Put your best wrist forward please

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Vettelover's picture
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Put your best wrist forward please

Just read about this new technology that is in the planning stages but I have mixed feelings about it. What is your take on it.


DVC Mom's picture
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That seems pretty cool. I can remember several changes in ticket media, and I really like that they could put everything all in one with the wristband. I'm sure that there will be some growing pains involved, but I like the potential it has. The question is, as always, can it live up to that potential?


Trueblue63's picture
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I'm not sure if this is easier or better than cards. I'm wondering how this will work at a water park and I'm curious if they are going to tie it into an advance system for fast passes, would it restrict how many you can get one for a certain attraction.

So far I'm not that excited by the RFID announcement.


Joined: 09/12/2010
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I hate it. I don't like wearing things on my wrist period and would not like wearing this at all. I'd opt out.

Catherine's picture
Joined: 04/25/2011
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Hmmm, I kinda like it!

Freya's picture
Joined: 08/12/2011
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I really like that idea. I've lost and left behind room keys before, but that would be a lot harder for me to do if it was on my wrist. And I like the idea of everything being in the bracelet instead of having a few cards to keep track of.




Kasey O'Connor's picture
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JeffC wrote:
I hate it. I don't like wearing things on my wrist period and would not like wearing this at all. I'd opt out.


Mase's picture
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Kasey O'Connor wrote:
JeffC wrote:
I hate it. I don't like wearing things on my wrist period and would not like wearing this at all. I'd opt out.


Im with you guys. I hate wearing things on my wrists and hands... especially with my arthritis. I dont even wear my wedding ring because it hurts. I understand how this will make things sooooooooooooo much easier... but why cant this just be used like the card. Advance the card. I know its easier to lose the card... but ugggggggggggg........ seriously... who really like a wrist band tan line? How about give me a shot with the chip in it and put it in my butt.... wanna open the door? Use your buttox. Wanna pay for something... use your buttox. Wanna go through the turn style.... use your buttox!


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MrHub's picture
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rolling rolling rolling You kill me Mase!
And my vote would be no thank you for the braclet.

Joined: 08/16/2011
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I much prefer the bracelet idea to the butt-chip!

Seriously though, from reading the article I think that this will just be an option and won't replace the paper tickets. There will always be people who would rather not wear a wrist band, or can't wear one for a medical reason. For me, I think the bracelets are a brilliant idea. It will save me from fishing around in my bag for my ticket every time I want a fastpass...or getting stuck behind someone else who is having the same problem finding their ticket in their bag!

ChipnDaleFan's picture
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I love the idea but my husband doesn't. He feels like he'd be being tracked lol.


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Mase's picture
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mrhub wrote:
rolling rolling rolling You kill me Mase!
And my vote would be no thank you for the braclet.

Thats what happens when I type when im in a bad mood... lol biggrin


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DVC Mom's picture
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ROTFLOL! Mase that's a riot.

I know it's wrong, but I would totally let Disney Chip me. Maybe that is how they would handle guests who wanted a super deluxe lifetime passport. LOL.


Mase's picture
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DVC Mom wrote:
ROTFLOL! Mase that's a riot.

I know it's wrong, but I would totally let Disney Chip me. Maybe that is how they would handle guests who wanted a super deluxe lifetime passport. LOL.


And here is the kicker (pun can be intended if so choose) but (ha! pun again!) rather than getting a new one every year... you renew, and just have them scan your buttox and reload it!


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Jess's picture
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mrhub wrote:
rolling rolling rolling You kill me Mase!
And my vote would be no thank you for the braclet.

Why do I have a feeling my husband was the cause of your heart attack... Lol


J.P.'s picture
Joined: 12/08/2010
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I, too, am all for the implantable butt chip. Where do I get one and how much??
Mase, you're a genius.

As for the wristlet, I like the idea for convenience. I also always wear a watch so it won't bother me in the least.
I'm sure you can also clip the wristlet onto a belt loop for easy use.

Taswira's picture
Joined: 08/17/2011
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I don't like it. I hate wristbands (already have to wear them for special events). But the clincher, if you read the entire article, is: "some parts are supposedly in the testing stage and Disney is currently doing some heavy market research to see just how much guests will pay for the extras."

Bottom line, folks? Sure it's high-tech, but Disney is looking for more ways to earn more DOLLARS from Guests! Count me out, if I will even have that option. eek

Lizzy_B's picture
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Ya know...I don't really care one way or the other. I'd like to know if they plan to extend this to APs though. Keeping a card in my purse for "last minute Disney trips" is easier than toting around all of the family's bracelets, I'm thinking.


DVC Mom's picture
Joined: 08/13/2011
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Lizzy_B - What a great insight! I hadn't even considered the pain it would be to carry around a family's worth of wristbands for spur of the moment trips. I agree, if that were the case for us I would feel very inconvenienced by them. I can remember when I was about 10 we had to wear our tickets, that was while the coupon books were being phased out. You can see it hanging from the front of my jacket in the picture below. However, it was still paper and could be easily tucked into a purse.

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Taswira - Smile Yes, they want to earn more dollars, it is a business. Businesses generally need to make money in order to maintain their facilities, offer a great guest experience, and continue to have guests return. The parks and experiences that happen within them need to continue to grow and change so that there is always something new and unique. From everything I've heard, this money making venture is geared towards enhancing the guest experience, through unique technological advances. Does the nifty chip wristband cost more for the guest? Sure! That's because it costs more for Disney, as guests we can't expect this business to just eat the research, development and manufacturing costs. As a shareholder, if Disney stopped looking for ways to make money, I'd be very upset. muchlove


Taswira's picture
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Sure they are looking to make money, but the goal will probably be for the wristbands to replace the KTTW cards altogether. In the current economy, I just don't feel it's the right time to head that direction. If it's ONLY an option, fine, but I doubt they are investing their research and testing for "an option." If it works, it will become the standard, like it or not. And if the wristbands are removable (may not be for security reasons?), I'm betting more of those will be lost than the KTTW cards. wink

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Lizzy_B wrote:
Ya know...I don't really care one way or the other. I'd like to know if they plan to extend this to APs though. Keeping a card in my purse for "last minute Disney trips" is easier than toting around all of the family's bracelets, I'm thinking.

I'm kinda with you Lizzy, still digesting the idea, but right now don't have an opinion. I keep a Disney bag packed all the time w passes, rain coats, sunscreen and a few other necessities, so we just grab the bag and go. I'd just keep the bracelets in the bag I guess.



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DeaverTex's picture
Joined: 05/19/2011
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If you take a good look at the bands in the picture, they're removable. That's probably good and bad, but it will at least groups use a FP runner. But, while one member is going for FP, the rest of the group won't be able to do much.

I don't think I'd want one of these tied to my credit card, though.


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Brandmaster's picture
Joined: 08/23/2011
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As long as there is an opt-out option... Its not that advanced... My library has these RFID chips in the books! waiting


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