Riding Rides with Back Problems?

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Riding Rides with Back Problems?

Hi all! I'm SO excited for my trip in August. However, in early May I suffered a badly herniated disc which is still causing a lot of sciatica pain. I've just started physical therapy, and my therapist is confident that I'll be able to go on the trip. I'm worried about going on rides though! I LOVE all rides. But should I skip the more intense ones? Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm worried I won't be able to walk and have to cancel the trip, but even if I can walk fine, I'm hesitant about going if I can't enjoy my favorite part--the rides!!! I'm so worried I'll have to be wheeled around. Actually, sitting is least comfortable, so even that won't work!




Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
Posts: 2485

You may have to skip the roller coasters. They are smooth rides but they can get a little jerky. You may also have to skip like Splash Mountain as well. They do have warnings posted at the attractions saying that if you have health problems, you may not want to ride or ride with caution.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
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Seriously, with that kind of problem and just getting over it, I wouldn't go on any of the rides. I have a co worker that was out of work close to 6 months because of that. Is it worth getting injured seriously again just to go on a ride? Id listen to your doctor. If he/she says you can do it, thats different.

AnnielovesDisney's picture
Joined: 09/12/2013
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My husband had a herniated disc in his back in 2010. He avoided any rides for about six months and for almost a year after that he had to be very careful about the rides he rode at WDW. We go to WDW about 30-40 days a year and we LOVE the rides. But because of his back, there are some days we still have to avoid certain rides.

These are the rides that my husband avoided for almost a year after his herniated disc:
1. BTMR: it is VERY jerky and bumpy. I would not ride this if I was in your position.
2. Space Mountain: he still can't ride this one because it really hurts his back. But, he is almost 6'5, 280, built like a linebacker, so that could be part of the problem too.
3. Rock n' Roller Coaster: He definitely had to avoid this one. It really throws you around! We still have to avoid this some days.
4.TSM: This is a surprisingly jerky ride too. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and some days this rides hurts me too!

On the plus side, the 7dwarfs mine train is a REALLY smooth ride. There is no jerking or bumping around at all. You can definitely ride this one. The ToT didn't hurt his back either. We've only recently tried Splash Mountain, but you shouldn't have too much of an issue with this ride. It's only bumpy in a few places.You also shouldn't have a problem with PoTC , HM, GMR and UTS as long as you can get in and out of the vehicles.

Knowing the pain my husband was in for months, he wouldn't have been able to ride any rides within 3 months of his herniated disc. Good luck!!!

oldtink's picture
Joined: 03/11/2014
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About 15 yrs ago, I had a herniated disk and it was gruelling. But I found it was the long sitting or standing without variation that caused more discomfort than the actual motion. You didn't mention where in the spine and mine was more mid back. I did eventually do rides, but in your situation go with what your therapist suggests, ALWAYS do the stretches he/she recommends faithfully, and carry plenty of anti-inflammatory along with those cool/hot patches or the icy hot rub. It does help. Oh, and REALLY good shoes with, if you can stand the heat, the brace or shirt that supports the area.

FYI to all - Icy Hot has a foot cream for after a loooong day of walking....feels really good.


"At some point in life you have to decide if you're the Tigger or the Eeyore."...Randy Pausch

"George Banks and all he stands for will be saved. Maybe not in life, but in imagination. Because that's what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again." Walt Disney

Nancy D's picture
Joined: 05/29/2012
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I'd watch out for Dinosaur, too. It's pretty jerky and bouncy!

Good tip about the Icy Hot foot cream, oldtink!

oldtink's picture
Joined: 03/11/2014
Posts: 867

Just as a hint/help/whatever...there are these t-shirts you can buy in the ladies undie department that are intended to .um......slim or um...smooth the rolls in the midriff? Okay, when I broke the ribs a few months back, they put this rib wrap thing on me with velcro. I am already long torso, so it rolled constantly and the velcro rubbed my sensitive skin to nut land. So, a friend who had also gone thru a ruptured disk (not herniated) suggested one of these skin tight t-shirts (they have a stretch to them, but they can be as tight as they come in various sizes. Aside from feeling like I was vacuumed packed, mr ribs were amazingly less painful AND the spot in my back that is always weak was supported! If I could stand it in the heat I would wear it more.

So if you have a weak part of the back, and either gender can wear them (although you might want a lady to purchase) they are amazing...but are warm in the summer. bighug

The Icy Hot foot cream does have a wonderful side story. I use to use it all summer to soften and ease the feet cramps I deal with. BUT in the morning I noticed that the end of my bed has all these wet spots! My cat thinks it's catnip on steroids and will suckle (he's 16) the comforter after he unsuccessfully tried to get under the covers (he would lick my feet if given the opportunity. I only now carry it for trips and use a different one at home. laugh


"At some point in life you have to decide if you're the Tigger or the Eeyore."...Randy Pausch

"George Banks and all he stands for will be saved. Maybe not in life, but in imagination. Because that's what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again." Walt Disney

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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Great suggestions tink - and the cat story is a hoot. I have an elderly kittie who will occasionally do that with a soft bathroom rug. Whatever makes him happy.


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Hey everyone. Thanks for the suggestions. After talking to my doctor and realizing my deposit was due this week, I have decided to bow out of the trip Sad I'm SO bummed. Hopefully, I'll be going with my SO in March, as some friends are getting married in Orlando. Does anyone have any tips to get over the funk of not going after all the planning?




MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Hey Mel, sorry, but it might be for the best. Just keep planning. If your talking March 2015, that's not really that far away.

Joined: 04/22/2014
Posts: 45

Mel_ wrote:
Does anyone have any tips to get over the funk of not going after all the planning?

Liquor. wink

Seriously, though, if you're thinking about trying again in March, focus on that. Make a list of where you might like to go and what you might like to do. Make a Disney song playlist. To paraphrase Walt himself, "Don't look back, keep moving forward."

kathys's picture
Joined: 12/01/2013
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Matt_Black wrote:
Mel_ wrote:
Does anyone have any tips to get over the funk of not going after all the planning?

Liquor. wink

Seriously, though, if you're thinking about trying again in March, focus on that. Make a list of where you might like to go and what you might like to do. Make a Disney song playlist. To paraphrase Walt himself, "Don't look back, keep moving forward."

Great paraphrase.




Joined: 04/22/2014
Posts: 45

kathys wrote:
Matt_Black wrote:
Mel_ wrote:
Does anyone have any tips to get over the funk of not going after all the planning?

Liquor. wink

Seriously, though, if you're thinking about trying again in March, focus on that. Make a list of where you might like to go and what you might like to do. Make a Disney song playlist. To paraphrase Walt himself, "Don't look back, keep moving forward."

Great paraphrase.

I stole half of that paraphrase from Meet the Robinsons (love that little tribute to Walt at the end; such a great movie).