Pros and Cons of the WDW Transportation System

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crazycatperson's picture
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TroyW wrote:
dewingedpixie wrote:
Mase wrote:

Con: No offense.... but people in wheelchairs get priority and their whole family. The reason this bugs me is say we had been waiting a long while, and already one bus has gone. They will come up, and get in there spot, and they will get first priority when we have waited the longest. I wouldn't mind if they had a spot in line, and waited like us, and if there is room, then they get on... but its just so unfair.

I'm with this. I see so many people with those carts that have them out of lazyness, or a wheelchair as a big stroller for their kids. Last year when we went and I had a broken leg we made sure to get to the bus station early. Many times FI would fold the chair and help me get to a seat so we took up less space as well.


This has kinda hit a nerve with me and not to start an argument but I'm sure that a lot of those people in the wheelchairs would GLADLY trade spots with you in line. And those that are using "them out of lazyness" might have more wrong than you are aware of.
Being dignosed with multiple sclerosis a few years ago has made me a bit more aware of how people see those with handicaps. I myself am a lucky one, so far nothing major is wrong but knowing people think this way would keep me away from public transportation even if it means I never go back!

I know there are a few folks out there who "couch potatoed" their way into wheelchairs, and I don't have much sympathy for them. But since I don't know who's who, I assume if you're in a chair, there's a good reason and you'd much rather be on foot. However, I do agree that people in wheelchairs should have to wait in line like everyone else.

RobynPrincess's picture
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TroyW wrote:
dewingedpixie wrote:
Mase wrote:

Con: No offense.... but people in wheelchairs get priority and their whole family. The reason this bugs me is say we had been waiting a long while, and already one bus has gone. They will come up, and get in there spot, and they will get first priority when we have waited the longest. I wouldn't mind if they had a spot in line, and waited like us, and if there is room, then they get on... but its just so unfair.

I'm with this. I see so many people with those carts that have them out of lazyness, or a wheelchair as a big stroller for their kids. Last year when we went and I had a broken leg we made sure to get to the bus station early. Many times FI would fold the chair and help me get to a seat so we took up less space as well.


This has kinda hit a nerve with me and not to start an argument but I'm sure that a lot of those people in the wheelchairs would GLADLY trade spots with you in line. And those that are using "them out of lazyness" might have more wrong than you are aware of.
Being dignosed with multiple sclerosis a few years ago has made me a bit more aware of how people see those with handicaps. I myself am a lucky one, so far nothing major is wrong but knowing people think this way would keep me away from public transportation even if it means I never go back!

I am so with you on this! I don't have ms but other 'invisible' problems and just HATE it when people get annoyed with me and think its cause I'm just too fat/lazy to walk.


Our Very Merry 24 nighter Nov/Dec 15
Watson's go West May 15
The one with all the birthdays Oct 14 4 Big Birthdays and a Vow Renewal thrown in
The OMG trip June 14 30th Birthday present from the hubs
Girly trip March 14 A last min cheapy week
September 13 our first all DVC stay
TR May 2013 the last min bargain trip offsite
Oct 2012 TR with a cruise!big family trip featuring the beach club, AKL, the dream and a villa offsite
TR on a budget May - June 2011offsite condo
TR Sept - Oct 2010 big family trip in an offsite villa

finngirl's picture
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I think it also depends on the driver. While we were in WDW in May, one driver first loaded people in line that would be sure to get seats, and asked them to fill the back ones first, and then keep to the front, leaving the back wheelchair loading area clear. Then he loaded the motorized scooter rider and family, and finally finished loading the bus.

I thought this was really sensible - people who had stood in line the longest got to sit down, the scooter was loaded easily, and the last people on would have been last on anyway, and could arrange themselves around the scooter. I don't know if this was against Disney protocol, since I've never seen it done that way before, but I was impressed with how efficient and quick it was.

I try not to judge people using wheelchairs and scooters. Disabilities can be invisible, and someone may be able to walk short distances, but not be up to longer jaunts. I'm not there yet, but with osteo/knee/heart problems, that could be me someday, and I'd hope that people wouldn't assume the worst because I LOOK healthy.



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Kristen K.'s picture
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TroyW I hear you. I frequently need an ECV or wheelchair when I go to Disney because of my Fibromyalgia.

I've spoken many times on this forum about how rude people have been to me because they assume I'm just fat and lazy. If they only knew how painful the decision to get in that chair really is, how awful it is to be on the borderline where you're okay at one point of the day and then suddenly take a turn for the worse never knowing when that action that puts you over the edge will come. It's heart wrenching for me to make the choice to climb into an EVC, I don't use one at home but there I can better anticipate what the day is going to hold and where my limits are. At Disney, all bets are off. I don't want to be crippled, I don't want to have limitations, I don't want to be in that chair. But I'll be derned if I'm going to let my physical limitations keep me from enjoying Disney.

