.
I have one battery charger and three sets of rechargable batteries. If it takes batteries, it has to be AA.

I take one camera only - a mid size that can take "big camera pics" but is easy to use and carry. Small cameras are unreliable in picture quality, IMHO

iPhone and iPad.
All these products use the same charger and cord set ups. I do pack two complete sets.

I won't take a laptop anymore now that I can take my iPad.

I don't video or webcam. I HAVE, but it is a choice I've made to keep my vacation and traveling as simple as I can.

Besides- that stuff is heavy and they make you pay for bags! Of course if I drove to WDW, I might take more. . . But as is, everything I take fits in an eagle creek half sized doppkit.


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J. R. R. Tolkien

Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
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We have so many chargers and card readers that we had to get ones that fit multiple cards/batteries. Otherwise my backpack would have nothing but chargers!

Melissa W's picture
Joined: 10/28/2011
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Surge Protector for multiple plugs?

I haven't used Apple's wireless card but I did use Verizon's for a month while on vacation and it worked great.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Vettelover - The batteries are for one of the cameras. It's a very persnickity camera and only takes energizer lithium or won't work for more than 10 minutes. I really need to replace that camera...

mrhub - Going to WDW in 20 days, but we're staying off property and I have no idea what the internet connections will be like. In fact I need to make sure we have one or my plan of a working vacation will have a lot more time in the Lobby at the Grand Floridian!

Melissa - Great Idea!!

Lizzy_B's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
Vettelover - The batteries are for one of the cameras. It's a very persnickity camera and only takes energizer lithium or won't work for more than 10 minutes. I really need to replace that camera...

mrhub - Going to WDW in 20 days, but we're staying off property and I have no idea what the internet connections will be like. In fact I need to make sure we have one or my plan of a working vacation will have a lot more time in the Lobby at the Grand Floridian!

Melissa - Great Idea!!

Ha! - There's also a Panera nearby Disney that I've been known to use when catching up on a little work away from home Smile


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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Giving this thread a bit of a bump.

I'm in the process of gathering up my equipment for our trip, and have discovered that I can't pack my new camera the way that I used to pack the old one in my electronics bag. I'm thinking that I'll be packing the electronics bag, and my full camera bag (which I guess I'll just use as my purse as well).

I also haven't decided yet if I'll be streaming video from our hotel room or if that's one thing that I'm just going to let slide on this trip because I feel like I have so much going on to begin with. It would mean less gear to haul,

How do you handle your electronics load? Do you use many bags or keep it all in one? Should I have bought a camera bag that I could fit my laptop into?

Joined: 01/09/2015
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If driving (no flying):
A small suitcase or laptop bag fits my laptop(Drunk, power bricks, chargers, cables, etc. All other luggage, clothes, toiletries go in a big suitcase.

Then I use a CaseLogic similar to this style for my semi-pro camcorder (no DSLR yet) and carry it on my shoulder along with an external cell phone battery and some other items. It's like a purse. This bag should be park ready, no chargers or anything I won't use at the parks. That way I'm ready to go as soon as we get there if our room isn't ready. We didn't have time for streaming last trip (plus we'd need to market up some viewers) - but have some footage to edit into a video trip report when I get time.

If I'm flying, I usually concern myself with surviving the trip with lost luggage, so essential toiletries and laptop go in a carry-on, which is usually a laptop bag. So unless I decide on a 2nd carry on (which I don't enjoy), the camera ends up packed deep inside the suitcase (don't leave expensive items near the zippers).

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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You have a lot more electronics than I do, I think.

If hubby brings his work laptop along - laptop in its own case, my cell phone in my small slingpack (backpack with just one strap), my Kindle also in my slingpack, and my very small digital camera in its case and with its power cord in my larger backpack.

If we bring our own laptop along - laptop and its cords in my large backpack, my camera etc. also in the backpack, the phone and Kindle in the small slingpack. This same arrangement goes if I bring my work laptop on the trip.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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In the past my rolling electronics bag used to hold my laptop, it's cables, the webcam, tripod, 2 small point and shoot cameras, chargers for the cameras, extra flash drives, USB ports, ca and a power strip. In addition to that I'd stick in a note pad, extra pens, business cads, and office related stuff I need (day planner, editorial calender, weekly checklist, research points.) AND - a change of clothes, and my prescription meds.

In addition to that my purse is big enough for my phone, it's charging cord, a battery booster, my wallet, and the travel document holder.

LOL!! I need a little *shakin my head* icon. It sounds really relaxing when I go to Disney doesn't it?

I think that since I can't get the camera into the electronics bag, that I'll rearrange my camera bag to carry as a purse. Hahaha, they're going to love me at TSA.

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I've found that just managing electronics is a pain. I had 8 things that needed charging (for 2 people) on the last trip. Why don't you eliminate the point and shoots and just use the cell phones? Unless those point and shoots are newer, and over $300, I doubt they are any better than a cell phone. Upgrade the cell phones and find a good photo app. I use an android app that has a consecutive picture talking mode and a little tripod for selfies. If you have someone else take the photo, it's not that hard for them to use your phone.

Joined: 01/09/2015
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Do you all recommend the slingpacks over a traditional shoulder "camera" sized bag? I'm sorta used to shoulder carrying and kinda resting my arm on the top of the bag... guess I'll have to try it.

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

ThatMouse wrote:
Why don't you eliminate the point and shoots and just use the cell phones? Unless those point and shoots are newer, and over $300, I doubt they are any better than a cell phone.

I think the two older kids probably can eliminate the point and shoots this year, they have iPhones and we have Memory Maker. I bought a new DSLR this year so my camera has become larger (which is why it will no longer fit in my electronics bag).

I bought a nice Kelly Moore Camera bag for my DSLR. I looked at the sling packs but I didn't think I would be comfortable with it, but I've read some good reviews. Luckily I'll have an ECV with an extra basket so I don't have to actually carry the camera bag unless I'm out of the chair.

crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
Posts: 3718

ThatMouse wrote:
Do you all recommend the slingpacks over a traditional shoulder "camera" sized bag? I'm sorta used to shoulder carrying and kinda resting my arm on the top of the bag... guess I'll have to try it.

I use my slingpack in lieu of a traditional purse on an everyday basis (because I'm more into functional than pretty). It's wonderful in that capacity, so I imagine it should work quite well as a camera bag.