Reosrt Hotel Pool Time?

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803
Reosrt Hotel Pool Time?

Do you plan pool time into your vacation, or is it more of an afterthought? Do you swim, or just lounge in the sun?

Share your tip for the best and worst Disney pool experiences here! Where have you had the best days?

Is there anything that really ruins your pool time?

finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
Posts: 1072

We definitely plan pool time. DH loves floating around in any pool. I can't say we do any serious swimming, but it's a very relaxing way to spend an hour or two in the afternoon.

I love the "quiet" pools at POR - well, at least when they are quiet! When we were there in May, there was a family with teenage boys that just took over the pool every afternoon - throwing balls, jumping and splashing, etc. There were quite a few smaller children there also, and it actually was quite dangerous for them at times. Unfortunately, the parents did not respond well when one of the other parents asked them to tone it down. Inconsiderate parents=inconsiderate children. yuck

Apparently the ducks love the quiet pools too - almost every day we were there, the CM's were shooing them out of the pool. It was actually quite funny, and the little ones loved it.



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drj898's picture
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Well starting with this trip, and following a trend, we'll spend pool time during the heat of the afternoon.

This trip on MK and DHS days, we'll spend the 1pm to dinnertime stretch in/around the pool. I think it's a great day to get away from crowds and heat/humidity on hot and busy/peak times at WDW like we'll have in another week and a half.

Hope it goes well lol.. crossfingers awesome

Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
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Depends for us.... we only plan it if the kids are really hassling us. Other than that... we try to spend most of our time in the parks


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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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I usually spend most of my time at the parks, but on our Disneyland trip I discovered that the planned day "off" was a really awesome addition to our vacation. I think I may try and do more of that in the future.

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WE don't really plan it, but we always take a mid-afternoon break from the parks and head back to the resort. Most of the time we hit the pool just to work in some R & R. Joe likes to read and I liked to get wet - refreshes me.

I will say we had the most fun at the Beach Club pool. That place is just awesome!

I can't say we've ever had a negative experience yet crossfingers crossfingers

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We have never planned pool time into our trips but then again we do not plan all that much except for our meals. Since we have started braving the hot summer heat and doing summer trips, we have begun to use the pools a little. We have ended up going to the pool once on each of our summer trips. I really did enjoy it each time but I still would not plan a day just to make sure we made it to the pool.

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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My friends usually plan pool time in the afternoon. It depends for me. I'll spend a couple of afternoons by the pool with them. Other days I'll stay in the park and meet them at the resort later.


crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
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We never plan pool time. We have pools at home. But we don't go to WDW in the summer, so we've never encountered the kind of heat that would drive us out of the park and into a pool.

The Cookie Crumbler's picture
Joined: 06/10/2012
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Never really planned it, but pool time just seems like the thing to do once I'm settled back into the resort for the evening. It's a nice way to relax when the adrenaline of the day is running through you.


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disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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I didn't even bring a bathing suit this time. I just cannot pull myself away from the parks. I am with crazycat....I have pools at home too. all fairness, when I had those 4 kiddos, we did return to Ft Wildnerness or All Star Music in the PM for some swimming, and a sanity break for mom. mickey Even the best kids whine in the summer heat.

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We keep the pools as an option usually. That way everyone knows that the day may be interrupted with down time. We also take a day off or two during the longer visits to "decompress" from the parks.

I really feel that if you've really rigidly structured your time in WDW you are in for trouble. It's better to be flexible. Besides you're going to be coming back in the future, so who cares if you miss something this time.

Melissa W's picture
Joined: 10/28/2011
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With a little one, we always schedule one resort day, usually on Wednesday. We will spend time at the resort, the pool and maybe head to Downtown Disney that day too.

dontthrowsand's picture
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My plan is to not plan and just do as I feel like it.

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
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DH doesn't know how to swim, but I'm hoping to talk him into some down time in the (shallow end!) of the pools at least this trip!

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Yes! We usually hit the pool the day we drive up and just chill out. Last year when we stayed at POFQ, my kids were so obsessed with the "Sea Serpent" slide, we left MK at around 5pm so they could swim. We usually try to make it back to our resort so we can have some pool time. If you are staying at the Beach or Yacht Club you just CANNOT pass "Storm Along Bay". That is the BEST pool ever!

Belinda's picture
Joined: 08/09/2012
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We never plan pool time. We tend to hop into the pool after a full day of park hopping. mickey


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Hardy0109's picture
Joined: 07/19/2012
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Mase wrote:
Depends for us.... we only plan it if the kids are really hassling us. Other than that... we try to spend most of our time in the parks

This is what we do. We go as we please. No real plan for it. We don't like to waste park time.


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RobynPrincess's picture
Joined: 03/14/2010
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We don't spend a huge time in the pools as we are both on the 'large' side, getting into bathing suits is a bit soul destroying! I'm planning some time this trip though as we're going to be staying at the beach club with stormalong bay Smile


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TR May 2013 the last min bargain trip offsite
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I am not a swimmer and I understand where you are coming from Robyn. I always say the world is not ready for me in a bathing suit - and neither am I. laugh