For a stranger to look at me, they wouldn't know that there is something wrong. Fibromyalgia give no outward signs of the searing pain, extreme fatigue, misfiring nerves, and cognitive fog that it comes with. My best friend and my husband can tell when I'm at my limits, but they're the only ones. The fact is, that you can not fairly judge anyone sitting in a wheelchair as "just lazy" you simply never know what is going on in their life or inside their body.

I'm not saying that there aren't people who get a chair "for fun", there are always idiots around. But I also know how gut wrenching and painful it can be to make the choice to use a chair at WDW. Random Tourists making assumptions about the state of my physical being and being rude about it, doesn't help. Unless one is some sort of medical savant, you just can't assume to know what's going on with another one. Kindness and compassion need to be the popular course of action. No calling them fat and lazy.

The Cookie Crumbler's picture
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Well said, Kristen! My mother had both cancer and fibro, and she was cautious going anywhere far from home because she never know how she would feel that day and didn't want to be embarrassed. Can't stand it when people make assumptions.

And finngirl, I've never seen a bus driver anywhere use that method of loading passengers, but it is very practical. Wish it was implemented more often.


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subvetss's picture
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Well many of you have seen the pictures I have posted, in the past 3+ years of my late wife Jan in her power chair getting on a Disney bus. I sure wish she she haden't needed the chair and I could have her still with me.
I DO take offence. You might notice, next time on one of the busses, there is a sign that states you must give up these seats for handicap. If they didn't allow handicap to get on first you might be asked to give up your seat and stand up. Handicaps are also the last to be let off the bus so useualy wind up the last in any of the other lines like getting unto rides or the parks.
Take it for what it's worth. I'm too old to worry about such things.
Sorry guys but thats a sore subject to me.

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didyoucall911's picture
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My family, and I had a 1 1/2 hour bus ride thru Disney in July of 2010. Not sure if the driver was new, or just new to the route, but it was a long ride from Downtown, to AKL. I've decided since then ( being I normally drive down from Jersey), that it's just as easy to drive myself to where ever I want to go, rather than take the bus. I usually enjoy the boat, and the monorail.


The Cookie Crumbler's picture
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didyoucall911 wrote:
My family, and I had a 1 1/2 hour bus ride thru Disney in July of 2010. Not sure if the driver was new, or just new to the route, but it was a long ride from Downtown, to AKL. I've decided since then ( being I normally drive down from Jersey), that it's just as easy to drive myself to where ever I want to go, rather than take the bus. I usually enjoy the boat, and the monorail.

That's awful, I can't remember being on a bus for more than a half hour with traffic.


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Kristen K.'s picture
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didyoucall911 wrote:
My family, and I had a 1 1/2 hour bus ride thru Disney in July of 2010. Not sure if the driver was new, or just new to the route, but it was a long ride from Downtown, to AKL. I've decided since then ( being I normally drive down from Jersey), that it's just as easy to drive myself to where ever I want to go, rather than take the bus. I usually enjoy the boat, and the monorail.

An hour and a half!? That's just crazy, did he get lost?

Sammy Bizzle's picture
Joined: 02/23/2012
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the disney transportation really brings out the worst in people... after a long day people are tired and sometimes a little cranky. On the bus ride home I remember getting screamed at by a woman because she rolled her stroller into me... I do like that your group can split up easier, like we always do. Some people can head to Hollywood studios while others go to Epcot, or whichever.


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didyoucall911's picture
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Kristen K. wrote:
didyoucall911 wrote:
My family, and I had a 1 1/2 hour bus ride thru Disney in July of 2010. Not sure if the driver was new, or just new to the route, but it was a long ride from Downtown, to AKL. I've decided since then ( being I normally drive down from Jersey), that it's just as easy to drive myself to where ever I want to go, rather than take the bus. I usually enjoy the boat, and the monorail.

An hour and a half!? That's just crazy, did he get lost?

Yeah, he got lost. He went to typhoon lagoon ( it had been closed for 2 hours by then), then went by SSR, back to Downtown, and after another missed turned or two finally got back to AKL Jambo house. That was out first time that we stayed on site at WDW. We had a good enough time on our vacation for me to join the DVC though, despite our scenic tour.


finngirl's picture
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didyoucall911 wrote:
Kristen K. wrote:
didyoucall911 wrote:
My family, and I had a 1 1/2 hour bus ride thru Disney in July of 2010. Not sure if the driver was new, or just new to the route, but it was a long ride from Downtown, to AKL. I've decided since then ( being I normally drive down from Jersey), that it's just as easy to drive myself to where ever I want to go, rather than take the bus. I usually enjoy the boat, and the monorail.

