Paradiso 37 reviews?

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bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3444
Paradiso 37 reviews?

mickey Now that Paradiso 37 is open in Downtown Disney, has anyone heard any reviews or seen any pictures??


May 2008 CSR mickey

SoloFriendly's picture
Joined: 08/18/2008
Posts: 556

There is a good review (with lots of photos) being promoted over at Dismarks right now:

Review and Photos of Paradiso 37

I hope the restaurant thrives and is around long enough for me to try it on my next trip, because it looks like a great restaurant for a solo diner--tons of bar seating.



bali's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Posts: 3444

SoloFriendly wrote:
There is a good review (with lots of photos) being promoted over at Dismarks right now:

Review and Photos of Paradiso 37

I hope the restaurant thrives and is around long enough for me to try it on my next trip, because it looks like a great restaurant for a solo diner--tons of bar seating.

That's great! Thanks, SF. I wonder if it'll take off, too. They've got a bunch of new and re-vamped restaurants in Downtown Disney now; hopefully they all survive.


May 2008 CSR mickey