Ridley Pearson was in Orlando for a couple days doing book signings for Kingdom Keepers VII. I worked until 12:30 am on March 26 then I got naturally woke up at 7:40 am on March 27 (I think my biological alarm clock thought I had to work). I got dressed and got everything I needed, got gas then I headed to Disney's Hollywood Studios. I got there a few minutes before 9 am and joined the massive lines. I stopped at a fastpass kiosk location to quickly set up my fastpasses for TSMM 9:20-10:20, TOT 10:20-11:20 and Star Tours 11:20-12:20. I headed to the Writers Stop to find a two hour line to get autographs. We were told that we were in the secondary standby line. The regular line and standby line were both full. We were told multiple times that it would be very slim for us to get an autograph. The cms from Writers Stop gave out samples of the Carrot Cake Cookie and Chocolate Chip Cookie. Two of the Disney Ambassadors were in the line talking to us. I got a thank you from the one because I work FP+ at MK. That meant a lot to me. The line winded in front of the News Stand so we could pick up copies of all of the Kingdom Keeper books. The were sold out of book VI but I got book VII. They had some nice cms right after we bought the books to put our name down on a post it note so Ridley knew who to personalize it to.
I had made friends with lady in front of me who is a fourth grade teacher from Miami. Once we got to the Writers Stop, we told the cm that we were together. She took a picture of me with Ridley and we took a selfie with him even though they said no pictures. lol Everyone was taking pictures but the line moved faster then it was. He wasn't personalizing by that point but I didn't care. Once we got the autographs and pictures, I gave the nice lady my phone number so she could send me the pictures she took. By this time it was 11:10 and I had to get over to TOT for my fastpass. I made it just in time for my fastpass. I had the best ride sequence ever. I was boarded with some spring breakers that were very loud in the elevator. I stopped at Sweet Spells to get some coffee and a Carrot Cake Cookie for breakfast then headed over towards Star Tours for my fastpass time. I had to change my TSMM fastpass time and they got me 6:00-7:00 since that was the only time available.
I had eaten my carrot cake cookie but walked around to drink my coffee which was horrible and ended up throwing out some of it because I couldn't stand the taste of it anymore. I went to Star Tours then headed out to my car afterwards since I was tired. It was an awesome day and glad I got up early to get the book and get it signed.