An hour and a half!? That's just crazy, did he get lost?

Yeah, he got lost. He went to typhoon lagoon ( it had been closed for 2 hours by then), then went by SSR, back to Downtown, and after another missed turned or two finally got back to AKL Jambo house. That was out first time that we stayed on site at WDW. We had a good enough time on our vacation for me to join the DVC though, despite our scenic tour.

Wow. I think they need to add gps units in the buses, just in case. It must be really hard to learn all the routes. I'm always glad I'm not trying to navigate around the parks - we'd probably get lost at least once. I bought DH a keychain gps, (he doesn't have a smart phone), because he can (and did!) get lost just going to get a coffee at the food court. laugh



Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.

MrHub's picture
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Follow the signs, don't go by GPS in Disney, you will never, ever get to where you are going!
If you follow the signs you will have no problem what so ever!

Mase's picture
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Just an FYI... the thing that bothers me the most out of the wheelchair is just what I said. I remember twice on our last trip and it was the same waiting for a bus... coming from Epcot after the fireworks, we waited close to an hour for our turn on the bus. The third bus we were able to get on. The two previous had wheelchairs. They just rolled up and got right on. Normal circumstances I am usually fine with this. But the first family had 10 people with them. So the wheelchair got on, and and then the 10 people got on (I counted). So a total of around 14 seats gone like that, and they waited one minute when at this time we were at 25 minutes. So its moments like that to me that make the situation unfair. I understand that people need them, but 10 extra people got to get on right then and there. When its just a couple and a wheelchair... thats fine. No worries... but its when you got that one wheelchair... with a HUGE group that makes it unfair.


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Kristen K.'s picture
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Mase wrote:
So the wheelchair got on, and and then the 10 people got on (I counted). So a total of around 14 seats gone like that, and they waited one minute when at this time we were at 25 minutes. So its moments like that to me that make the situation unfair. I understand that people need them, but 10 extra people got to get on right then and there. When its just a couple and a wheelchair... thats fine. No worries... but its when you got that one wheelchair... with a HUGE group that makes it unfair.

This sounds like a failure in the bus queueing system. That's not the fault of the people in the wheelchair, nor should they be punished or scorned for it. Most people that I know who use chairs, go to where it's marked for them to wait and sit patiently for further direction.

Should a party be forced to spilt up just because one of their members is in a wheelchair? In the parks you can only take 5 people with you into an "alternate" entrance. But what if only one person in that group of 10 had a clue of where they were all going? Getting on a bus is different than waiting at the exit of a ride where you were all in the same area to begin with.

Short of putting a cast member at the front of every bus line to make sure things go smoothly, I'm not sure there's a reasonable answer to the problem. There's no way for the bus drivers to know who was in line first or where that break off point should be.

What would be an acceptable way to fix this issue? Does anyone have any creative ideas?

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Since we have never been on a bus I have no real idea how the lines are formed. But, it seems to me the easiest solution to that problem would be to have everyone (even those in chairs) to wait in the same line. When their turn comes up they get on. That way it would not matter if the group with the person in the chair was 2 or 22.
Just happened to think that if they like to load the chairs first then all they would have to do is still wait in same line as everyone else and when they get to the front or even near the front they then get off to the side to be first on the next bus.

subvetss's picture
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One wheel chair takes up 3 seats. Two takes up 6. If a wheel chair is loaded the people in those seats must surrender them. Imagine the chaos involved in that senerio. If you consider all of the creative minds that put Disney together don't you think they have already worked out the best solution? In the 56 trips that Jan and I have made to Disney we have been chair loaded on a bus roughly 500 times. I can't remember ever seeing more than 3 additional people get on with a chair, although I don't deny that it could happen though rarely.


Mase's picture
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Yeah... this happened twice. The other group... same night had 6. Not as much, but thats still 9 seats taken up. If it was just Jess and I... I wouldn't sweat it too much... but when 2 kids are involved.... and its late................


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Mase's picture
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Oh... also.... ill gladly stand to let a wheelchair take a place, but my children also deserve a seat as well. As long as they can sit, I'm fine with a wheelchair coming in.


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subvetss's picture
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Some years ago a young friend, in about his early 40s, said to me. "Joe! I think I have reached the age where I am gaining wisdom." I said " Great! Now in about 15 or 20 years you will learn how to use it."

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Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
Posts: 5438

subvetss wrote:
Some years ago a young friend, in about his early 40s, said to me. "Joe! I think I have reached the age where I am gaining wisdom." I said " Great! Now in about 15 or 20 years you will learn how to use it."

Love that! Just love it!


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